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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…f heart” immediately translates into open borders. The statement gives no tools for discernment, because the important distinctions between philosophical perspective and a theological perspective are not made. The concepts derived from scriptural admonitions to “render unto Caesar” (Matt. 22:21) and to submit to governing authorities (Romans 13) were emphasized throughout. Just Plain Mean I came away from the event feeling that these analysts and…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…York Times review ends with a note on its “R” rating since, “It has fake bloodshed and real nudity”: This difference is crucial.) Cassidy and Randy each work double lives, between their bodies as commodities and their bodies that have to pay the rent and support their children. Somewhere in all the meat are identities, struggling for birth. Each carries multiple names: Cassidy is “Pam,” while Randy “The Ram” Robinson is actually “Robin Raminski”—h…

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Doubt v. Predator: A Vatican II Parable

…50 years; most obviously the abuse scandals, but also the shrinking priesthood, the changing role of women, the civil rights movement, and the cross-pollination of secular and religious cultures. Set in a Bronx Catholic school in 1964 (taken from Shanley’s own childhood experience), the school’s principal, Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep), is almost comically tyrannical. The parish priest, Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman), is unconventional, al…

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Why Conservatives Really Oppose Federal Aid for the ‘Undeserving’

…actually sacred — a type of knowledge Trump has never displayed. To him, choosing Easter must have been like selecting Independence Day or Arbor Day or Groundhog Day — a useful date on which to hang a ploy. Likewise, Paul Waldman is baffled by Lindsey Graham’s attacks on nurses: “You know, the ones who right now are risking their lives to treat coronavirus patients, and are in some cases forced to wear trash bags because their hospitals have run o…

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RDBook: Apocalypse Without God

…tudies. Starting in the late 90s, though, Taylor ventured far afield with books on architecture, computer networks, economic markets, and even Las Vegas. In 2006, he released a book of photographs of animal skeletons in the desert. Taylor’s most recent book, After God, gathers these pieces together into a wide-ranging manifesto. He insists that the major social, ecological, and technological trends of today’s world are not in some way “outside” re…

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Romney Goes to Bat Against Reid in Nevada

…opulation) about comments by Angle’s pastor deriding the LDS Church as a “kooky” “cult.” More likely, it’s a move by Romney to appear relevant in the context of a Tea Party-infused, mortgage-meltdown-fueled voter backlash in Nevada. Nevada is about as volatile a place as you’ll find in the American West right now. It has the highest rate of mortgage foreclosures, mortgage fraud, unemployment, and bankruptcy in the nation. Over the last two decades…

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Can a Greek Monastery Be Ground Zero of Global Financial Meltdown?

…calls “financial-disaster tourism,” Lewis went to Greece in search of the root causes for the very particular, and particularly shocking, form the 2007-2008 economic meltdown took in Greece.   The main lines of this story are well known by now: a glut of global credit not only invited but actually encouraged people to live beyond their means. Americans bought houses they could not afford; everyone who got out in time made fortunes in the stock mar…

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Religion Profs Critique PBS’ God Documentary, Call it Simplistic

…people lacking PhDs? On blogs, religion and history listserves, and chat rooms around the country, academics have labeled the series “oversimplified,” “truly bizarre,” “simplistic,” “intolerable,” “uneventful,” “underwhelming.” Essentially they are calling the series not enough of an “intellectual endeavor.” Furthermore, according to the Ivory Tower critics (who certainly have a deep tolerance for boredom), producers should have worried even less…

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Playing Hooky: Will Boycott of Catholic Church Spur Reform?

…with church, but that it has done wrong by her, and other women, for far too long. “Whatever change you long for,” Sleeman declares, “recognition, ordination, the end of celibacy, which is another means of keeping women out, join with your sisters and let the hierarchy know by your absence that the days of an exclusively male-dominated church are over.” Nobody knows how many will join her cause. If all the women left, I know my church would be pr…

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Israel’s Immigration Debate: “Where is the Jewish Spirit?”

…the middlemen for the chance to come or simply to enjoy Israel’s economic boom. Others came as near-indentured servants who were forbidden to work for anyone but the employer who first hired them, until the Supreme Court finally ruled that this arrangement violated basic human rights, annulling in the process their discriminatory work permits. These “guest” workers, who today number between 250,000 and 400,000 (half of whom are illegal) did not on…

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