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Cyclops Baby of the Apocalypse? Another Day in ISIS Fundamentalism

…ade young Muslims to participate in an end-times scenario now unfolding in Iraq and Syria. While the “apocalyptic cyclops baby” could be a calculated propaganda campaign it also demonstrate the inventive nature of fundamentalist religious movements. In her study of Jerry Falwell, cultural anthropologist Susan Harding pointed out that the seemingly rigid position of Biblical inerrancy paradoxically entails a great deal of creativity and imagination…

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As a Muslim, I am Exhausted…

…es Muslims today is a rowdy minority of gung-ho militants in the desert of Iraq and Syria. I think our problem is more subtle than that. We have convinced ourselves, and others, that we live on a planet apart as perfect Muslims who speak exclusively as agents and caretakers of their faith. The spectrum of our visibility is narrow: we are either the fanatic bad Muslim or the sanitized “good” Muslim. You see us only around incendiary topics and we c…

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A Jewish Perspective on Reparations

…ions along with Rev. Jesse Jackson. After a lengthy discussion of ISIS and Iraq, President Obama spoke directly to the people of Ferguson in a televised statement: “So, to a community in Ferguson that is rightly hurting and looking for answers, let me call once again for us to seek some understanding rather than simply holler at each other.” Compared to Merkel’s in-person, adversarial declaration of solidarity with Jewish Germans, President Obama’…

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My Congregation Tried to Help a Syrian Family Settle in the US

…some heat for working with a single man from Syria and another family from Iraq. A local church from one of the more conservative denominations hosted some traveling “missionaries” who spoke on the dangers of Islam and its hostility to Christian values. That led to some ugliness. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been limited to this isolated incident. In the wake of last week’s attacks in Paris, one politician has leapfrogged another in getting out in fro…

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Keep Jews Interesting: It’s Time to Stop Being Defined by Anti-Semitism

…want to deny Jews the right of self-determination or because they want to promote Palestinians’ right of self-determination. The British historian Arthur Toynbee, himself quite an anti-Semite, once said that history is “just one bloody thing after another.” It seems, from reading books like Weiss’s, that Jewish history is “just one bloody anti-Semitic thing after another.” The truth is, this is not of her own making. A whole school of Jewish hist…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

…cknowledged and filed away. Even large protests, such as those against the Iraq War, are ineffective without clear demands and leverage points. Two recent examples prove the point, I think. The Black Lives Matter movement has seen some success because they’ve mostly concentrated on local issues: in Chicago, it’s possible to make police brutality toxic enough that the mayor feels the need to fire the police superintendent. Pressure like that is unl…

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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

…e statues were less about honoring the Civil War dead than they were about promoting 20th century white supremacy). In some ways, it’s not all that different from the ideas that sold people on the first Crusade back in the 11th century. And it’s not all that different from the story we tell ourselves today, every time we enter another country for their “own good.” Sure, we went into Iraq on the basis of false information about WMDs. But in the rhe…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…n Hawke, who’s only too well acquainted with death—the death of his son in Iraq, the death of his marriage, and his own impending death from what he rightly surmises to be an undiagnosed cancer. Rev. Toller both has and has not lost his faith. Like writer/director Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver, The Last Temptation of Christ), and like the Bible’s Jacob, Toller still wrestles with God and thus also with the inescapable question of theodicy: i.e., if G…

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Paul Schrader’s “First Reformed” Depicts Death Struggle Between Hope and Despair

…n Hawke, who’s only too well acquainted with death—the death of his son in Iraq, the death of his marriage, and his own impending death from what he rightly surmises to be an undiagnosed cancer. Rev. Toller both has and has not lost his faith. Like writer/director Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver, The Last Temptation of Christ), and like the Bible’s Jacob, Toller still wrestles with God and thus also with the inescapable question of theodicy: i.e., if G…

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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…heology but also in practice. For instance, Athanasius of Balad (in modern Iraq), patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church from 684 to 687, required Christians to abide by the Noahide laws: “those believing in Christ…should abstain from fornication, from what is strangled, from blood, and from meals of pagan sacrifice.” These laws are based on Genesis 9:3-6 and are required of Gentiles according to Acts of the Apostles 15:19-20 in the Syriac versio…

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