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Why Are Muslims So Concerned with Muhammad?

…of Muslims,” that film that is supposed to offend me but, based on the 14-minute trailer, only embarrasses me… and leads me to ask two desperate questions: How is it that a $5 million budget can buy you so little? And, who produces a 14-minute trailer? That’s just offensive. In Islam, the Qur’an is the literal word of God, and Muhammad represents the embodiment of those words of God. If you want to know what Islam is in text, go to the Qur’an; if…

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Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence

…heat is never really off,” Andersen tells me. “Everything can be fine one minute, and the next minute you’re dead.” In the face of prominent leaders who claim helplessness in the face of biblical tradition, Andersen and a small but growing cadre of like-minded abuse survivors are fighting this established conservative wisdom on domestic violence not with secular or feminist domestic violence tactics, but with new theological arguments arguing for…

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Olympic Committee Opposes Memorial for Israeli Athletes Killed in Munich

…traged “WTF” at the International Olympic Committee for refusing to hold a minute of silence in memory of the eleven Israeli athletes murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics forty years ago. I have yet to hear any rationale for the IOC’s intransigence on this point. Whatever one thinks of Israel, Palestine, and the Israel/Palestine issue, what happened in 1972 was cold-blooded murder, even if it was politically motivated. This is a significant annive…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…g hate us.” Like it or not, Stewart’s opinion matters. I suspect his three-minute jab did more to moderate the discussion and alienate the outliers than anything Beck or Huckabee could ever dream up. 7. Nidhal Guessoum, astrophysicist, for reminding us that, in the minds of nearly 1.6 billion people, “science and religion” does not mean “science and Christianity” The creationism-science debate is leaving American shores. It is being held in Arabic…

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MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Needs to Get a Grip on his Issues with Mormonism

…ent about Catholic attitudes towards LGBT equality, by concluding his five-minute segment with a diatribe against Mormonism.   Citing recently-released statistics showing broad support for LGBT equality among American Catholics, O’Donnell went after political commentators who characterized “the Catholic vote” as conservative: “Every time you hear a pundit say that you hear someone who does not know what he’s talking about.”   O’Donnell saved his s…

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God Grows Up: Robert Wright’s Evolution of God

…te he’s belligerent, advocating the annihilation of infidels, and the next minute he’s tolerant and broadly compassionate. I figured if I could isolate the circumstances that had given rise to these two kinds of scriptures, that might tell us something about the circumstances that would bring out the best in religion today. Also, more generally, I felt that the standard histories of God, such as Karen Armstrong’s, do a good job of showing how our…

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Jay Bakker on LGBT Justice and the Demands of Grace

…to listen to this sermon that was a thirty-minute apology, and then a ten-minute why it’s wrong to be gay. So, I’m starting to see these pastors apologizing for what they’re about to say. They seem to know, instinctively, that what they’re doing is wrong. There has been a lot of criticism about you from the far right, like Ken Silva (a New Hampshire pastor who runs Apprising Ministries). How do you respond to that criticism, or do you? I used to…

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Soccer and the Sublime in the Shadow of Apartheid

…ersonal that way. You dream of possibility, enwrapped in the process. Each minute an opportunity for equalization, victory or loss; yet each minute fleeting all the same. Seeing the human body at work on a football pitch, however, can also be pedestrian, taking place year-round on every continent, every zip code. It is a game, proven by its global appeal, which defies socioeconomic standing. Therein lies further emphasis of the World Cup’s importa…

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Mormon “Martin Luther” Causes Stir by Uploading LDS Church Handbook of Instructions to Internet

…, every phrase, every bit of punctuation—has been tracked on the Internet, minute-by-minute, by communities of LDS people and those who report on Mormon experience and issues. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Folks in some on-line LDS communities winkingly call it  “Kremlinology.” (Not that the LDS Church is, well, the Soviet regime.) But a Church that prizes the opacity of its inner workings is experiencing an unusual level of uninvited t…

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Time is on Our Side

…rs of the imsak, which means the cessation of eating with an additional 20 minute buffer. I’m not one of them. The reasoning behind imsak is to be sure NEVER to be eating at the time when the fast should have begun. I did observe it in my younger more literalist days, but over time and with five children, now adults, whom I helped through their first of many fasts, I really got closer to Allah’s mercy. I recognized that 14 seconds too long on that…

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