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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…Over time, the churches that have tried to lighten up the Christian moral code and put forth sort of a kindler, gentler version of Christianity as they see it, have not done well. They have not done well demographically and they haven’t done well financially. Churches that stick to orthodoxy do better over time because in part it’s only those churches that tend to create families that can be of size and carry on the Christian tradition. This hark…

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Speaker Mike Johnson to Allow Privately Run National Prayer Breakfast into the Heart of the Capitol

…Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), the co-chair of last year’s prayer breakfast, to Uganda. In his keynote speech for Uganda’s National Prayer Breakfast, Walberg urged national resolve against pressure by the U.S. and others to drop its death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” Pres. Joe Biden is expected to participate despite the controversy. He even greeted The Family’s guests remotely last year, presumably unaware that he was addressing some of the…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…ecause he deserves it. He can’t understand why Heavenly Father sent him to Uganda instead of his favorite place on Earth—Orlando! The recurring musical outbursts about Orlando, Florida, were for me the funniest parts of the show. There are indeed striking similarities between Temple Square and Disney World: the fantasy-castle architecture; the immaculate, artificial neatness; the perky helpfulness of “cast members”/missionaries; the imagineering a…

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Bachmann Staffer Likens
Rick Perry to King Saul and Bachmann to anointed
King David

…nce The Atlantic broke a story yesterday about Waldron’s 2006 detention in Uganda on allegations of illegal gun possession. According to an upcoming movie about Waldron’s life, President George W. Bush called Ugandan President Yowari Museveni to secure Waldron’s release after 37 days in prison. In a video interview conducted by Hermann and Sharron Bailey, Waldron said that Museveni and wife Janet maintain a “death squad” used to “bring opponents i…

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Campaign Calls On Anti-Gay Leaders to “Repent”

…or Bryan Fischer, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly, and supporter of Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill Lou Engle. The list also includes some prominent anti-gay African-American religious leaders like Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece who has made it her mission to crusade against LGBT people, Bishop Harry Jackson who has led a crusade to stop marriage equality in Maryland, and Bishop Eddie Long from New Birth Missionary Church in…

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Frodo and Mormon Share Stage in South Park Mormon Musical

…ge in Uganda. If there is an uncomfortable stereotype in the show, it’s of Ugandans, who appear hyperbolically poor, backward, violent, and ignorant. The audience’s first view of Uganda is dominated by a man slowly dragging the half-butchered corpse of a donkey across the stage. An abrupt on-stage execution and threats of female genital mutilation throughout the show are especially jarring given the otherwise comedic tone—though these juxtapositio…

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Does Religion Condemn Homosexuality?

…na (which houses both Zen and Tibetan schools), the key distinction is not between good heterosexuality and bad homosexuality, but between celibacy and sexuality. Celibacy is the religious ideal, but Buddhism recognizes that very few people can achieve it. For laypersons, the goal is to avoid sexual misconduct. Buddhist rejections of same-sex desire and sexual activity are relatively rare, but, where they do occur, they must be understood as part…

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Bad News for LGBT Anglicans, Mormons, Adventists, Norwegians, Russians, Georgians, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, Saudis…

…and Poland also ban same-sex marriage.” South Africa: President ‘Respects’ Ugandan Law; Gay Judge Publishes Memoir In response to a parliamentary question this week, South African President Jacob Zuma refused to condemn Uganda’s anti-gay law, writing, “South Africa respects the sovereign rights of other countries to adopt their own legislation. Also this week, Edwin Cameron, an openly gay judge who joined South Africa’s Constitutional Court in 200…

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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…is came to an end in 2003, with the repeal of the crime of gross indecency between men. In 2012, it became possible for those convicted of homosexual “sex offences” to have their criminal records erased under the Protection Of Freedoms Act – though not those deemed to have been committed in a public place such as toilets, where much of the entrapment went on. The process is slow and often painful, however, and campaigners such as James Taylor, hea…

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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…s abroad,” said Clare Byarugaba, who co-chaired the coalition of groups in Uganda that fought the sweeping Anti-Homosexuality Act passed in 2014. Opposition to the bill from the US and other nations that help fund Uganda’s government is credited with help ensuring that a suit against the law quickly reached the country’s highest court, where it was struck down. If Trump cozies up to Putin, Byarugaba wonders, “Can the US be trusted to protect our r…

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