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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…ter Mika’l Qualls is reminded “of Corrie Ten Boom and others like her… I feel better going to sleep at night, knowing that God has someone in place who is on the frontlines fighting against this tremendous evil.” And commenter Karen West writes: “Lila has the beauty and brains to do any number of things, but instead, she is laying down her life for those most innocent of all.” But not everyone on the religious right believes that Lila Rose is acti…

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Disaster Theology: Blame and Powerlessness in Japan

…Certainly. Does it strengthen our resolve to develop an ever better understanding of seismology? You bet. Do these guarantee that, going forward into an age of accelerating climate change and rapidly depleting oil reserves, we won’t take one hit after another to our most deeply-held belief as modern people: that we can do a better job of running the planet than the planet can? No. There is no guarantee whatsoever that we will emerge from this cen…

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Tropical Storm Isaac Bears Down on RNC

…garage.  (Although I do expect our supplies will run out in about 48 hours because we’re the types that feed the neighbors.) Mitt Romney, this tropical storm is in your wheelhouse.  I bet your pragmatic mind is spinning through all the logistics. 72 hour kits for everyone!  You can do this!…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…nowledge about the brain as a way to better understand that most basic of religious elements: morality. 8. Sports Values: Where do Americans get their moral sensibilities, learn lessons about right and wrong, and understand how to cope with disgrace as well as deification? The wonderful world of sports. Where to begin? Let me just list some names from 2010, and not even full names, to get this started: Tiger, Vick, (Big) Ben, Lebron (formerly King…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…Opinion found that just 4.5, 4.2, and 6.1% of respondents ranked U.S.–Israel relations as their first, second, and third top issue in the election, respectively. (Besides, 61% of respondents approved strongly or approved somewhat of the way that President Obama is handling the US relationship with Israel. Whatever that means.) The New York Jewish Week, which is quite conservative on such matters, drilled down further into these figures in an edit…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…p, probably along with white mainliners (52%) and white Catholics (51%). A better bet would be to connect with Hispanic Catholics (35%) and the sizable religiously unaffiliated (34%). Spotlight the Catholic congregations assisting Puerto Rican refugees and highlight Mike Pence’s threat to reproductive rights and education. Pennsylvania: With its highly religious—and highly conservative—central region balancing Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, Pennsylv…

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Jesus Christ and Super Stars: How The Holy Rolled Mainstream in Pop Music

…within the walls of the church. Julien Baker told The New Yorker, “‘Ultimately, I feel like there is just a pervasive evidence of God… Though I know that is maybe a controversial thing to say.” A survey of the musical landscape suggests otherwise. Though Baker and other artists are reluctant to identify as Christian artists or explicitly state their religious influences, the fingerprints of the Gospels on their works is undeniable. These are not t…

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Country Trumpkins

…the country and have decided to remain, or return after a few years away. Between the two groups, the self-understanding of the community becomes defined over and against urban life, for good reasons (wanting a small, caring community) and bad (wanting not to live next to black people). All of this can be dealt with, but change comes slow in rural areas. Think generations, rather than years, much less the lightning pace expected by the wired worl…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…directly to profits. Breitbart News, where Yiannopolous works, is a privately held company, so it does not have to disclose much financial information. But his provocative claims probably haven’t been bad for its bottom line. The joy of provocation does not explain white supremacy. But, while the alt-right didn’t invent white supremacy, this particular cocktail of troll-ish pleasure, countercultural ethos, threat, and old-school racism does seem…

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Maybe Trump Should Pray About His Problems With Religious Voters?

…Jews, like members of all the other religious minorities, recognize a bad bet for religious freedom when they see one. They see how Trump treats Muslims, Mormons, and Hispanics, and they know his commitment to them is thinner than his actual hair. Anyway, you might say it’s only one state, but it’s also the one state with a sizable Jewish population and an uncertain outcome. There’s no way Trump is winning in New York or New Jersey, and if he doe…

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