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Michael Vick Walks on Water: Updated

…“We can no longer allow celebrities and politicians to break laws and then use ‘Jesus’ as a get-out-of-jail free card,” he argued. And Vick’s “right thing to do as of right now” rationale certainly didn’t help his case. But Peterson was more concerned with approach. “If Vick is truly contrite and has found God, he wouldn’t have minimized his crime by describing it as a ‘mistake’ or as ‘immature,’” the Reverend complained. “He would have confessed,…

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Taking the Right-Wing Echo Chamber to the Halls of Congress

…’s an outspoken critic of asset forfeiture laws, prosecutorial immunity, abuse of eminent domain and is in the right on many other issues. But he’s also one of those folks who rants about the evils of the 17th amendment, which is definitely crank territory. But at least as a former judge, he’s actually qualified to teach the course, as opposed to the other two people on the list. I’ve got a deal for Bachmann. I’ll take her seriously on this if she…

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Your Money or Your Civil Rights? Gays Vote GOP

…e lower than the year before was 1965, when Democrats ran both the White House and Congress.) As soon as Republicans controlled both Congress and the White House in 2001, spending really took off, with more than $100 billion added to federal outlays every year that Bush sat in the White House (considerably more than either Bill Clinton or Bush 41). Spending is what Republicans do best, and you can expect them to continue it, and not on social prog…

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Talking About Religion Will Not Help Romney

…about Mormonism is not easy for multigenerational Mormons like Romney, because faith is also family, ancestry, ethnicity, and culture. Romney hails from a storied family at the core of Mormon culture. He is a man who probably donated about 20 hours per week of his time to Church affairs during his service as a lay congregational and regional church leader. It has been one of the prime definers of his personal identity. But what happens when a risk…

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Dads Against Daughters Dating

…unctioning autonomously from male authority, even in the process of finding a mate. Girls are to rely on their fathers to do this for them and remain in submission to their fathers until they have been given over to submit to their husbands. These organizations all promote literature, lectures, conferences, and other materials intended to promote this perspective, as well as the starkly delineated gender norms and expectations upon which this view…

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Some Mormons See a Message in the Angel Moroni’s Fallen Trumpet

…ransgressions of Israel upon him I will also visit the altars of Beth-el: [Bet-is House] [el- is GOD] and the horns [trumpets] of the altar shall be cut off, and fall to the ground. *When the trumpet fell off from Moroni on salt lake temple today.” While this sounded reasonable to many, the following day, several Latter-day Saint scholars of Hebrew had criticized the faulty reading of the passage and pointed out that horns referred to the actual s…

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Catholics Across the Globe Reject Vatican’s LGBTQ Cruelty — Others Blame the Sock

…It is stunning the lengths to which his defenders go to offer ludicrous excuses for the fact that yes, Virginia, Pope Francis really did approve this “gratuitously cruel” statement which is doing a lot of harm. I would love to be wrong on this because it has lowered Francis’ standing on other issues like ecology, war, and economics. Of course he could step forward and issue a clarification. But that’s not much of a Vatican custom—at least within t…

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Why the World Needs Religious Studies

…alking about the rest of us.) As far as students go, they need to practice noticing and talking about the skills and habits they’re getting in religious studies. They’ll have to articulate these things to their parents and prospective employers. I bet they can do it better than I have. When they do, they’ll be a lot more ready to take over the world, and that will be a good thing. This essay is based on a talk given to Brown University undergradua…

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Nancy Hardesty, Founding Mother of Biblical Feminist Movement (1941-2011)

…focus of the sermon (Mother’s Day is the worst, and if you are laughing I bet you know Nancy’s work). But submission theology also permeates every part of Christian life in our young woman’s world. Her interest in things intellectual is looked upon with suspicion or derision. Her leadership qualities are squeezed into “appropriate” but ill-fitting tasks like working with the children. It seems that no part of who she knows herself to be is welcom…

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James Dobson’s Family Values Were Influenced by a Eugenicist [Audio]

…feminism as these grave threats to the family. He would dismiss domestic abuse—that’s something that appears in later of his books. He would sometimes accuse women of faking it, just to get attention, that sort of thing. Even where he believed abuse was real, he never really thought of it as a good reason for divorce. Everybody had to stay in their marriage. And when he, when he ended up founding Focus on the Family he really gave all of those ide…

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