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God’s Promise to Noah for Climate Change Denialism Cited by Potential Energy Policy Maker

…fter the Great Flood that he would never destroy the earth again. Now that Republicans have taken control of Congress, Shimkus would like to be the chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee—which oversees climate and environmental regulation. (Also vying for the position is Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), who famously apologized to BP for President Obama’s $20 billion escrow fund to cover damages by the massive oil spill.) Oddly, YouTube’s cited re…

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DeVos Literally Can’t Name a Discriminatory Policy She’d Refuse to Fund

In a tense exchange with Massachusetts Rep. Katherine Clark on Wednesday, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos refused to identify a single example of discriminatory policies that would make a private school ineligible for federal funding. The conversation, captured by CSPAN and embedded below, is astounding in how clearly it exposes the scope of “faith-based” discriminatory actions that DeVos is willing to permit. Rep. Clark, a Democrat who has “m…

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Trump May Be “a Big Fan of Hindu,” But Hindus Are Running—and Winning—as Democrats

…ok no further than New Jersey’s 7th congressional district, where longtime Republican Rep. Leonard Lance is in serious danger. One of his most outspoken Democratic challengers is Goutam Jois, a Hindu American attorney, social justice advocate, and former Youth Governor of New Jersey. Jois was recently endorsed by the Hindu American Political Action Committee. Jois has worked to mobilize voters of color, long ignored by the party establishment, in…

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“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What ALEC Does for Big Business

…in the states. Both a review of the political lessons of the past, and a preparation for the 2018 legislative season, the report was “reviewed by legislators, professors, attorneys, litigators, and religious liberty defense firms. It includes best practice Legislation, Resolutions, Talking Points, Notes, and Legal Cases.” Lea Carawan of CPCF said at the time of the launch that Project Blitz is the lead of what they call the First Freedom Coalitio…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…nd claims like these have been used successfully to restrict religious freedom in India. Since the 1950s, seven Indian states have passed “Freedom of Religion” laws that ban conversion by “force, fraud, and allurement,” and in some cases require that potential converts register with local officials beforehand. While most religious people would agree that conversions by force, fraud, and allurement are undesirable, the impossibility of defining the…

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If You Don’t Have Peace You Don’t Have Jesus, Preacher Tells Georgia House of Representatives

…n an already politically divided House. Meanwhile, in the Georgia House of Representatives, Rep. Trey Kelley invited his father, Doyle Kelley, to deliver a 12-minute harangue on hellfire and damnation. Kelley spent his first 10 minutes on a sermon that detailed how people who do not adhere to his particular brand of religion will be eternally tortured in hell, “Seven million people [in Georgia] … are lost are dying and on their way to Hell.” He re…

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COVID-19 is Concentrating Wealth Even Further; Can we Talk About the Surplus of Powerlessness in the Faith Community?

…hard Neal was interviewed at length on Boston’s main public radio station. Representing Western Massachusetts, Rep. Neal is without doubt one of the good guys among the senior members. He choked up when he mentioned that he has 90-year-old uncle, a second father to him, who is suffering from COVID in that hellhole of a soldier’s home in Holyoke. But when Rep. Neal was asked about who he and Speaker Pelosi and other senior Democrats are consulting…

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Christian Nationalism Hurts the Children It Claims to Protect — As Author Lillian Smith Understood 80 Years Ago

…sion,” and even “social justice” from teaching standards, while Louisiana, Rep. Clay Higgins proposes that public libraries be replaced with church-owned alternatives claiming that libraries have become “liberal grooming centers.” Some legislators embrace the term Christian nationalism in describing their positions. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, at a TPUSA event in 2022 proclaimed, “We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I…

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‘Do You Want Columbia to be Cursed by God?’ — Alarming Exchanges in Congress and Beyond Highlight the Desperate Need for Religious Literacy

…ng with the principles of civic disagreement” and the requirement to have “representation from multiple perspectives.” This led to a withdrawal of institutional and financial support for the panel, and its eventual cancellation. Here, we see a misunderstanding as to what scholars of religion do. Critiques often fell into (or, at least, close to) the rhetoric of the “Palestinian exception” to free speech. As Palestine Legal and the Center for Const…

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Want to Know What Public Education Would Look Like Under Project 2025? Just Take a Look at Oklahoma

…the court’s decision “a win for church-state separation and religious freedom” at a recent event at the Mayflower Congregational UCC Church in Oklahoma City—including “for everyone here in Oklahoma who objected to their tax dollars funding a school that proposes to discriminate and indoctrinate.” Walters appointed the hate monger who runs the notorious Libs of TikTok social media accounts to oversee school libraries, adding to the toxic anti-LGBT…

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