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The Story of ‘In God We Trust,’ Our Christian Nationalist Motto [Part 1]

…n.” After the pleasantries, Watkinson moved to fearmongering, “What if our Republic were now shattered beyond reconstruction?” Posterity would look to our coinage and think “that we were a heathen nation.” Watkinson proposed removing that heathen, “the Goddess of Liberty,” and adding a new, godly motto, something like, “God, liberty, law.” With the sense of entitlement typical of a religious majoritarian, Watkinson claimed that “no possible citize…

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COVID-Denying Father Sergei is Just the Latest Example of the Russian Orthodox Church’s ‘Holy Man’ Problem

…phraim was tonsured as a monk in 1947 on Mount Athos, an isolated monastic republic in the Aegean which forbids not only women, but even cows, from landing on its shores. He left Athos in 1979 when he went to Canada for medical treatment. From there, he came to the United States, which is (as with so many stories) where it gets weird. Traveling through the Greek-American communities of the early 1980s, Ephraim found what through other eyes might h…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…ight-wing extremism. Abbott says she often receives phone calls from Idaho Republicans asking her what to do about the party’s extremism problem. Noting that the extremists “are organized, and they show up,” Abbott tells these concerned Republicans that they need to start showing up themselves if they want to reclaim their party and stop local officials from refusing to enforce state and federal directives. “You can’t just sit back and not say any…

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Historian John Ragosta Discusses the Context and Inspiration for ‘Religious Freedom’ in the U.S.

…without freedom to think and believe, you could not have the other two. A republic could not work if government and church officials (what Jefferson referred to as an alliance of “kings, nobles, and priests”) were trying to control what we think or prescribe what was the “best” religion or which people were the “best” citizens based upon their religious beliefs. If people were to make informed political choices themselves, they had to be free to…

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Civil Religion v. Uncivil Religion; With Deadly Consequences

…most thoroughly by Robert Bellah, who says “from the earliest years of the republic is a collection of beliefs, symbols, and rituals with respect to sacred things and institutionalized in a collectivity.” As Bellah and others have argued, civil religion has never been quite the same as generalized Christianity in America, even though Christianity has dominated the nation from the get-go, and even though the civil faith has carefully maintained a r…

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The Antichrist Trap: Trump Isn’t the Whole Story

…stallizes a certain way of thinking about a path forward for this troubled republic. Leonhardt is certainly not alone in taking this line; he merely drives it home more forcefully than others. The gist is that Donald J. Trump embodies everything that’s threatening to this essentially good and benign nation. According to this view, expelling the 45th president—driving him from office by any means necessary—opens the way to our national salvation. T…

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MLK Monument That Never Was, is a Reminder of the King Too Often Ignored

…figure who spoke in the “I Have a Dream” speech of the “architects of our republic [who] wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,” while ignoring the man who, with justified prophetic fury, could write in 1968 that American imperialism in Vietnam constituted “an unjust, evil, and futile war,” is to not fully respect the enormity of King’s vision. Conservatives, like Jesse Helms and the since-sainted Joh…

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The Hollowness of the Southern Baptists’ New Racism and Sexual Abuse Amendments

…and sexist largely in their favor and were designed at the founding of the Republic to afford them with unearned power. Absent from their declaration is any commitment to participate in the tedious task of using their white cisgendered privilege to dismantle these same social structures. Racial discrimination is more than a bias disposition; it’s more than simply calling me a “spic.” Racial discrimination also includes the political pronouncements…

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Scholars Upset With ‘1619 Project’ Must Abandon Vision of ‘America the Righteous’

…the infidels from the temple in order to preserve the myth of the Virtuous Republic. In religious terms, this worship of a false national narrative has a name: idolatry. In the revised but still withering formal letter that the Times agreed to publish, Wilentz and his fellow critics fault Hannah-Jones and her collaborators for failing to appreciate the extent to which Mr. Lincoln joined with Frederick Douglass (and others) in treating the Constitu…

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Books to Give this Holiday Season to Help Understand the World We’ve Found Ourselves in (and to Help Reimagine a Better One)

…ein case will help him understand why non-consensual touching is not A-OK. Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power (Metropolitan Books) by Anna Merlan The perfect gift for those looking for a solid, well-researched, and measured approach to debunking conspiracy theories. Armed with this book, you’ll be a master at the holiday dinner table as you offer gentle corrections to all your militant relatives who…

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