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Editor’s Picks: Remembering the Broken Promises — and the Possibilities — on Independence Day

…an seeks to redefine the American project (but without succumbing to the July 4 tendency to be “jingoistically repellent beyond belief”). Laarman suggests that we “reinvent American civil religion in a way that fully acknowledges… the Founders’ ‘rejection of a role in the political body’ for African Americans—not to mention a wide range of other foul crimes against people of color, including the Europeans’ genocidal treatment of the First Nations….

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Meet the ‘Bronze Age Zionists’ — Far-Right Jews Embracing Fascism in the Wake of October 7

…st” during an Israeli television interview after 2017’s Unite the Right rally, recently ended a bitter years-long feud with Nick Fuentes to invite him on his livestream, where they expressed mutual disdain for Israel’s onslaught. Other dissident Right currents acknowledge an affinity with Israeli ethnonationalism, but remain geopolitically ambivalent, maintaining a cool distance from the neoconservatives, Christian Zionists, and GOP leaders clamor…

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Both the Joy and the Uproar Over the Pope’s Blessings for LGBTQ Catholics are Small Potatoes Compared to this Age-Old Church Problem

…lessings after the fact hardly seems synodal. Popes are not elected popularly and usually serve until they die. But some semblance of accountability, if not democracy, seems little to ask. Second, like it or not, in a world on the steroid known as social media and instantaneous reporting, only dictators and strongmen get away with top-down behavior. It’s no wonder that some African bishops and some European bishops are not on the same page given t…

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New Report Mapping Christian Nationalism by State Suggests Election Need Not be Played Out on Christian Nationalist Terms

…few Republicans suspicious of Christian nationalism and Independents friendly to it. You can literally map out these differences. Blue states have very low levels of support for Christian nationalism. Red states are just the opposite. And the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin? They’re all right around the national average. Those numbers are not destiny, however. Conservative Utah has low level…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…r saw humanity as being integrated within nature; when the first was abjectly patriarchal, the second was steadfastly oriented towards the divine feminine. An anti-clerical Christianity privileging not priests, but parishioners. Since 1938, the ecumenical Iona Community has held retreats in the restored Abby, dedicating themselves to the values Columba exemplified. West of Presbyterian Scotland, north of Methodist Wales, and east of Catholic Irela…

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In Speech to White Evangelical Broadcasters, Trump Lays Out his White Christian Nationalist Vision

…ecause the deluge is unrelenting, paying attention is emotionally and morally exhausting. But especially now that he has essentially secured the nomination as the next GOP presidential candidate, it is vital that we sound the alarm as Trump tells us exactly what we can expect if he returns to power. Last November, I wrote a column highlighting Trump’s embrace of Nazi ideology with his use of terms like “vermin” and claims that immigrants were “poi…

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First it Was an Insurrection Flag, Now Supreme Court Justice Alito is Caught Flying Another Far-Right Flag — An ‘Emblem for an Extensive Spiritual Warfare Campaign’

…s behavior during most of his public appearances where he performs a mightily embittered form of victimization. All in all, we’ve long known Sam Alito is as right-wing as the day is long. But I’d thought there might be some rules that even a Sam Alito wouldn’t dare break. Unwritten rules, of course, because the “ethics code” this Supreme Court gave itself isn’t worth the paper it was written on. But I—and, judging from the reactions, most politica…

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‘Pro-Life’ Theater, Open White Nationalism, and Virility Fear — Day 3 of NatCon

…ed” America “the Left” is threatened by Trump’s virility: Trump is undeniably manly and for that he must be destroyed like all other manly men. He laments that the “defense of manliness” is too often the preserve of online influencers like Andrew Tate, when “it should be a bread and butter issue for the Right.” Finally, he claims that Christians “are the last large segment of society to still offer some opposition to the Left’s sexual agenda [sinc…

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Nikki Haley’s Slavery Omission Typifies the GOP’s Tragic Pact with White Supremacy

…l part of today’s Republican Party. This narrative was heavily and eventually successfully pushed by White women through groups like the “United Daughters of the Confederacy” and made its way into the textbooks and minds of those who wanted a tragic, heroic sheen to their racist history. Haley’s comments in New Hampshire weren’t a deviation from her previous utterances on this topic. In her years as a South Carolina politician, she has carefully c…

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Election Reporters: Here’s Why Simply Descriptors Like ‘Christians’ Can Have Enormous Consequences

…s will be “fixed” so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged. The New York Times did a bit better [emphasis mine]: At the end of his speech, Mr. Trump urged the religious crowd to vote in November, suggesting that if elected he would address their concerns sufficiently enough that they would no longer need to be politically active. Earlier, he had lamented that conservative Christians do not vote proportionately to their s…

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