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Norway Massacre Suspect Anders Behring Breivik, Hitler, & the Jerusalem Post Editorial

…of the UK and France) as we only have 1 million in Western Europe, whereas 800,000 out of these 1 million live in France and the UK. The US on the other hand, with more than 6 million Jews (600% more than Europe) actually has a considerable Jewish problem. But please learn the difference between a nation-wrecking multiculturalist Jew and a conservative Jew. He then offers clues as to why he targeted fellow Norwegians, even though he claims to lov…

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Where Polls and Surveys Fall Short: A Conversation with Robert Wuthnow on “Inventing American Religion”

…s pretty much it. Evangelical leaders themselves didn’t believe the Gallup numbers were right, and [they thought that] the best way to combat those Gallup numbers was to ask Gallup to do another survey. And so in 1978, Christianity Today, a leading periodical for evangelicals, paid Gallup to do a big survey and in addition to just asking the born-again question, they asked questions about belief in the Bible, belief in Jesus, and intent on convert…

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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…pages I’ll confine myself to Religulous.) This is the kind of thing a fair number of my students, raised in the Protestant-dominated United States (even Catholics and Jews have assimilated this definition), come to university thinking about religion; the two key components of which are “belief” and “God.” Religion is some cryptic interior, individual thing that exists in one’s own head, and is only understood in relation to a God. I don’t blame my…

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Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife

…all know that Mohammad Atta, who flew American Airlines flight 11 into the Twin Towers on 9/11, was inspired by this promise. But among progressives, the sex promised to the righteous in the Qur’an isn’t sex as we know it, but something mysterious and sublime for which sex is a poetic stand-in. Second, what happens to our bodies in heaven? This is my favorite part of the heaven conversation. For if you believe in heaven as a real place, a physical…

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Holy Father, You’re Not Helping: The Problem with the Pope’s Plan to Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

…hief among them contention over the pope’s claim to universal authority. A number of violent incidents over two hundred years, from both sides of Christianity’s two halves, helped solidify the separation. These included the Byzantine massacre of Catholics living in Constantinople in 1182, the sacking of Thessaloniki by Catholics in 1185, and their pillage of Constantinople in 1204. Finally, the establishment of Rome-allied episcopacies in traditio…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…ira—an online shop attracting 30,000 visits a week. Teetotaling Mormons in Idaho grow barley for beer brewers. A Muslim mason who worked to rebuild the Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon, France, has been immortalized as a winged gargoyle on the facade of the church. The inscription beneath his stone image reads “God is great.” In Germany, a team of researchers have built digital models of synagogues destroyed by Nazis on Kristallnacht in 1938. Anglican…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…the odious First Amendment Defense Act sponsored by Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador. Although Rep. Labrador amended the legislation in an effort to protect all religious beliefs about marriage and sexuality, Desanctis frames the Act as one that would “protect from government discrimination those religious Americans who believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.” She makes no mention of the religious Americans w…

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‘It’s Time to Defend our Children Outside of the Womb’: Pray Vote Stand Connects Anti-Abortion and Anti-Trans Messages

…di Swindell, who runs anti-abortion pregnancy centers in her home state of Idaho, as well as a few around the country and in Ireland and Scotland, spoke of the Left going after “pro-women pregnancy care centers” that are simply trying to give women options. Swindell warned against the abortion pill, which she said is leading to the “trafficking of abortions” by healthcare providers who are deceptively on a mission to “sell abortions,” or by men wh…

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Hobby Lobbying: How Corporations Got Consciences

…a single one to perform an abortion. The brouhaha caught the attention of Idaho Senator Frank Church, a leading liberal and one of the earliest opponents of the Vietnam War. But he came from a conservative Catholic family and was outraged by the idea that the Catholic hospitals of the Pacific Northwest might be forced to perform abortions. “How could anyone suggest such a thing?” he once demanded. When a package of public health bills, including…

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As Midterms Approach, White Christian Nationalism is Mainstream for the GOP — And it’s Only Getting Worse

…ey Rawles, Onishi explains, Christians have been flocking to the region of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon, which Rawles has named “the American Redoubt.” The goal, as Onishi notes, is an insidious one: “For Rawles and Baldwin, the goal is to create a separate society of American Christians who will defend their families and communities when the next civil war dawns.” It would be wrong however, to believ…

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