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The Kaaba: Center of the Universe

…ed commemoration without the building huge edifices: the island of Bali in Indonesia, for one; and Katmandu in Nepal, for two. In both those places, I just felt like everywhere everyone remembers the sacred. From bells to ring as you walk past them in Katmandu; to little daily offerings in the fronts of every store and office, as well as at the temples in Bali. These are reminders. We are reminded to reflect on that which is beyond the everyday or…

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Gingrich on Obama’s “Kenyan, Anti-Colonial Behavior” and “American Exceptionalism”

…years—the first 17 years of his life—off the American mainland, in Hawaii, Indonesia and Pakistan, with multiple subsequent journeys to Africa. Because, as we all know, Hawaii isn’t America? Apparently not. And Obama doesn’t understand the founders’ intentions: A good way to discern what motivates Obama is to ask a simple question: What is his dream? Is it the American dream? Is it Martin Luther King’s dream? Or something else? It is certainly not…

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Lessons Learned this Ramadan

…and I am grateful. Finally, and of course unique for this year, I learned that it is possible to blog your way through Ramadan, sharing many ideas along the way, and yet still keep some things between you and Allah alone. The idea to do this one hundred-day blog came to me on my recent return from Indonesia. While there, my friends said hajj would be a challenge because of gender restrictions. Then a friend described people doing tawaf, or circum…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…pastor who had planned to burn Qur’ans on 9/11 has instigated protests in Indonesia and the threat of a flag-burning protest in Great Britain. Indian officials have called for a media blackout of the event. Meanwhile, his own daughter has joined the list of folks condemning the event. She called his church a “cult” that uses “mental violence.” Not to be left out in denouncing things, Angelina Jolie also condemned the plan. President Obama called…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…d I am still a relative stranger, having moved to my present location from Indonesia only a few months ago. Thus, I go to be with people. Not to be in retreat from them. I’m clear on this and I thought I should be clear with you. This makes last night just the cream on the cake; or is that cream of the crop? Icing on the cake? Anyway. I wanted to call this entry “The World’s Tallest Muslims” in honor of my brother Ibrahim and his son Isa, but I re…

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…pe the offense of racism finds such recompense in America. In Malaysia and Indonesia, at the end of Ramadan there is a custom to seek forgiveness zahir and batin for offenses done knowing and unknowingly. We do not know all the time how our actions affect another person. So to keep the level of humanity in forgiveness straight let me say, in writing this blog, if I have offended anyone knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me and astaghfir-Alla…

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Howling at the Moon

…le in my neighborhood, or the maid, the one who came three times a week in Indonesia and the one who lived-in were eligible. I also give to non-Muslims if I know their circumstance. Whether we should give to non-Muslims is up for dispute by some jurists. But today’s realities make it quite clear: we can no longer consider the need of a Muslim as greater than the need of a non-Muslim. This is like the tendency in some international circles to consi…

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You Asked For It

…mamahs, like China and India. Some countries have fewer restrictions, like Indonesia. It is so good to be in places like this because when it is suppose to be for the worship of Allah then, how is that man can get in the way? But we know the drill. Thanks to all who commented on these and other entries, like Houda, and mairedubhtx. Perhaps when Ramadan is over I can start making my reply on the blog page. But as I said to start, it’s not as easy a…

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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

…are a true devotee, you can follow Gilbert’s steps to to Italy, India, and Indonesia—as a solo pilgrim, as some have done, or as a member of a tour costing a cool $19,795. Or, alternatively, you could do what seems just as rewarding: savage the movie and book on the Internet. In the vastness of cyberspace, there are glowing reviews of Eat Pray Love, the movie. But the film and book have also served as an occasion for some cultural commentators, an…

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The Age of Dhikr

…dan. Because I’ve only lived here for four months after a year and half in Indonesia, I don’t have very strong networks or too many close relations yet. It’s just family and as I said, at the moment no one of my close family is fasting with me. This week I began my intentional socialization. I had a guest earlier in the week and a few on the list for the week ahead. This weekend, has been pretty busy. Friday I went to an organized iftar for LGBT M…

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