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Does Atheism Have a Misogyny Problem?

…of meta-humor, however, it was clear that the heated argument had taken a toll on the atheist and skeptic community. But the internet explosion wasn’t without its benefits. If you had managed to elbow your way through the melee without getting splattered by stray mudslinging, or accidentally whacked by someone going to town on a straw man, you might have noticed some genuinely thoughtful, nuanced ethical discussions taking place. For the most par…

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The H Word

…luding letters from thousand of academicians supporting Kushner’s right to freedom of expression, causing the CUNY board to reinstate Kushner’s honorary degree. Wiesenfeld’s obsession with finding ‘anti-Semites’ everywhere has been well-chronicled in the press and he even told the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg that “my mother would have called Tony Kushner a kapo.” As Wiesenfeld’s mother survived a concentration camp, it seems that he feels entitled…

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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…all eager to tell us how gruesome the unemployment and discouraged worker numbers continue to be, and how desperation and depression are taking their toll for millions who struggle for a livelihood. If there is any passion at all in these recitations, it is a passion in the head. Better than none, I suppose. But if we want to galvanize people who themselves are not struggling around the grim state of the economy, reeling off the facts won’t cut i…

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Burma Bans Time Magazine’s “Buddhist Terror” Issue

…the years I have often returned to the Burma to provide funds for medical services and supplies, to support education and training for displaced peoples, and simply to bear witness so I could bring a sense of this bitter reality back to Buddhist communities in the U.S. The Buddhist-led Saffron Revolution in 2007 opened the world’s eyes to conditions in Burma. Images of brutality, violence, and murder—smuggled out at great risk—raised the stakes b…

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Electionpocalypse, Part I (Christianity)

…r every single baby legally aborted God will require the blood of the same number of people, which is between 30-50 million Americans!” he writes. (NB: this “pro-life” position bears more of a relationship to a book on numerology than the Book of Numbers.) Anti-marriage equality crusader Bishop Harry Jackson, who is African American, urges readers to vote for Romney “as a statement of Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream.” While King was sitting in the…

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Actual Treatment of Gays Belies Archbishop Dolan’s TV Welcome

…partner. “Being shunned from a community that means so much to me takes a toll, not just to me, but to those around me,” Coppola says. “My mom cried. My husband has been a great source of support for me, but he is also struggling with this action. Even my fellow parishioners are hurt and angry that I can’t be involved in the parish anymore.” In a follow-up to coverage of Dolan’s appearance, Sister Mary Ann Walsh, the communications director for t…

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Egypt and the Problem of Religion

…to hunt down and slay their opponents with impunity. The subsequent human toll to date has been described by Human Rights Watch as “the most serious incident of mass unlawful killings in modern Egyptian history”. Certain members of the Muslim Brotherhood on the other hand claim to be carrying out a “jihad” against the military government and have been willing to register their moral outrage by risking death at the hands of the army. Well-establis…

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Christian Cults and Vampire Zombies: Stake Land is Scary and Smart

…oach: it can’t be reconciled.”   Thankfully, that nihilism takes a greater toll on the characters in Stake Land than it does on the viewer. While Martin, Mister and the other survivors they encounter must endure the onslaught of the Brotherhood—a radicalized Christian cult that commandeers aircraft from which to drop captured vampire-zombies into the last redoubts of civil order—they also pass through rural landscapes that have begun to reclaim th…

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The Collapse of the American Jewish Center

…ce process. While #IfNotNow’s actions and protests thus far have been tiny—numbering in the hundreds—they are reflective of a burgeoning discontent with institutional Jewish reaction to the current Gaza conflict. That institutional reaction, these dissenters charge, not only unquestioningly supports the official Israeli narrative that Hamas left Israel no choice but to attack—and no choice but to target locations packed with civilians—but fails to…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…o earlier generations of US Catholics? There is some evidence that growing numbers of white Catholics share at least some of the negative views of unions that more typically characterize white Protestants. I can’t predict what will happen next. I do know that week after week in their worship services, people of faith recall the sufferings of an oppressed workforce that caused JHWH to lead their ancestors out of Pharoah’s Egypt. I do know that week…

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