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Texas’ Anti-LGBT Adoption Bill Is Unconstitutional and Unnecessary, Say Texas Law Professors

…edical, mental health and psychological needs met according to the child’s best interest or expressed preference. The Texas administrative code grants children in foster care a range of rights, including: the right to fair treatment, the right to receive educational services “appropriate to the child’s age and developmental level,” the right to have the child’s religious needs—which may be distinct from the religious beliefs of the agency—met, and…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…eology. For Thomas, the vice against nature includes masturbation (again), bestiality, same-sex relations (“the sodomitic vice”), and any form of heterosexual activity that makes use of an improper organ or “other monstrous and bestial forms of intercourse.” The last phrase is not at all clear, even to specialists. It may mean that Thomas considers the only form of “natural” sexual activity to be penile-vaginal intercourse, male on top, for the sa…

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Why We’re Not Prepared to Prosecute White Nationalist Violence

for the possibility of material support of terrorism charges under 18 U.S. Code § 2339B. Or, more justly, the concept of FTOs (and SDGTs) is dismantled especially in light of the recent evaluation by the Joint Regional Intelligence Center, a DHS-funded fusion center, that their influence is “diminished.” It’s naiveté to believe that de jure law will translate into de facto equity; however, the current inequities also must not stand. White national…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…s documented by the Anti-Defamation League, “a white supremacist numerical code for ‘Heil Hitler.’” And this year, Feucht openly expressed admiration for his anti-government, “patriot” militia “security team.” Indeed, Feucht tweeted “If you mess with them or our 1st amendment right to worship God – you’ll meet Jesus one way or another,” which appears to be a pretty clear threat of viol…

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…e advocates called for in the country. After Peña Nieto announced he would promote a constitutional reform to recognize gay marriage throughout the country, as well as amendments to the Federal Civil Code to allow homosexual adoption, more than 1,000 organizations joined together to form the National Front for the Family (FNF). Heading up this front are the National Union of Parents, Family Network, ConFamilia, CitizenGo, HazteOir, Dilo Bien, and…

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Why I Am Still a Christian

…ere a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? The DaVinci Code. Now, that’s a profitable reworking of Christian history. I wouldn’t have to worry about paying for my daughter’s college education. Seriously, I wish I could have written Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. It is one of those magisterial books about history that has become part of history. Books like that happen once in a generation. Sigh. What’s your next book? It is on…

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An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?

…to make sure this predator was not around children. No one challenged the code of deference to those higher up and obedience to the rule of secrecy. Now we have “the largest institutional crisis in centuries, possibly in Church history,” declares the National Catholic Reporter in an editorial. The New York Times, which broke the story of abuse at the deaf school in Wisconsin, quotes a priest in Berlin as saying the crisis is “the worst in 100 yea…

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Israeli Right Demonizes Israeli Left, With American Money

…ustice, immigration, and the environment). Instead they support NIF, which promotes on-the-ground change. But the attack by Im Tirtzu signals an end to business as usual. Following the Money Im Tirtzu calls itself a centrist organization that wants to strengthen political Zionism. But according to an investigative report by Ha’aretz, the movement is funded by right-wing groups and individuals, including John Hagee, the controversial Texas minister…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…parts transport of sanctified rapture and endorphin rush, it was the next best thing to sex, for an alienated teenage loner. Once, the feeling came over me as I sat reading the bible on one of the few hills in town untouched by development, an island of wild grass lapped by sprawl on every side. Another time, it overwhelmed me in my bedroom, as I prayed with eyes fixed on a picture torn from a magazine and taped to my wall, a blown-up detail of C…

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How Intelligent Design Advocates Helped Shape the Christian Right’s Texas Curriculum Standards

…they forgot to mention that concept in the one document that outlines the code by which this nation would be governed. In the article, Dunbar outlines a proposed legal strategy to defend linking the two documents: Dunbar began the lecture by discussing a national day of thanksgiving that Gen. George Washington called for after the defeat of the British at Saratoga in 1777—showing, in her reckoning, a religious base in the thinking of the country’…

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