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No, Rush Limbaugh Did Not Hijack Your Parents’ Christianity

…amed American news stations, for example, for their biased coverage of the Vietnam War, for “twisting” news reports “to make America appear the aggressor” and causing young people to become disillusioned with their own country. He also took aim at Time and Newsweek, instead recommending conservative magazines such as Human Events and Conservative Digest, and he called for a fourth television news network “committed to rendering a conservative view…

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Boy Gets Boy, Saves Earth: A Gay Christian Writer’s Plan to Change the World

…t people get behind,” Moore said in a telephone interview from his home in New York City. “The heroes die terrible deaths or endure terrible tragedies. And the characters like us that we see on TV are often the gay version of the Stepin Fetchit stereotype. Mine will be the first show where the gay character is a true hero and he isn’t doomed.” Moore’s novel, a “Best of 2008” selection by the young-adult division of the American Library Association…

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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…loundering Kansas. As the Marxists say, it can be no coincidence that this new shout-out to Christian conservatives within Trump’s base comes during the same week that the Orange Prez decided to slam trans people by declaring them unfit for any form of military service. Surely these moves have nothing at all to do with the fact that this same Orange Prez is also trying to remove Jeff Sessions, another Christian conservative who is almost as belove…

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Springtime for Ross Douthat?

…s for moving too fast, and supporting Mutually Assured Destruction and the Vietnam War. Most people these days look to Juergen Moltmann (even he’s kind of old-school by now), Gustavo Gutierrez, Marcus Borg, James Cone, Sallie McFague, or any number of other thinkers and theologians that Douthat does not recognize. The only people who want to bring back Niebuhr are conservatives. (I’m an admitted fanboy, but that’s about coming from the same church…

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The End of Carson?

…ing story, and Carson’s campaign’s effort to question CNN’s reporting, led New York magazine to run with the headline: “Ben Carson Defends Himself Against Allegations That He Never Attempted to Murder a Child:” Carson went on Fox News’s The Kelly File last night to respond, telling Megyn Kelly that the idea that he could have misrepresented his past was absurd and insulting, and that the person he tried to stab was a close relative who did not wis…

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Don’t Overlook Endless War in Rise of ISIS

…before deciding to try it again. Hence the gap between our intervention in Vietnam and nation-building in Iraq. But what about the places where total war becomes the norm? In the first half of the twentieth century, countries like Russia and Germany, and the lands in between them, initiated or suffered extremes of war that few countries have thankfully ever experienced, or could conceive of. Iraq might be able to. Just review the last one hundred…

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Perhaps Islam isn’t the Only Reason Donald Trump Didn’t Recall Muhammad Ali

…ting. When doctors clear Money to play late in the season, his hopes are renewed and he gets life back on track, which, given the narrative structure in which these events are portrayed, seems to unlock heavenly monetary rewards. Indeed, a businessman who has been “very blessed” offers to pay for the entirety of his college education, which, Coach Bill assures him, was due to Money’s resiliency in the face of adversity. Born to a humble steel-work…

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Are the Pews Half Empty or Half Full? Lessons From 734 A.D.

…n: Eyre Methuen, 1979, 799–810:808.] Turns out that half-churched is not a new concept. Clerical grousing over empty pews has been happening—off and on—for a very long time. There’s something reassuring in that. Way back in 734, Bede was bemoaning the church’s death-spiral—which was not, in fact, happening. Following his time-honored example, down-in-the-mouth pastors still complain about AWOL parishioners. But maybe we shouldn’t. Worship particip…

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Malawi Catholic Bishops Call For Enforcement of Sodomy Law; Ukrainian Thugs Disrupt Equality Festival Opposed by Orthodox Church; Indonesian Islamists Continue Rhetorical War on LGBTs; Global LGBT Recap

…and respect for diversity as a top priority. Kyle Knight, a researcher for New York-based Human Rights Watch, said it feels like the cause of equality has been set back by a generation. Bigoted officials “actually do ruin people’s lives,” he said. Belize: American Anti-Gay Activist Slams Local Religious Practices As ‘Witchcraft’ Anti-gay missionary and pastor Scott Stirm was challenged by Rep. Frank “Pawpa” Mena after Stirm criticized Garifuna rel…

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Tim LaHaye’s World: We’re Living In It

…dress, LaHaye tilled the ground, made roads out of the schools, out of the New Deal, and quite frankly out of the commons, no matter how often he lobbied or shook hands with the powerful. Despite how obvious it is that the emptied coffers after Vietnam, the disastrous slashing of the social safety net in the 1980s, the protracted legitimation crisis in American democracy, and the failure attend to the still crippling forces of racism, inequality,…

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