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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…at godlessness leads to horrific destruction, as in the “Cave of Sorrows” exhibit. Many subsequent exhibits, including the one featuring “Ebenezer” the dinosaur, include pseudoscientific language that evangelicals and fundamentalists insist is every bit as scientific as actual science, since it all supposedly comes down to presuppositions and incompatible worldviews. But heavy-handed preaching also continues throughout, as it does at Ark Encounter…

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Will SCOTUS Call the “Bluff” of Religious Liberty Activists?

…us exercise, regardless of the impact on third parties and the harms done to them. And you can bet if that strategy succeeds here, we’ll see it in use very soon in other contexts, like exemptions to LGBT non-discrimination laws and marriage equality protections. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that….

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…urse. In short, while the Vatican’s rhetoric is promising, the timing and expected next steps make clear that not much has changed at all. So far, the so-called punishment is an insult to Catholics everywhere. “Reduction to the lay state,” Wesolowski’s fate thus far, is only a serious matter if you bank on clergy privilege. Goodness, most Catholics live in the lay state all of our lives and live to tell it. Only the notion that clergy are qualitat…

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Confessions of a Former Gun-Worshipper

…e all waiting, of course, to hear what Vice President Joe Biden will say next Tuesday as he presents the findings of his gun task force. You can bet there will be something about closing the now infamous “gun show” loophole that allows for nearly 40% of gun purchases to proceed without a background check, as well something about reinstating bans on assault weapons—like the weapon used at Sandy Hook elementary. Maybe Vice President Biden will also…

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“Ex-Gay” Gospel Star Donnie McClurkin and the Decline of Public Theology

…d adults in his life, linking that childhood trauma to his own early homosexuality and announcing his deliverance from homosexuality as a lifestyle. While Mclurkin begain talking this way as early as 2002 it is undoubtedly his comments in 2009 that are the source of the withdrawal of his invitation to the DC event. In 2009, at the annual Holy Convocation convention of the predominantly black and Pentecostal Church of God in Christ denomination, Mc…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…god.” But Christians are left wondering whether the papal encyclical will explain how the crucifixion of Christ redeemed the Sagittarians, or whether they had need of their own “alien Christ.” For the next few days at least the Vatican remains silent while that corner of the night sky near NGC 6809 is still pulsing out prime numbers. –Rome, December, 2055 _________ The article that may one day be written about religious responses to E.T. will of c…

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Massacre Of Islamists By Egyptian Military Likely Strategic

…ver end. (Indeed, you can only kill a people you’ve demonized, and that’s exactly what the military government has pushed state media to do since the June 30th coup.) For those sadly naive protesters who thought overthrowing the only elected government in their entire history, well, no such future is visible to me. I’ve been wrong before. I hope I am. But I doubt it. It’s hard to say what will happen here except that things will get worse. Probabl…

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Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron

…t of the coverage in the press has largely toed the state line. The Interfax Religion headline ran: “Famous American Expert Supports Moscow’s Ban on Gay Pride Parades.” When coverage draws attention to the controversy surrounding Cameron, it tends to spin it in such a way as to make him into a hero, conspiratorially implying that the rejection of his views in the West and/or scientific establishment derives from ideology. The following quotation f…

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Goliath the Israel Slayer: Why Max Blumenthal’s New Book is a Painful Read

…e Arab world’s inability to reconcile itself to the fact that Israel both exists and has a right to exist, and by the Palestinian inability to recognize that armed resistance is a failed tactic, a relic of the twentieth-century. But you wouldn’t know this from reading Goliath. As the title suggests, there is only one monster in this circus: Israel. Palestinians and Israeli Arabs are hapless victims of a larger-than-life predator. The fact that Gol…

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The Pope, the GOP, and the March for Life

…tate of New York,” Cuomo said in a radio interview Friday. Cuomo defined “extreme conservatism” as being “anti-gay” by opposing same-sex marriage rights, opposed to abortion rights and favoring legalization of assault weapons. Cuomo officials later said the governor’s remarks were aimed at “extremist” conservative Republican candidates. This, of course, has set the hair aflame. Conservatives are pouting that they aren’t “welcome” in New York; Sean…

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