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Republicans Tell Iowa Homeschoolers Education Not Government’s Role

Yesterday, as Iowa homeschoolers lobbied their legislators to “simplify” state education regulations, three potential presidential candidates spoke to the crowd of several hundred, all agreeing that government should not “interfere” in education. Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Ron Paul each addressed the Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators (NICHE) as the group held its annual Capitol Day, with Bachmann and Paul describing the government…

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Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter?

He was a prominent minister, pastoring a church with a membership in the thousands, preaching standard doctrines with a relevant twist. But then he started to doubt the concept of hell and the possibility that God would damn people who were already suffering on Earth to an afterlife of further, eternal torment. Voicing this doubt made him the target of serious, sustained criticism. Former colleagues denounced him as a heretic. Sound familiar? No,…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…individual liberty,” adding that “even though they [Obama and Saudi King Abdullah] part company on the details of what they would transform it into, they both need to topple American constitutional republicanism in order to install their utopias.” . . . . McCarthy, who endeavors to portray every relationship as insidious, referred to ISNA as “the most important Islamist organization in the United States” at CPAC, adding: “in 2009, ISNA had its an…

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Tokyo Governor Says Tsunami is Divine Punishment—Religious Groups Ignore Him

…priest at the Rinzai Zen temple Jionji in Rikuzentakata village is housing 69 refugees who were treated by doctors and nurses from the Japan Red Cross. Seventy to eighty percent of the town’s 8000 households were wiped out by the tsunami. Jodo Shinshu, Japan’s largest traditional Buddhist sect, has cancelled plans for the 750th memorial of sect founder Shinran. Instead, the Shinshu priesthood has transformed head temple Higashi Honganji in Kyoto…

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Judgment Day is Coming; Wear Clean Underwear

I last wrote about the End of the World in July, so I thought it was time for an update. Apparently, it’s still scheduled for May 21. Actually, May 21 isn’t technically the end of the world. Rather, it’s the Day of Rapture, when the righteous are magically taken up to heaven. Which also means, as anyone who has read the Left Behind series knows, that suddenly pilotless planes will fall from the sky and driverless cars will crash. So folks might w…

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High School Senior Leads Effort to Repeal Louisiana Anti-Evolution Law

I’ve long had a soft spot for young people standing up to religious bullying. So I want to give a shout out to Zack Kopplin, a Baton Rouge Magnet High School Senior. Kopplin is leading a campaign to repeal the stealth creationist law that is the 2008 Louisiana Science Eduction Act. In December, Kopplin stood up to the Louisiana Family Forum, a Christian organization that had been trying to get creationist-language inserted into state public schoo…

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Tim Pawlenty’s Dilemma: How Far Will His Anti-Choice Extremism Go?

Republican presidential hopeful and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty has a problem, the same problem every GOP aspirant has: he wants to be radical enough for the party’s base, yet he has to appear anodyne enough for the rest of the country if he wins the nomination. In Pawlenty’s case, the answer to the latter call was to write an extremely dull book about himself, Courage to Stand. Conor Friedersdorf, for one, is unimpressed. Noting Pawle…

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Atheists and Christians Compete to Give More

I get so weary of hearing that unless someone believes in a being who will condemn them to Hell if they don’t behave, they can’t possibly be a good person. It seems to never end, this debate over who is more moral—Christians or those who don’t believe in God. But you know, if atheists and Christians are going to brawl, at least they should brawl over something that actually makes the world a little bit better of a place. Which is why I get a kick…

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A Meditation on Shopping and Desire

Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of choice. —Dave Barry I love to shop. This questionable passion led me to write a book on shopping. I will also confess, like any good Catholic, that guilt is a motivator here as well. Plagued by a consumerist culture that defines our worth and value by what we spend, yet informed by a Christian ethical vision that at…

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War on Christmas, War on Schmistmas, Happy Holiday

Today I told someone I won’t see again until the first of the year that I hoped he would have a happy holiday. This genuinely warm wish generated an unsettling response in which I was accused of participating in a “war on Christmas” in favor of “political correctness.” For the record, I am in no “war on Christmas.” I am not a Christian and have no desire to regulate how Christians celebrate this holiday. Nor have I engaged in any effort to limit…

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