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Following Republican Playbook, German Conservatism Breaks the Post-WWII Taboo

…CSU delegation visited Ron DeSantis in Florida, and gave the Governor rave reviews. Andreas Scheuer, former secretary of transportation, praised DeSantis’ attack on the rights of LGBTQ (but especially trans) people: “There are current issues, for example regarding the so-called gender-switching law of [the German government], which I see very critically. DeSantis also addresses this clearly in a different context. He warns against it and wants to…

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Revisiting the Hopeful Hijinks of the Muppets on the 30th Anniversary of The Muppet Christmas Carol

…lm was only a moderate success; and critics responded with merely lukewarm reviews. Despite this inauspicious start, however, the film is now a timeless classic whose appeal spans generations. While there have been many on-screen adaptations of A Christmas Carol, the Muppets’ is not only regarded as among the best versions, it’s also, as some may be surprised to learn, among the most faithful renditions of Dickens’ novella. And while religious stu…

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What the Latest ‘God’s Not Dead’ Gets Egregiously Wrong — and Right — About Homeschooling

…ts. And the most common assessments are standardized testing and portfolio reviews—a far cry from home visits by social workers. Unannounced home visits of homeschoolers like in We The People are, according to HSLDA, “strictly unconstitutional” due to the 4th Amendment. So they not only don’t happen, they’re illegal unless certain narrow requirements are met. But at least the depiction of inaccurate history is accurate While We The People fails sp…

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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…l-spectacle-as-growth-experience. Transcendence From the Gutter Slime Most reviews of Zero K have focused on its themes of immortality and death; universal issues which can be approached from a universal perspective. In this sense, this novel-like novel is a convergence of message and medium. Zero K is weighty, important, and literary, it would seem, because it is not burdened by or bound to genre, time, or place. “But where is here and how long a…

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Reality as Revelation: “Hail Caesar!” is the Coen Brothers’ Most Religious Movie Yet

…irly amusing,” and “disjointed and ramshackle”—and these were the positive reviews! A more negative critic called it “half baked and lazy.” But to me, Hail, Caesar! is both well-jointed and fully baked. From first frame to last, the theme of religion is treated with rigor and depth. I think there are at least two reasons why most critics missed that. First, Hail, Caesar! goes by fast. The Coens have always preferred to lay out the underlying theme…

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Peter Beinart’s Controversial The Crisis of Zionism: Right Diagnosis, Wrong Treatment

…blished even before the book was released. One could surmise some of these reviews could have been written well before the reviewers had even read the book, due largely to Beinart’s 2010 essay, “The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment” published in The New York Review of Books which had already made him the heretic of American Jewry’s “I Stand with Israel” community. Of course, The Israel Lobby and The Crisis of Zionism are quite differen…

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Global LGBT Recap: Francis’s First Year; Homophobia and Development; African Activists Push Back

…nge Them Writing from Kenya for the Religion News Service, Fredrick Nzwili reviews resistance to LGBT equality among Christian leaders in Africa, many of whom portray gay-rights activism as a colonial force. Consider some of the statements at a news conference last week led by Bishop Arthur Gitonga of the Redeemed Church in Kenya: “Homosexuality is equivalent to colonialism and slavery,” said one participant. “We feel it’s like a weapon of mass de…

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Gay Mormons Tie the Knot

…, the friend I’d gone to the party with said, “Ask the host for that guy’s number. He was really into you.” That was the first inkling I had that Gary was even gay. A week later we had our first date. In discussing our histories, we learned some intriguing facts. We’d both been pre-med students. We’d both earned English degrees. We had both been teachers. We’d both been bank tellers. Oh, and we were both ex-Mormon, having both served missions in R…

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Disgruntled Former Head of Bush Faith-Based Office Praises Obama’s

…that while “hard data are hard to find,” it nonetheless “appears that the number of faith-based grantees has actually increased since 2008, and some religious nonprofits, notably the largest Catholic ones, have received record federal funding over the last several years.” (emphasis added) The transparency issue is hardly a minor one. Why are hard data hard to find? If there indeed has been a record amount of taxpayer funding of religious organiza…

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As Sexual Abuse Scandal Breaks Open, Los Angeles Catholics Hear Words of Renunciation, Recrimination from Clergy

…” for “shap[ing] the culture of the church” and its “decision making.” But reviews of steps taken in recent years by the Los Angeles Archdiocese reveals a hierarchical bureaucracy still acting innocent to its own structural complicity in the privileging of the interests of priests over the dignity of children. In its “Safeguard the Children” program, the Archdiocese has focused on efforts like volunteer screening and facilities and grounds safety,…

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