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Seguros de vehiculos en California llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Entidades aseguradoras Seguros contra todo riesgo para vehiculos Que cubre un seguro de auto Agencia de seguros para autos Agencia segura Comparador de seguros

Burning Down the Temple: Religion and Irony in Black Rock City

…an religious landscape. In his book The Visionary State: A Journey Through California’s Spiritual Landscape, journalist Erik Davis places Burning Man alongside other Golden State phenomena. Burning Man arose from the ashes of Haight-Ashbury and what Davis calls California’s “great polytheistic fusion of transplanted religions, nature mysticism, tools of transport, and creepy cults.” But nineteenth-century camp meetings and spiritualist conventions…

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Gay Judge’s Prop. 8 Decision Holds

…S. District Court judge has denied a motion by Proposition 8 supporters in California to vacate the ruling against the ballot measure because the judge in the case is gay. Last August, Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Prop 8, which repealed the legalization of same-sex marriage in California by defining marriage as between one man and one woman. In his opinion, he wrote: “Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay m…

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The Limits of David Barton’s “Freedom of Religion” Argument

…ircuit rejected an appeal (McCollum v. CDCR) challenging the policy of the California Department of Corrections that allows only leaders of “five faiths” (which actually represent only four faiths—Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and Native American) to serve as paid chaplains. The court didn’t address the merits of the case, but only whether the plaintiff McCollum (a Pagan minister) had standing to bring the case. Discussion of the case is al

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New York State Senator Declares War on NY Marriage Equality

…sts as participants shouted, “Let the people vote!” New York state, unlike California, has no referendum process, so it’s unlikely that a groundswell like California will succeed. Liberty Counsel, the Christian right law firm affiliated with Liberty University Law School, though, has filed a lawsuit challenging the law. Religion was prominent in the marches with people singing hymns, waving Bibles and crying out, “Jesus, Jesus.” Diaz, himself a mi…

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Man Behind Willie Horton Ad Is Out to Save America from the Mormons

…er buildling a cottage industry celebrating himself as the heroic face of “Californians Against Hate” during the 2008 Proposition 8 campagin, Karger (who identifies as a gay Jewish Republican) has announced that he’s running for President. And he’s got his sights on Mitt Romney. Michelle Goldberg reported this week in Tablet that Karger’s explicit goal in running for president is to use all possible campaign airtime to embarrass the Church of Jesu…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…han just a political or spiritual hero; he is an exemplar. Jim Garlow, the California pastor who was heavily involved in the Proposition 8 fight in California in 2008, and now heads Newt Gingrich’s nonprofit Renewing American Leadership, insisted, despite the obvious, that the event wasn’t political. When I asked him if The Response would nonetheless serve to mobilize people politically, he replied, “It will cause people to be more biblical, and b…

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Religion, Marriage, and Maine’s Tortured Soul

…cerns about hypothetical consequences of marriage equality in order to win California’s Prop 8 in 2008. The following year he was paid by NOM to bring the same tactics and fear-mongering ads about schools to Maine. In the documentary, Mutty admits to the campaign’s “hyperbole” and talks about asking for forgiveness for ways in which he betrayed himself by going along with Schubert’s strategy. During the campaign, for example, Mutty told NPR that p…

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LDS Church to be Fined for Late Reports of Prop. 8 Funding

…butions together in a later filing.” According to, an independent research project conceived and led by Mormons, the Church’s non-monetary contributions to the Yes on 8 campaign total $190,000. The $37,000 at issue in the FPPC complaint and the $190,000 documented in-kind LDS donations constitute but a small fraction of the Mormon-affiliated fundraising for the Yes on 8 campaign through the Protect Marriage coalition. Protect Marri…

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Does the Historical Jesus Matter?

…l conference session was transformed into an in-depth consideration of how California’s much-deplored governmental dysfunction actually mirrors and expresses the main contours of empire and inequality as global phenomena. For a full third of the conference time we moved from top-down to bottom-up theology, beginning with small-group conversations over boxed lunches in the open air. Although the shift gave some participants a slight case of the ben

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Becoming Forever Lonesome: How Violence Changes Us

…inal hope of becoming a doctor—a profession Jim’s parents, a Marin County, California lawyer and a nurse, held in his such esteem that as a child Jim was taught to stand anytime a physician entered a room. But even though Jim was arguably the brightest of the five Kopp children, and even though he graduated high school early and earned honors in college, medical school didn’t happen. By his middle 20s, he was probably just too weird—prone to getti…

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