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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…Chile: Religious conservatives’ anti-trans bus sparks protest, arrests The latest stop on the international anti-trans bus tour sponsored by HazteOir and CitizenGo was in Santiago Chile, where police arrested 35 people after clashes that broke out around the “Freedom Bus.” From the Washington Blade: Supporters and opponents of the “Freedom Bus,” which is part of a campaign that CitizenGO, a conservative Spanish organization, has launched with the…

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Dear Mr. President: We Get It. You Really Love White Conservative Christians

The Trump administration’s latest gift to its far-right, white conservative Christian base is the DOJ’s “religious freedom” memo, which is actually a pair of documents purporting to instruct all government agencies how to be appropriately deferential to those who express religious inclinations. The memo—which does not carry the weight of law—keeps pace with this administration’s fawning embrace of the worldview expressed by the white conservative…

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New Book by Olivier Roy Argues that Aggressive Attempts to Christianize the West Actually Hasten Secularism

…reason for the season.’ But, it does no such thing. At most, O’Reilly just promoted a bullying cultural identity of the god-fearing GOP “us” against secular-humanist Democrat “them.” Or, again, is this not just more identity flashing; more “identitarian Christianity,” courtesy of the mute frozen images of the thriving Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, St. Christopher, and Miraculous medal industry that Roy writes about? These guys are on my team. Who’s on…

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Alabama Yoga Debate Focusing on the Wrong Question

…ersal-soul (paramatman).” Yet, Zed now argues that yoga will do nothing to promote Hinduism? Regardless of how Alabama resolves its latest bout on yoga, it seems unlikely that controversies over yoga—or the often-paired practice of mindfulness meditation—will disappear any time soon. Indeed, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has recently renewed its objections to mindfulness. Yoga and mindfulness point to a key cultural divide over fr…

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No More Pencils, No More Books: The Ultimate Goal of All Those Anti-Education Bills That Nobody’s Talking About

…ho’s been working in this space for more than a decade summed it up in her latest book, The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism: “For many supporters, of course, the underlying motive for voucher programs is not to improve education but to eliminate nonsectarian education.” Whatever the latest bete noir of the Right, be it critical race theory, Common Core, desegregated schools, or evolution, destroying public edu…

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What 19th-Century Marriage Controversies Can Tell Us About The Fight Over Gay Marriage

…he nation’s centuries-old argument over the definition of marriage. In her latest book, Leslie J. Harris, Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, surveyed five types of 19th-century marriage controversy: domestic violence, divorce, polygamy, free love, and miscegenation. RD spoke with Harris about her project and what it reveals about our contemporary attempts to define, and redefine, marriage. Your book is…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, the latest turf battle in the seemingly never-ending culture wars, has been in the theaters for a little over a week, and news coverage of the controversy surrounding the film may finally—mercifully—be reaching its saturation point. If you only half paid attention to the Noah hullabaloo, trust me, you’ve heard it all million times before: conservative Christians are howling mad at [insert something popular]. Whether it’s…

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Week in Religion, Sunday Edition

…ripture citation on Tebow’s eye-black didn’t make in onto the cover of the latest NCAA football video game. Perhaps to capitalize on the new evangelical football star in Denver, Focus on the Family will be airing ads during Broncos games this season. Which prompts the question, is football its own religion? Does the black church keep black women single? Julia Roberts has become a “practicing Hindu” after spending time in India shooting her latest

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

While the flap over Rush Limbaugh’s latest in a long line of offensive and hateful commentary continues on, other figures with (arguably) more longevity and influence continue their assault on Barack Obama and what they see as the decline of Christian America. To wit: the Texas intellectual entrepreneur David Barton, who provides the footnotes for the “war on religion” thesis that currently has captivated the right. Most recently, Barton’s post,…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically:

…ope know how to reach the kids. There’s the Italian DJ priest spinning the latest from Lady Gaga. Then there’s the skateboarding priest in Hungary. Awesome. Even more awesome: pilgrimages on a motorcycle. 10,000 motorcyclists took part in the festival of the Madonna of the Bikers in Porcaro, France. Christian Scientists want spiritual care covered in the federal health package. A new law in North Carolina requires schools and colleges to give stud…

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