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Will Catholic Voters Support LGBT Rights in Washington State?

…ery conservative parish—bishops have produced bulletin inserts after every service on Sunday for October, and the last one was the consequences of approving Referendum 74. The list of consequences was taken from the National Organization for Marriage. And I am sad to say that they were all untruths. We produced a flyer and factsheet and sent them to everyone on our email list. And I heard from people who stood outside mass to pass out our flyers a…

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The Deafening Silence of “Religious Freedom” Defenders on Trump’s Muslim Ban

…ian cases may ultimately be useful in establishing favorable precedents in service of conservative Christian interpretations of the law. So while groups like Becket and ADF pay lip service to “religious freedom for all,” their actions speak louder than any boilerplate rhetoric ever could. Organizations that fight tooth and nail to make sure Hobby Lobby employees don’t have access to reproductive healthcare (like Becket has), or who proudly challen…

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Jesus, Gentrification, and the Hypocrisy of “Diversity”: An Interview with D.L. Mayfield

…the hospital, help with learning English, and help with navigating social services. Mayfield’s mission these days can more aptly be described as a hyper-local mission of showing up to help. It is a book that challenges many preconceptions about evangelicalism, missionary work, and what it means to live a life of social justice and faith. _______________ Kaya Oakes: Let’s start with the end of your book (without any spoilers), when the meaning of…

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Most U.S. Catholics Back Marriage Equality, But Knights of Columbus Pour Millions into Opposition

…illions of dollars to the pope and bishops’ conferences as well as to more service-oriented charities.  “The Strong Right Arm of the Bishops: The Knights of Columbus and Anti-Marriage Equality Funding,” documents $6.25 million in direct Knights funding to anti-marriage equality campaigns at the national level and in a dozen states since 2005—and another $9.6 million to organizations that are working “to build a conservative religious and political…

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“Man of Steel” Brings Muscular Message to Oppose Right-to-Die Legislation

…justice” is the reason he founded PRAF. In September he told Catholic News Service that “it’s a social justice issue, it’s an ethical issue, it’s a fairness issue, and those who really are concerned about justice and equality have to be willing to consider all the impact [physician-assisted suicide] would have on all the poorest and most socially and economically vulnerable populations.” In this mode, Hanson can often sound like a Democrat or a so…

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The “Spaghetti Dinner” Clause That Launched The Latest Religious Freedom Suit

…tities, to change existing policies around gender identity. During worship services and all other explicitly religious events (which, yes, would include a spaghetti dinner worship service), the churches that filed suit (and any other house of worship in the state) is free to discriminate against trans people, or gay, lesbian, and bisexual citizens. Any pastor who so wishes will continue to be able to preach the misguided transphobia that ADF champ…

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Combat Soldiers & Clergywomen: Problematic Equality

…ker go out the window when some best their brothers in training and at the service academies. Besides, the emphasis on teamwork means that brute strength and a sharp brain will get the job done. From what I hear, not much will change on the ground because women are already doing combat jobs. The potential of 200,000 combat-related jobs opening to women only reveals how much discrimination there has been until now. More than 20,000 women have serve…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…ump—the avarice; the divisive, cruel rhetoric; the affairs and divorces—in service of getting a candidate in the White House who has promised to appoint someone to the Supreme Court, “as close to Scalia as I could find.” This, presumably, would unleash some new conservative Golden Age and make genuflection before the Trump idol worthwhile. Catholics, on the other hand, even the more conservative-leaning culture warriors, appear unwilling to give T…

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None Means None (Not Atheist, Agnostic, Unbeliever…)

…sts. Not anti-religious. Given this, it caught my eye when a Religion News Service headline began to propagate at outlets from Sojourners to The Christian Century to the Washington Post: “Unbelief is Now the World’s Third-Largest Religion.” Meanwhile, back at RNS, someone caught the mistake and the headline was amended to “The ‘Nones’ Now Form the World’s Third-Largest Religion” with a correction added: “An earlier version of this article containe…

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They’re Not Coming Back: The Religiously Unaffiliated and the Post-Religious Era

…ntly conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and Religion News Service, however, might crush whatever hope is left about luring Nones back into the fold. The survey follows up on Pew’s recent studies of the same demographic of religiously unaffiliated Americans, but shows an even sharper increase in their numbers. According to PRRI, in 1990 the religiously unaffiliated made up only 6 percent of adults. From 1998 to 2004, that percentag…

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