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God Bless You, Barbara Herz

…as sober, responsible policy-making, but as a heavy-handed manipulation of domestic passion, real or imagined. Democrats should have stuck to their guns. Because heavy-handed manipulation of domestic passion is the Republicans’ forte.  UPDATE: The Arab-American Institute has criticized the language change on Jerusalem. From its statement: The 2012 language was clearly an attempt to bring rhetoric in line with reality—the generally acknowledged fac…

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I Grew Up Evangelical and the Christian Nationalist Insurrection Did Not Surprise Me

…ers of the Black, Latinx, and AAPI community, despite the disproportionate numbers of Black men and women murdered by our police. The Sunday before the 65th anniversary of Emmett Till’s death, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by a white officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in front of his children. There was no national outcry from white evangelicals. Instead, Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo hosted a fundraiser to support 17-year-old…

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Muslim Brotherhood: Protect Churches; Mufti Exempts Egyptians from Friday Prayer

…hers insisted that all this upheaval was the fault of external actors, not domestic ones—and those who appeared to be domestic were simply stooges of outside forces. No one knows anything anymore. The Friday congregational prayer is one of those canonical observances for all Muslim men resident in a locality. Muslim women are recommended to go, but it’s not a compulsory observance. It was thus extraordinary that today, the Mufti of Egypt declared…

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How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer

…in (that’s what iPads are for). Plus, a lineup of cool movies, foreign and domestic, will only make you, your friends, or your community look intimidatingly more sophisticated. Who doesn’t like movies? And who likes people who don’t like movies? Fear of a Brown Planet Probably a third of the world’s Muslims live in or come from the Indian subcontinent, such as this writer, descended from the steamy plains of the Punjab but raised in gelid New Engl…

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A Matter of Life and Debt: The Role of Religion

…, resource wars and environmental degradation, human trafficking, widening domestic inequality, shrinking access to quality higher education, declining on-time graduation rates for low-income students and students of color, urban neighborhood blight, stress-related health problems, declining family life and domestic violence—are directly related to systemic debt oppression. If the most urgent moral question of the 20th century was the question of…

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Convergence of Far-Right, Anti-Democratic Factions in the Northwest Could Provide a Model for the Rest of the Nation

…ns and have made their intentions clear. “As we grow,” they declared, “the number of services around the state and nation will continue to grow.” Peters and Shea both live in the small world of “abortion abolitionists,” a movement that views anything short of criminalization, such as restrictions on access, as “regulating murder.” This movement is growing and getting noticed for the introduction of abortion abolition legislation in six states. She…

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Anti-Gay Groups Running Out of Search Engines

…ployees for the federal taxes they must pay on when they take advantage of domestic partner health benefits. The perk, however, hasn’t been extended to unmarried heterosexual couples on the payroll, though, for obvious reasons, because heterosexuals “have the option of avoiding the tax by getting married.” Focus cried foul to FoxNews saying: “If Google wants to be truly fair to its employees, it should consider extra compensation to married hetero…

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Obama’s Religion Ambassador: Inexperienced?

…location), Chaplain to the New York Police Department, and a member of the Domestic Policy Council in the Clinton Administration. Impressive, perhaps, for the Christian speakers’ circuit, but not for diplomacy. So why would President Obama choose Cook? Dr. Sujay’s resumé, with no discernible international policy experience, her close ties to the Clinton administration, and several ill-defined business ventures, suggest that President Obama cares l…

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White House Antisemitism Report Includes Encouraging Diagnoses — But Leans on Destructive Strategies

…es, however, have claimed that these are the necessary programs to counter domestic extremism and terrorism—particularly White supremacist violence. While these programs claim they focus on White supremacist and far-right violence, they use vague terminology such as “racially motivated violent extremism” or “domestic violent extremism,” giving present and future administrations free rein to surveil any social or political movement or ideology that…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…If the loonier House Republicans weren’t so totally obsessed with hacking domestic social spending right this minute, rather than waiting a couple of months, they would have snapped up the White House-Senate deal without all the pouting and posturing. This deal locks in low Bush-era marginal rates for everyone with incomes up to $399,999 (single) or $449,999 (couple). Think what an incredibly sweet deal this is for a group of people most working…

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