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Why Egypt is America’s Enemy

…t, fool me twice—my fault. With destabilizing governments, weaker borders, more transnational movements, and an al-Qaeda that would love to swoop in and take advantage of the situation, the situation will likely, as the Arabist reported, get a lot worse. I don’t think Egypt’s headed for a civil war, but the return of a military-police state means some kind of an insurgency, albeit one it’ll be ever harder to put down. Egypt is basically bankrupt,…

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Why The Advocate‘s Choice of Pope Francis for Person of the Year is a Mistake

…ept the reply from the Pope confidential. If a mere change in language can move The Advocate to make Pope Francis their Person of the Year over Edie Windsor, whose case helped DOMA to crumble, I’m stunned. The disappointment that will come in the future when Catholic church teachings do not change will not be a surprise to those of us who know the history of the glacial pace of change in the Catholic church. Personally, unless Pope Francis calls a…

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The Social Science Animal: Brooks Argues for Emotion over Reason

…as never the best thing about being human, anyhow. Instead, Brooks wants a more emotional and heartfelt humanism. He wants to suggest that the human is the premiere social animal—distinguished from all other species because “we have phenomenal social skills that enable us to teach, learn, sympathize, emote, and build cultures, institutions, and the complex mental scaffoldings of civilizations.” Referring to what he calls “the unconscious” (not a F…

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Four Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Islamic

…on-Muslims to support those ideals while transcending easy stereotypes and cheap fear-mongering. We should therefore pause in our reactions and ask ourselves; perhaps an Islamic revolution in Egypt is not de facto a bad thing.   Finally, I’m reminded of Karen Armstrong’s description of the historical mission Muslims are tasked with:  “In Islam, Muslims have looked for God in history. Their sacred scripture, the Quran, gave them a historical missio…

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Want a Slurpee with Your Birth Control?

…t special.  More importantly, the bishops’ argument completely ignores the more expensive, and more effective, longer acting forms of birth control that insurance covers, such as IUDs and implants, that can cost upwards of $1,000 for initial insertion. Recent studies show that these types of birth control may well be the key to preventing unplanned pregnancies and breaking the cycle of poverty in populations that have a higher rate of unintended p…

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Why Taxing the Rich is the Godly Thing

…holes in the fantastical idea that handing rich and powerful people still more money means they will dutifully make productive, job-creating investments in the domestic economy. There has never been a shred of evidence to support this supply-side shibboleth, whereas no one disputes that restoring tax rates for the wealthiest to where they were before Bush messed with them would yield at least $2 trillion in badly-needed revenue over the course of…

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Doubt v. Predator: A Vatican II Parable

…parish priest, Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman), is unconventional, almost hip, peppering his sermons with jokes and hugging students. The setting is ripe for tension, though it doesn’t explode until Sister James (Amy Adams) notices Donald Miller (Joseph Foster), the school’s only black student, acting strangely after a private meeting with the priest. After expressing her concerns to Sister Aloysius, the principal reaches a bleak conclusion…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…identity, some materially transcendent spirit, some individuality that is more about the myth of modern individualism than about anything religious. Therein they miss the (religious) point. And this is where I will go on record to suggest that Darren Aronofsky is one of the greatest living religious filmmakers. I confess, I’ve been a fan since his first feature length film, π (alternatively titled: Pi: Faith in Chaos, 1998) made on a shoestring b…

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Of Zionism and Anti-Zionism: The Ultra Orthodox and the Settler Movement in Israel

…on an exilic mentality of accommodation. And even though many Haredim have moved “rightward,” such movement is arguably less ideological than experiential, and thus more open to change. In other words, as “facts on the ground,” they are open to being transplanted if the conditions are right. While this may be true of the Russian population and other non-ideological Jews living in the settlements, the Haredi community is distinct for at least two r…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…and on the ground. The Christian Patriot movement, which was largely synonymous with the militia movement of the 1990s, had three signature characteristics, according to scholar James Alfred Aho, as cited by Neiwert: First, there’s dualism, or the division of reality into a “godly” spiritual realm, in which lies the “perfect,” and a corrupt material world, which is “profanity, unconsciousness and death.” Second, there’s “conspiratorialism” or “the…

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