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Pelosi Attacker’s New Age Spirituality and Belief in QAnon is no Contradiction

…ing to right-wing, with a crucial pivot around 2014 due to Gamergate. Some commentators have felt comfortable labeling DePape “a far-right extremist.” Others have called this impulse to label based on a digital trail of crumbs futile. If DePape’s ideology seems obscure, the other go-to explanation has been that he’s psychotic and that his mental illness was exacerbated by drug use and homelessness. He was apparently communicating with an entity he…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…reme Court, these are described as “conscience” exemptions. It has since become commonplace for Christian Right advocates to lump “religious freedom and conscience” together in this way. As the Trump Court continues to assert itself, we can expect further erosion of the historic tradition of religious freedom that has directed our best aspirations for a more just and democratic society. The framers knew there would be times like these, but they ho…

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But What About the Parents? New York Times Falls Into the Anti-Trans ‘Parents’ Rights’ Trap

…administrators to out trans children to their parents should the children come out at school. In a September 2022 announcement welcoming Baker to the Times as “a correspondent covering the social and cultural conflicts that divide the U.S. today,” Baker’s editors noted her “empathetic eye.” But empathetic to whom? When it comes to the matter of trans minors’ safety, Baker’s empathy seems to be lacking. Instead, her reporting gives pride of place…

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At Launch Rally in Waco, Former President Sets the Stakes for Trump ’24 Campaign with Apocalyptic, Violent, Genocidal Rhetoric

…f Christian violence. And throughout, the claiming of a meme, “They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you, I’m just standing in the way.” Trump has now even managed to top his own authoritarian fever dreams styling himself not only as future president and bringer of justice who will right the supposed wrongs suffered by his supporters, but he’s also the arbiter of divinely sanctioned vengeance, the purveyor not merely as any dictator wo…

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A Christian Nationalist by Any Other Name… Is Still a Christian Nationalist

…her propositions, mainly on First Amendment grounds, identifies me as an accommodator.” Instead of defending Accommodators of Christian nationalism or explaining why such a position is not antithetical to democracy, as many claim, Woodward takes a hard rhetorical turn to the Right. After scoring as a Christian nationalist, he claims that, because he doesn’t know any Christian nationalists, it’s hard to believe they exist in significant numbers. My…

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Why Don’t White People Show Up For Juneteenth The Way They Showed Up For George Floyd?

…avery that reside at the center of the Juneteenth holiday. One of the most comical aspects to what I have come to call the ‘Juneteenth conundrum’ is who is greeted by whom? In 2021, while at a summer solstice festival that happened to coincide with Juneteenth I recall with sheer amusement as two well-meaning, culturally sensitive White women approached tepidly to ask if they could wish me and my companions (all Black) a “Happy Juneteenth.” Our col…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…s, creditors, and obligations. Forming a corporate entity, such as an LLC, comes with immense benefits. But also some strings, especially once it opens itself up as a place of public accommodation. Businesses must follow health regulations and environmental rules. And obey other regulations that keep consumers safe, including civil rights laws. Until now. The court just upended that system. You’re unlikely to hear about LLCs and corporations and t…

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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

…for violence in the same way calling a group the Amalekites is a call for violence in the same way that saying it’s a religious war is a call for violence in the same way that championing the imminent arrival of the Rapture is a cheer of support for that violence. All of this rhetoric comes from the comfort and safety of great distances, across the seas. The violence, the brutality—that’s happening in the real world, to real people. But the forces…

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Mike Johnson isn’t Just Your Average Christian Right Avatar — He’s Influenced by Fringe Movements Unfamiliar to Most Political Analysts

…xual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic.“ In another 2004 commentary Johnson offered the “slippery slope” argument so common at the time: “If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no le…

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Between Butker, Candace Owens, and Nick Fuentes TradCaths are Having a Moment — A Moment With Something to Tell us About Christian Nationalism 

…n X, describing it as having “made the decision to go home.” The picture accompanying the post shows Owens in a traditional Latin Mass church in London, the home of her TradCath husband. Just one day after her announcement, the right-wing Catholic Identity Conference listed her as a speaker for their upcoming meeting. The cover image on the Conference’s website features Crusader K…

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