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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…crats (who all admire Fidel Castro, he maintains) are affiliated with socialist organizations that “quite literally comprise a Socialist Red Army within the very contours of the House of Representatives.” To hear Noebel speak, the menace hasn’t abated since his days with the Christian Crusade, which was founded by the disgraced evangelist Billy James Hargis, and was trailed by the FBI, which considered it an extremist group. When I met Summit’s ex…

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Conservatives Stand Together for Anti-Gay Bigotry

…t alone would have been enough for the SPLC to add FRC to its “hate group” list. Perkins, though, denied the group would be working to “re-criminalize homosexual behavior.”  He then portrayed the FRC’s work as combatting the “attempt to. . .  enshrine homosexual behavior as some protected class.” Potok emphasized that the SPLC’s decision to place a group on the list is not about criminality or violence, but is based on whether the groups in questi…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…5 foot-longs, and our tremendous fiscal discipline. Friedman likely made a list of 50 things that could possibly explain the Arab revolutions and was too uncritical of his own consciousness to realize his own bias. He then pulled as many of these reasons as he could fit into his regular column. But Friedman shortchanged China (he sort of got that), and missed both Turkey and MTV’s Jersey Shore. China In the last 10 years, as we’ve been bogged down…

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Trump’s “Muslim Ban” A Gift to Terrorists

…tates, nor have there been any Iranian or Iraqi terrorists. Donald Trump’s list of banned nations is comprised of nothing more than the most vulnerable of Muslim countries, six of whom we’ve bombed or used in proxy wars. Like all bullies, he has found a soft and weak target to point his finger at. Some may take heart that his order only focuses on a small number of countries, but if his authoritarian tendencies remain consistent, then we should kn…

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A Seminary for Nonbelievers: Is A. C. Grayling Creating His Own Religion?

…omes down to. You just don’t collect stamps. So how can you be a fundamentalist non-stamp collector? It’s like sleeping furiously. It’s just wrong.” The New College of the Humanities “is not an atheist institution,” Grayling and other spokespeople for the university have stated repeatedly. But it’s hard to imagine Richard Dawkins soft-pedaling on the topic of religion. Grayling insists that he’s not as vehement as his colleague. “I’m the velvet ve…

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Bangladesh’s Atheist Blogger Still Wants to Talk

…o outside of home nowadays as my name is on the hit list of some fundamentalist groups,” Asif told me. “Our prime minister said that they will arrange some police protection for the bloggers and activists of the Shahbag movement; my name was on that list also. But no one contacted me about it.” The Shahbag movement (named for a political center in the Bangladeshi capital) brought to new intensity longstanding calls for the prosecution of the perpe…

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Becoming Forever Lonesome: How Violence Changes Us

…ick up things on her daughter’s off-to-college list, when a DJ on her easy-listening radio station cut it to say there had been a shooting at the high school. The mother turned her car around and headed straight there. It was 11:30 a.m. so she knew where her daughter was: the library. She knew the very table the girl sat at. So the mother figured she would march into the school and bring the girl straight home. Their new Yorkie puppy would so happ…

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Walt Whitman’s Sacred Democracy

…en rough contemporaries like Toni Morrison and Cornel West, to this august list of American spiritualists-in-letters—was ultimately a psalmist of the human spirit. He was, as we would now say, “spiritual (or sacred), not religious.” But then, in his judgment, that’s what democracy is all about. The very coin of the democratic realm is “sacred.”  Whitman saw the work of fostering such a “religious democracy” as the work of the 20th century, and tha…

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The Third Party Publicity Stunt

…as many people with me as possible.” * * * *  Dr. Dobson excoriated a long list of Republican leaders who, he asserted, ”when they moved into power, moved to immediately insult” conservative Christian supporters. His list included Speaker Newt Gingrich, for inviting Mrs. Whitman to give the Republican response to the State of the Union address, and even conservative stalwarts like Republican Senators John Ashcroft of Missouri, and Rick Santorum of…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…ks that Occupy Faith has set itself are: to ally with unions and others to promote fair wages for all, especially low-wage workers  to work for fair tax policy  to join coalitions supporting constitutional change to get money out of politics and limit the power of corporations  to participate in events and initiatives organized to promote justice and fairness  to take nonviolent, direct action to the streets and halls of corporate and government p…

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