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300-430 New Dumps Book - High-quality Cisco 300-430 Test Questions Fee: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks ☀ Go to website ➥ 🡄 open and search for ➽ 300-430 🢪 to download for free 📦300-430 Sample Questions Answers

The Right’s ‘Grooming’ Rhetoric Didn’t Begin with QAnon — You Have to Go Back a Bit Further to Get to the Source

…group of people. Polls show that support for same-sex marriage is at an all-time high, and that limiting LGBT rights is increasingly unpopular. So, instead of organizing around a narrative of defending heterosexual privilege and opposing the rights of LGBTQ people, this shift frames supporters of these bills as victims—or at least as defenders of victims. This tactic also creates a moral enemy of one’s political opponents. Anita Bryant’s mantra, “…

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Fresh From Horrors of Draconian Anti-Abortion Laws, Christian Right Hoosiers Consider Draconian Anti-Abortion Law

…ear-old pregnant rape victim, many Indiana Republicans—politicians and rank-and-file activists—have since been working to make it impossible for someone like her to get the help she needs in the Hoosier State. This is every bit as monstrous as it sounds, though not really out of character for a state that has already prosecuted and convicted women of color for miscarriages. As anthropology PhD student Hilary Agro recently tweeted, even putting psy…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…mean of the United States of America, not including the roughly century-and-a-half of colonial era.) There’s a story of religious freedom in the U.S. that isn’t widely or well understood—and is fiercely contested by the Christian Right. Religious freedom was and is a revolutionary and liberatory concept that can disrupt entangled religious and political establishments and corrupt alliances of convenience. On Religious Freedom Day (January 16th) so…

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Trump’s “Muslim Ban” A Gift to Terrorists

…gside the history of coexistence is a history of intolerance. From the anti-Irish Catholic Know-Nothing Party, to the Asian Exclusion Act, to the internment of people of Japanese ancestry, this country has vacillated on the razor’s edge. The immigration policies of Donald Trump aim to return us to the darker eras of our history, consequentially erasing the history of vulnerable groups who are part of the fabric of this nation. Since the horrific e…

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RD Response to Fox Crit of White Supremacy in Yoga Engages in Victim Blaming

…ots who initially belittled Gandhi and Wolff in the comments section on and elsewhere. To be sure, by referencing her own work Jain enacts a version of what Edward Said once famously critiqued as the “citationary” nature of Orientalism and its reliance on “antecedent authority” to maintain White supremacist hegemony. For the past thirty years, critical race scholars like Richard Delgado have described this sort of gate-keeping as “impe…

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Will “Church Militants” Be Marching for Trump?

…tion, but also its potential to mobilize conservative Catholics to support slashes in immigration and social welfare policies, limit civil and religious rights for Muslims, and turn the public sector over to the private in the name of promoting godly capitalism… all behind a fig-leaf of Judeo-Christian values as scant as the grants distributed by Trump’s foundation. As the Rev. John Pawlikowski of the Catholic Theological Union told the Times abou…

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Watching 81% of My White Brothers and Sisters Vote For Trump Has Broken Something in Me

…, and so many others were apparently not on the radar of Christians, whose highest commandment is to love God and then love your neighbor Last week I watched as 81 percent of white evangelicals and born-again Christians voted for someone who, on tape, mocked a journalist with disabilities, and who, also on tape, lied about mocking that journalist. I watched as 81 percent of white evangelicals and born-again Christians voted for someone who admitte…

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WikiLeaks’ October Surprise: With “Spirit Dinners,” Conspiracy Goes Mainstream

…behalf of Satan. Numerous articles, YouTube videos and internet conspiracy websites (such as BeforeItsNews) have linked Presidents Obama, Bill Clinton, and George Bush to an evil cabal controlling the American political system at the direction of Satan. In 2011 Alex Jones’ Infowars announced that President Obama had pledged his allegiance to the New World Order and to Satan, linking this announcement to end times prophecy from a Christian, Islamic…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…r the gravity of that issue not to find it hilarious. Mexico: Anti-marriage-equality protests planned in 60 cities We reported last week that Catholic bishops had called for September protests against the president’s proposal to make constitutional changes recognizing marriage equality, which is currently spreading across Mexico through a series of court rulings. Proceso reports this week that the National Front for the Family has announced anti-m…

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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…ght) men or women, and the presence of LGBT consumers has been forgotten. … Being a gay person myself, I’ve always felt that was such a waste of opportunities,” said Morinaga, 33, who won an in-company competition to start the venture. “By turning our eyes to (LGBT people), I believe we can create products or services that we’ve never seen before.”  …

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