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Mike Huckabee’s Army of Anti-Gay Zealots

…tial prospect to speak to Pastors’ Policy Briefings that Wildmon headlined in early primary states like Iowa, South Carolina, and Florida. At the Florida event, Huckabee suggested that America with secular governance was just like Nazi Germany. Huckabee had been participating in similar events since his days as Arkansas governor, but they really proved helpful to him in his presidential campaign. A video of the 2008 Iowa meeting was distributed to…

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Science, Syphilis, and the Evolution of Ethics

…ing Nazi abuse of people in the name of science were going on in post-WWII Germany, the United States Public Health Service was intentionally exposing Guatemalans to the bacterium that causes syphilis, so that different therapies for the disease could then be tested on them. First, infected prostitutes were identified and made freely accessible to ‘volunteer’ prisoners for sex. When this didn’t work so well, attempts were made to infect patients i…

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MRI Jesus, Bush’s Reading List, Ahmadinejad & the Pope…

…ld a ban on religious Christmas carols in a New Jersey school district. In Germany, a group of Catholics want to take the Santa out of Christmas. They want to replace the consumerist Claus with the selfless St. Nicholas. Druidry is now recognized as a religion by Great Britain. That only took a few thousand years. A priest at St. Vincent College in Pennsylvania was fired when pornography was discovered on his computer. The story takes an interesti…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…campaign. The revival coincided with America’s declaration of war against Germany and Sunday, not one to miss an opportunity, turned up his anti-German rhetoric to extreme levels, even for him. It struck me as I was reading excerpts from Sunday’s sermons and articles in the New York Times that we know a great deal about Sunday’s thoughts and the thoughts of clergymen and editorial boards of denominational periodicals, but that little was written…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…e church. The inscription beneath his stone image reads “God is great.” In Germany, a team of researchers have built digital models of synagogues destroyed by Nazis on Kristallnacht in 1938. Anglican vicar Alex Brown was convicted of performing 360 sham weddings for immigrants trying to stay in the UK. Vandalism against mosques and Islamic centers continues: There’s the vandalism in Madera, California and Hudson Valley, New York. Meanwhile, federa…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…le Americans celebrate Labor Day with picnics, BBQs, and weekend getaways, Germany-based FIAA GmbH is releasing the beta version of The Bible Online: Heroes, the first installment of a projected series of MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy) “games” based on the Bible.  MMORTS games take place in a world that continues to exist and evolve even while any given player isn’t playing. According to the press release, there is an RPG…

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Week in Religion, Sunday Edition

…e used by the plotters of the 9/11 attack has been closed down in Hamburg, Germany. Muslims in Britain held al-Hidayah 2010, a three-day anti-terrorism camp for young people. A New Jersey school district will observe Eid al-Fitr, the day marking the end of the month of fasting, along with Eid al-Adha, the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice and the Hindu new year holiday, Diwali. Some parents fear that kids are getting too many days off. More atheist billbo…

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Postcard from the Vatican

…reactions from the Catholic hierarchy in various aggrieved countries—from Germany and Belgium, to England and Wales (but not Ireland), to the US and Australia—has been positive. Greater clarity in the relevant Norms and greater transparency in the evaluative procedures are thought to be the first and most important steps toward establishing a more meaningful sense that this Papacy understands the gravity of the crimes over which it stands in judg…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…as a new thing under the sun. Eugenics programs in United States and later Germany were warm-up acts for the mass slaughters that were to come.   Hitler’s ideas, Dr. (David) Berlinski (another senior Discovery fellow) carefully notes, “came from many different sources but no honest account will omit Darwin.” A reading of Mein Kampf makes that clear. Certainly, Berlinski says, the men who formulated Nazi ideology “weren’t reading the Gospels.” Well…

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‘Rome is Gay’

…Fifteen hundred years later still, when European travelers (from England, Germany and elsewhere) made Rome the main stop on their “Grand Tour,” a new problem emerged in this Christian imperial center, now dominated by the Vatican: what to do when many of them died, and died outside of the Catholic faith? There was quite literally nowhere to bury these unsettling, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox corpses. So a new, Acattolica (non-Catholic) cemeter…

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