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Burma Bans Time Magazine’s “Buddhist Terror” Issue

…ry dictatorship. The current 2008 constitution reserves one quarter of the seats in both legislative bodies to delegates from the tatmadaw/military. It is hard to imagine Burma going back to its dark ages, yet within recent memory we can recall the dissolution of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia into ethnic and religious enclaves when soviet-style dictatorship ended. I hope for better in Burma, and look to the government of Burma—including President…

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Forget the Pope—We Need a New Caliph!

…litical party, Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf, has yet to win any major political seats (although that could change with the upcoming May elections.) Also, Khan can no longer command the fast ball like he did in the early ’90s. He is prone to political flip-flopping and also outlandish promises such as vowing to end corruption in Pakistan in 90 days. He doesn’t have facial hair, which is a problem even though the rest of his hair is really cool. (IX) The…

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Bill Nye Video Riles Creationists

…technology education. Of course, if it weren’t Bill Nye but the person two seats down at the dinner party, you’d hardly look up from your small talk and salad if you heard… AiG fired back with a video of its own attempting to address Nye’s points, though frankly it’s embarrassing. Nye then clarified his point on CNN, noting that in the original Big Think video above he was “talking about the use of tax dollars for science education”; that it’s fin…

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When I Have Fears The Middle East May Cease To Be

…inning is the end.) The Islamists made a big mistake in contesting so many seats in this first parliament, for now they have now (among other things) demonstrated to the populace an inability to effectively challenge the military—and anyway, they cannot bring together Egypt’s many factions sufficiently to force the military into a responsible process of democratization. Who else can summon the numbers adequate to force the military’s hand? And the…

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Methodists Vote to Keep Homosexuality “Incompatible”

…church calls it. As the debate continued, many delegates moved from their seats to join the members on the margins to show their solidarity. In the end the petition failed to pass. When the conference reconvened after a break, those who supported the petition remained in the hall, singing as business began again. The presiding bishop, Michael Coyner of the Indiana Conference, shut down the meeting, calling the LGBT advocates a “security concern.”…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…the Muslim Brotherhood’s Party plans to contest over fifty percent of the seats—up from its more modest position a few months ago. In Tunisia, the long-suffering Ennahda Party looks to be the biggest winner of that country’s first free elections. And in Libya, the interim leader of the National Transitional Council has called for a Libya founded on Islamic tenets and respectful of the country’s Muslim identity, with a place for Islamic institutio…

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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…as already been involved in parliamentary politics in Egypt in independent seats, and their positions have been fairly reasonable. Second, the parliamentary structure that will require them to come into coalition with other groups in order to achieve legislation will provide a check on their religious aspirations. There are few reasons to worry, therefore, that the January revolution will be “hijacked,” as the most worried observers fear. A happie…

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On Women’s Equality Day, Going Back to the Sacred Texts of Feminism

…s that progress has ground to a near halt. Women hold less than 18% of the seats in Congress and 25% in the state legislature; women compose less than 3% of the heads of Fortune 1000 companies, 16% of the members of the Boards of Directors of Fortune 500 companies; and, 15% of top executives and 8% of top earners. Few women make partner at top law firms and a “vanishingly small number of law firms have women as managing partners”; among new physic…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…department cheered her on. Once again, anyway, the hype paid off. All 900 seats in the brand-new, ten-story-high Leighton Concert Hall sold out within hours. And in the Atheist Corner… The look of the debate itself was typical, if understated. (Compare this, for instance, with a recent Craig debate in Mexico, where the podium was in the middle of a boxing ring.) The debaters sat onstage at a table with the moderator between them—Michael Rea, who…

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Let Us Now Praise Wealthy Men? Structural Poverty, Religiously (Re)Considered

…regarded; in some European countries, in fact, worker representatives hold seats on corporate boards, which is one way of acknowledging and honoring the value and wisdom of working people. But working people do much more than make valuable contributions at the level of production; they also uphold democracy and counter the power of corporate owners. We forget that things like sick days and weekends and pensions and various protections against unfa…

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