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Manchester—Last Gasp of a Failing Terror Movement?

…st daily in house-to-house combat. The northern portion of Syria, near the Turkish border, has been freed by Syrian Kurdish forces, and a combination of military forces is closing in on the capital city of the ISIS caliphate, Rakka. Perhaps more importantly, the ISIS troops have become demoralized in these military failures. The wages paid to its soldiers have shrunk to a fraction of what they were receiving just a year ago, and the once-steady st…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…lice turned tear gas, plastic bullets, and water cannons on participants. (Turkish LGBT activists are not sure why the event was shut down after years without incident, but it fell during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and came in the wake of a defeat at the ballot box for the party of Turkey’s Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.) “I thought we were safe, but the police were attacking us and the people just watching,” said Nader. “That was…

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Washington Post Blogger “Proud” To Have Shared Stage With Geert Wilders

…e to fully integrate almost a million Dutch Muslims, mostly of Moroccan or Turkish descent. In existence only since 2006, the Freedom Party, tightly controlled by Wilders, has grown to be the Netherlands second largest, and fastest growing, party. Recent polls suggest it could even replace Balkenende,s Christian Democrats as the top party in 2011 parliamentary elections. Wilders is no friend of the U.S.: he opposes Dutch military involvement in Af…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…im, it is a democracy and it is part of Western security architecture. The Turkish Navy is now off the coast of Libya; I’m sure perceptive Libyans notes the awkward anniversary: 100 years ago, in 1911, the Ottoman Empire lost its last African territory, Libya, to Italy. And speaking of Italy—the mother country of our favorite ethnic white reality show cast—this brings us to the most profound, insistent and unexpected influence on the Arab revoluti…

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Do Dogs Have a Soul?: Taking “Creaturely” Life Seriously

…ensively on dog films such as the 1998 Mongolian State of Dogs or the 2013 Turkish Taşkafa: Stories of the Street. She also writes about controversial legal cases involving fighting dogs and the men who breed them. Her discussion of matters religious and spiritual is unsystematic, littered throughout the text in flickers and flashes. “Dogs, she says, are ‘flesh shot through with spirit,’ who live ‘so adamantly in their bodies’ that they actually ‘…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…longer seen as risqué. In this younger generation were also an increasing number of Muslim students (from Muslim family backgrounds and also from convert backgrounds) who brought Islamic Studies into closer dialogue with Religious Studies and began to question the divide between “studying religion” and “living religion.”   That said, it was really non-Muslim scholars who broke open the field. I remember the thrill of buying the book Islamic Homos…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…ian Sector.” The glossary has initially been published in English, French, Turkish, Farsi, and Arabic. The London-based Kaleidoscope Trust has published a set of recommendations designed to help The Commonwealth of Nations (formerly known as the British Commonwealth) to improve the lives of LGBT people even though, as 76 Crimes notes, “dozens of those countries still have anti-LGBT laws inherited from their former colonial overlords.” The group’s…

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Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ (Read: Gay-Free) Version of Facebook

  Turkish ‘Islamic Defense’ Group Calls for Murder of Gays; Civil Unions Stall in Cyprus; Kenyans Tell Gays to Leave, Obama to Shut Up; Brazilian Evangelicals Launch ‘Sin-Free’ Facebook; and more… In the U.S., fallout from the Supreme Court’s decision making marriage equality a legal reality in all 50 states continues, with conservative Christian legal groups backing county clerks and others citing religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to recog…

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“1913: Seeds of Conflict”: New Doc Explores Little-Known History of Palestine

…fectively in the film. Even hearing the Arabic, German, French, Hebrew and Turkish gives one a feel for the multiethnic dimension of this particular corner of the jungle. 1913 is not a year many point to as the germ-cell of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But Loeterman suggests that it is; not in any obvious way, no seismic event, national conflict or political edict. Rather, three things happened in 1913 that frame this film. First, Sokolowsky’…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…e “out of the closet”. What we were hearing – and it has snatched the microphone of homosexual life in the same unrepresentative way that Islamism has grabbed the public voice of Muslims – was the voice of a self-appointed moral policeman. If you are gay, Mr Strudwick seemed to assert, there are certain things you must believe. Nothing else is permitted under the gay rights sharia. Nigeria: Presidential candidate denies marriage-equality deal We r…

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