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300-430 New Dumps Book - High-quality Cisco 300-430 Test Questions Fee: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks ☀ Go to website ➥ 🡄 open and search for ➽ 300-430 🢪 to download for free 📦300-430 Sample Questions Answers

Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…deducting them as a business expense, of course) in order to maintain union-free workplaces. These aggressive new moves, combined with the capacity to shut down unionized workplaces and ship the work to the non-union American South or to the Global South, took their predictable devastating toll on private-sector unionism. Surging public sector unionism during this same period saved the American labor movement from complete collapse. But now these…

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New for Democrats: Non-Personhood for the Non-Rich

…ouple of weeks ago, George Packer wrote a piece in which he featured a down-and-out family—the Hartzells of Tampa, FL—who were getting ready to pack up their meager belongings and head off to stay with friends in remote North Georgia in hopes that something better might turn up. There are millions of families like the Hartzells out there—the Joads of this ruthless new economy—but there is no evidence at all that anyone in the political class is pr…

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Welcome to the Gayborhood: Jason Brown on This New Era

…at. We’ve certainly shed any sense of guilt that that we might have had about offending someone. This is a protected area for us. It’s absolutely awesome. In this odd way, I really feel like this new era has made us stronger. It’s made me so proud of my community. We will survive and we will be stronger after this….

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New LDS Handbook Cements Anti-Trans Policy—And it Doesn’t Make a Whole Lot of Sense

…. So, I stayed in the closet until I finally left. With the release of its new hand*]}*book for those in church leadership positions, the LDS Church is finally getting more explicit about their beliefs and practices concerning transgender folk. With respect to membership status, trans folk in the church are to be treated as second-class members, in much the same way that Black people were treated until 1978. Trans people can get baptized and confirmed

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Global Warming Denialists the New Creationists?

…ir argument to include climate change, they’re saying that they aren’t anti-evolution—they’re just anti-scientific dogma. “There is a lot of similar dogmatism on this issue,” Discovery Institute’s Jonathan West told the NYT, “with scientists being persecuted for findings that are not in keeping with the orthodoxy. We think analyzing and evaluating scientific evidence is a good thing, whether that is about global warming or evolution.” As the New Y…

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Focus on the Family’s New Face?

…losphy. With this ad, what we’re hoping to do is in an unapologetically pro-life way, uncompromising, to talk about the pro-life issue in a way that is more motivating and a little warmer for people to respond to.” Earll cited a survey by the Christian polling firm the Barna Group, which found that six percent of views said the ad made them reconsider their position on abortion. “That doesn’t sound like a lot,” said Earll, “but that’s 5.5 million…

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Ron Paul’s New Place in the GOP

…omething Paul has advocated for years. He plans to push such a plan as the new chair of the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee that oversees the Fed and its monetary policy. Reportedly Republican leaders had planned to put someone else in that position but appointed Paul under pressure from Tea Party organizations. I’ve written about the background of Paul’s economic views, particularly on the Fed, here. Paul told Bloomberg News he wouldn…

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Biden’s New ‘Restore the Soul of a Nation’ Ad Aimed at Black Voters Wary of the Frontrunner’s Dodgy History

…mer veep with Obama and to Uncle Joe’s good poll numbers. It’s predictable high-budget work, predictable in part because we know in our bones what Biden is up to. Earlier Biden videos and some of his live campaign pitches seemed to be testing out the “healing the soul” concept. In the video announcing his run, Biden also ran footage of the neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville before turning to the camera to intone “and that’s why I’m running…” In…

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The ‘Have More Children and Disciple Them Like Crazy’ Culture War Strategy is Neither New Nor Responsible

…der is the urgency to convert kids before they grow up—what I call the “Get-em-while-they’re-young” ideology. What happens to kids who grow into middle school age and teenagers, as their world slowly expands and they begin to see discrepancies between the doctrines they’re taught and their own experiences? How are Christian families to keep their kids toeing the line? Christian families are taught to repeat two steps. Step 1: Obey God no matter wh…

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Double Helix: Science & Religion as Cultural Kindling; A Response to The New Republic

…s help if only we were more rational, for God’s sake. Then, there’s the God-of-the-gaps argument and why it’s so weak. God-of-the-gaps goes like this: science can explain everything except blank (depending on the historical moment, fill in the blank with: how the earth moves around the sun, why we look like our parents, why the proteins in a bacterial flagellum work the way they do, why only humans can write columns like this), so God must be—or b…

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