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Imagining Fear and Anxiety in Post-9/11 New York

…Ground Zero, questions remain about how to remember, what place to accord American Muslims, and how much America has or hasn’t changed. But for anyone who needs to understand, there are few better places to start than with The Submission.  At the point when we learn that an American Muslim has sent in the winning submission, I was of course reminded of last summer’s debate over the proposed mosque near Ground Zero. Seems like you had a good deal…

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Even Tougher Questions to Ask Mormon Presidential Candidates

…spite the fact that Church founder Joseph Smith initially ordained African-American men. How were you raised to understand the Church’s priesthood ban, and how do you now view it? Was the LDS Church wrong to withhold priesthood from men of African descent?   As members of a minority religion, Mormons like Romney and Huntsman have learned to be very pragmatic in the way they manage the relationship between personal faith and public decision-making….

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Why I’m Not Watching the State of the Union Address

…n. 2), and in the religious experts who are condemned (Deut. 18:9-11), who manage the religious system. There may be other examples, but this is a fair sample. Notice the representatives of technique include both religious and secular political experts who believe that the data on hand will provide sufficient knowledge and power, when rightly read, to handle the future. My comments in regard to hope and technique are not so much about knowledge as…

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“Who Was Muhammad, Was He Violent?”: Teaching Islam Ten Years
after 9/11

…t film The Birth of a Nation (which lionized the KKK and portrayed African Americans as unequivocally licentious) debuted at the White House just a few years later reminds us of an ever-looming undercurrent in American history. While there is clearly much more to Dante’s epic poem than anti-Muslim angst, the embedded nature of such xenophobia into European and American national culture deserves recognition. Today, much of what manifests itself as…

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Why Romney Won’t Stand up to the Bigotry of Bryan Fischer

…nary session at VVS. Not surprisingly, advocacy groups like People for the American Way have called on Romney to have a little dignity and take a stand. It’s a marvelous image:  a strong-jawed Mitt Romney acting all presidential, crossing the stage and quietly holding Bryan Fischer accountable for his rancid bigotry, not only against Mormons, but against all of Americans who are non-white, non-straight, or non-Christian (as Fischer defines it).  B…

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The Pretzel Logic of Religion and Politics

…ge—it’s a rhetorical approach that reminds me of Mitt Romney, whom George Will called a “pretzel candidate” this weekend for “straddling” issues from ethanol to TARP. Perhaps Romney’s own rhetorical management efforts are a remnant of Mormonism’s longer bi-directional struggle to win acceptance in the American mainstream while maintaining a tactical form of theocracy….

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Herman Cain Sings For the Press

…or not, is read through a racial lens, even when he proclaims how many white people like him. By willfully performing ‘race” Cain’s so called “confidence” erodes his viability as a real candidate. Cain’s show may take him to the nomination if he can manage to bring his ragtag campaign together. But for this brainwashed African American professor, Cain’s exit from my television set with his 2012, 21st century minstrel show can not come soon enough….

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Why an Orthodox Anti-Gay Declaration is Actually Good for the Gays

…vidence (never released to the public, of course), the Ex-gays have had to manage expectations. In other words, even the Ex-gays admit that Ex-gay therapy doesn’t actually work. It is only a matter of time before this information becomes universally understood. I don’t want to make light of this Declaration. It is a call for parents to emotionally abuse their children, and despite its rhetoric of love and compassion, it is exceedingly cruel. It is…

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Zeroes and Sums: Is It Wrong to Praise Paul’s Positions?

…give Paul’s admittedly off-center ideas about the cost and consequences of American Empire any hearing at all. Which means that they dismiss not just Paul himself but also all of the young enthusiasts he has been able to draw to his side, many of them so drawn on account of his plain talk about US military adventurism, and almost surely not on account of any Paul-ist association with anti-Semitism or homophobia or white racism. Because this matter…

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A Frustrated Romney Loses Lead in SC

…like radar, or gay-dar, but for Mormons) ping last night when he tried to manage questions about his tax returns by insisting that he had been “honest in his dealings.” LDS Church members are routinely asked if they are “honest in [their] dealings” when they interview to qualify for LDS temple worship, and those who cannot answer affirmatively cannot participate. Romney has participated in hundreds—if not thousands—of such interviews during his t…

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