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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…on the Internet. Fiasco shares his decision to put the song on the Web for free in verse: “I’m not trying to profit off the prophet so this one’s for free.” He does this, ironically, even as his lyrics laud one of the most prominent black prosperity preachers, Creflo Dollar. Apparently, the two share a commitment to, as Lupe puts it, “no sex before you’re married,” if not a business ethic. And then there’s the fact that Kanye recorded three differ…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…s where following the money is the soundest approach. Mansions and beach houses are not free, so obviously Catholic money is keeping his successor in the style to which Wesolowski became accustomed. Multiply that by the number of countries where the Vatican has diplomatic relations. I doubt these diplomatic men cook their own meals or wash their own cassocks, no matter how frugal Pope Francis may be. So somebody pays a lot of money to keep this ge…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…me the suffering of the most miserable; So I will know my people’s plight. Free me to pray for others; For you are present in every person. Help me to take responsibility for my own life; So that I can be free at last. Grant me courage to serve others; For in service there is true life. Give me honesty and patience; So that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration; So that the spirit will be alive among us. Let the spirit fl…

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Jesus Christ and Super Stars: How The Holy Rolled Mainstream in Pop Music

…n in Jesus is the definition of being a Christian and Christianity is, for better or worse, a religion. Bieber is also a notable member of Hillsong NYC, the SoHo House equivalent of Christian congregations in the city. Why then, does he insist against identifying as religious? To a generation brought up in the aftershocks of the Moral Majority and no strong public religious figures that didn’t come armed with brutal social agendas, “religion” and…

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Why Conservatives are Turning on Beck

…of Christian Zionists like Hagee, foretell not only a grand confrontation between Christ and the Antichrist, but between Christianity and Islam. As Anthea observed last week, Beck is clearly trying to tap into those narratives to fuel his — and his viewers’ — paranoias about current events in Egypt. That’s not to say these end-times prophecies aren’t criticized in right-wing circles — they are, but they are largely tolerated. And tolerated, for e…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…to blacks—portrayed President Obama as an emissary to this world of secret codes and seditious intent, and his much-lauded religious freedom speech in Cairo as evidence of that. . . . [National Review contributor Andrew] McCarthy, author of the books The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America and How Obama Embraces Islam’s Sharia Agenda, links both President Obama and the American left to this supposed plot, claiming that they share…

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Blank Sabbath: Sens. Sponsor Bill to Curb Wage Theft

…and needy laborers…You shall pay them their wages daily before sunset, because they are poor and their livelihood depends on them…”  Jeremiah 22:13: “Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness and his upper rooms by injustice; who makes his neighbors work for nothing and does not give them their wages…”  Luke 10:7: “…for the laborer deserves to be paid.”  I am convinced that the reason we generally ignore the exploitation of working people…

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David Brooks’ Rant on Emptiness of Secularism is Poppycock

…Yahweh, be a composite of many personalities woven together with literary freedom. “There was no mass Exodus from Egypt,” write historians Israel Finkelstein and Neil Silberman. Forget the fictional frogs and the sea engulfing the bad guys. What happened from 1250 to 1050 B.C.E. was not history but a psycho-political, epochal breakthrough of social imagination.* Outstripping Homer and Virgil in wit and wisdom, these Hebrew poets imagined a move f…

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On Eve of Sudan Split Clashes Continue

…Misseriya. Then, like thousands of displaced Sudanese, William migrated to Egypt, hoping to be resettled to the West by the UN refugee agency in Cairo. But since the 2005 peace accords officially ended the second Sudanese civil war, the Southern Sudanese are no longer recognized as refugees. After a brutal Egyptian police raid on a Sudanese protest in Cairo, William, like many Sudanese refugees, paid Bedouin smugglers for passage across the South…

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Forget History Channel’s The Bible, Meet Omar

…ly long at times, and there’s too much dialogue, but for Americans who are used to the frenetic, almost nauseating pace of contemporary entertainment, a more langorous pace is a Godsend. The series was filmed in standard Arabic, but very accessibly subtitled into English, and available free on YouTube. It’s an insightful perspective into how Muslim heritage and history are celebrated by Muslims today. Rather than focus on differences (though those…

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