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What Do Islamophobes Have in Common with the Taliban?

…grew out of a particular tradition: namely the key texts and histories of “Western civilization.” It’s rather shocking to realize that the stereotypes found in the medieval Song of Roland are still prevalent today. To understand Islamophobia in other parts of the world—South Asia, Africa—I would have had to immerse myself in the history and cultures of those parts of the world, and frankly I am just not familiar enough with those regions to undert…

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Killer Buddhists

…ate. They are hermetic. They practice yoga—the kind without spandex. Their Western-identified religious leader has been described as a teddy bear. Our culture clings to this transnational re-appropriation of the Asian religion, soaking up the Buddhist sunshine. Even the New York Times article, reporting on the recent conflict, depicts a group of monks praying together, under the headline that uses “clash” and “crisis,” in contrast with a recent Ne…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…ll Muslims are x,’ they say, ‘because some Muslims do x.’ Surely the stuff Western civilization was built off of. V. One Of Us is Rubber and The Other is Glue Many Islamophobes desperately want to be engaged, because such engagement promises credibility. But before the debate begins, they dismiss the terms around which it might be structured, and evince little interest in the questions any such debate would require us to ponder:  What is a religio…

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No Virginia, There’s No “Clash of Civilizations”

…walk in, the neighborhoods they live in, their schools and hospitals—is a Western world that enfolds Muslims with Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, atheists, and the rest. In our ordinary lives, most of us are at home with Muslims and Islam. What alternative title would you give the book? “There is No Clash of Civilizations.” I thought of calling it that, but the book goes beyond that into the significance of the Western debates and…

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Naked Jihad

…r her. At the same time, I sympathized with Muslimah Pride’s irritation at Western feminist arrogance, and felt somewhat ashamed. We are always so ready to pounce when non-Western women are threatened. Indeed, as scholar Lila Abu-Lughod points out, even Americans who are not feminists—often on religious grounds—seem ready to fight wars in the Middle East, ostensibly in order to “save” oppressed Muslim women. Moreover, I tend to agree with Muslimah…

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LGBT in Africa: Persecution and Persistence

…iour is largely blamed on the West. Meanwhile, the loudest and most public Western influence on this issue arguably comes from Western preachers, like Pastors Rick Warren and Scott Lively, who actively fund and promote homophobia in Africa In neighboring Nigeria, a draconian anti-gay law passed the House at the end of May. While international human rights advocates have mounted a campaign this month calling on the country’s president not to sign t…

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…es the point inasmuch as whiteness (and therefore the notion of the white, western god-man at its heart) is not a biological notion; it is narrative or a story, which is what Professor Brian Bantum was getting at in his commentary on the Zimmerman verdict. Whiteness is that story that one must aspire toward if one is to be deemed a proper citizen, a proper American. Rather than being biological, then, whiteness is better understood as a kind of di…

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My God, David Brooks

…nd that is how Brooks sells himself and his politics—he is a choice engine—promoting choice, heralding the individual, and spreading the gospel far and wide, enabling more decisions to be executed by you by making your life easier—you do not have to read Taylor after all! And here I must offer a requisite disclosure: I have read A Secular Age and I am on record as a critic of Taylor’s framing of modernity. Although I am fearless when I talk trash…

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Excerpt: The Christian Roots of Zionism

…s empty of people, that suggestion was contradicted by the reports of many Western visitors. The phrase was most pointedly used to claim that the Arabs of Palestine had no distinct Palestinian identity. They were ‘‘Arabs,’’ not a cohesive national group. That Palestine was not ‘‘empty’’ (in either the demographic or political sense) soon became clear to some Jewish observers. This was ruefully acknowledged in the telegram sent home by two rabbis f…

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Why I Am Still a Christian

…id you have a specific audience in mind when writing? The book is aimed at Western Christians, particularly mainline Protestants, social justice Roman Catholics, progressive and emergent evangelicals. But I hope it invites anyone who is might be willing to give Christianity a second look—those who are “spiritual-but-not-religious” and the “church alumni club.” And those who might be completely post-religious and just want to read a good story abou…

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