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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…We are Jewish Jerusalemites—residents by choice of a battered city, a city used and abused, ransacked time and again first by foreign conquerors and now by its own politicians. We cannot recognize our city in the sentimental abstraction you call by its name. Our Jerusalem is concrete, its hills covered with limestone houses and pine trees; its streets lined with synagogues, mosques, and churches. Your Jerusalem is an ideal, an object of prayers an…

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On Pi Day, Puzzling Over the Most Famous Transcendental Number

…as partly because of Cantor’s effort to grasp the infinite, and partly because he was ridiculed by so many mathematicians who refused to try. Supercomputers might let researchers expand our understanding of pi. But even then, the task is endless. When people search for pi, they search for the infinite. They’ll never reach it, as long as they’re finite beings with finite imaginations. But there’s some wonder that comes with trying. Some satisfactio…

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‘Politicized Religion’ Doesn’t Explain Evangelical Support of Donald Trump

…s this common understanding of the relation of religion and politics truly useful? In critiquing the “politicizing” of evangelical Christianity, for example, Prothero implies that evangelicals’ authentic or essential identity is something other than “political,” which is to say, of course, that it is properly “religious.” The notion of “politicized religion” relies on the assumption that religion is apolitical in nature, and that religion and poli…

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Fascinating History of Search for “Lost White Tribe” Sheds Light on Construction of Race

…e same as naming a mountain or charting the source of a river, though, because, once again, race is not a natural feature. It’s a classification; a taxonomic tool; a construct. And it generally reveals more about the seer than about the object of sight. The human form is diverse. Maybe these explorers did see people whom a modern American would code as white. Maybe not. As Robinson demonstrates in The Lost White Tribe, the better questions here ha…

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LGBT Editor In Bangladesh Murdered by Islamists—and More, In this Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…website : ‘There’s been a disturbing video that’s been making its rounds, promoting a Christian lady who’s a lesbian and Christian at the same time. She’s promoting the virtue of being a happy homosexual Christian. I find this very disturbing and misleading.’ He slams Pastor Pauline Ong of Free Community Church, who identifies herself as a gay believer. Yang calls gay Christians an oxymoron: ‘A homosexual Christian is an oxymoron. You cannot live…

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Body of Work: Remembering Daniel Berrigan, 1921-2016

…klit by fast-dimming snowlight. He scanned the Stations of the Cross. He paused, delayed. A tight suspenseful silence ensued. I thought I saw some anguishing in his deliberation. Maybe he wanted to say one thing, but, feeling constrained, had to say another. Maybe I read too much into it. “Just because you can’t do everything,” he said, “doesn’t mean you have to do nothing.” One-part koan, one-part Jesuit equivocation? Berrigan was a poet. You had…

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Why Conservative Evangelicals Won’t Let Us Pee in Peace

…but that view hasn’t been shared even within their own communion. The SBC used to be marked by diversity in belief and practice, but now it marches ever closer to a rigid, centralized orthodoxy that would have been anathema to its founders. Mohler was and is part of the movement that created that situation. So likewise, this business of Southern Baptist conservatives being a threatened minority just trying to maintain its way of life is baloney….

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…groups regarded Istanbul’s gay pride event as immoral. “Religion is always used as an excuse to start riots on freedom,” he said. “The LGBT community in Turkey is a little divided about whether people should march or not,” said Mr Akpinar. “It’s not only about this latest threat of ultra-nationalists who might attack people, but if you look at the recent history of Turkey, we’ve had so many bombings and attacks. “So people are afraid it might be a…

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Religious Resistance to Bolivian Gender Law; US Religious Right Celebrates Court OK For Romanian Marriage Initiative; Will LGBTs Be Banned from Indonesian TV?; Global LGBT Recap

…Gary Antonio Rodrígues Alvarez even warned that the concept of “hate,” as used to define crimes committed against gays because of their sexuality, is “highly dangerous.” Romania: Court approves marriage initiative backed by US religious right groups The U.S.-based religious right legal group Liberty Counsel put out a press release taking some credit for the Constitutional Court of Romania granting approval to a proposed voter initiative to consti…

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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

…g “bathroom privacy” is a thinly veiled (and well-documented) scare-tactic used to demonize transgender people who simply want to use the restroom in peace. It’s that last “threat” which Staver, and Liberty Counsel in general, have been tirelessly “defending” against since it became clear that the so-called culture wars had been lost over legal marriage equality. The organization has invested substantial resources in battling each incremental step…

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