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Are We Living Through World War III?

…strain of violent anti-Western jihadist beliefs to which Mateen — like the San Bernardino shooters — was apparently susceptible. This paragraph rapidly descends into one of the most nonsensical analyses of the modern Muslim world. It’s not just silly, reductionist, and wrong, but embarrassingly evasive, the mirror image of Muslims who, confronted with radicals who kill in the name of Islam, insist that “this has nothing to do with Islam.” Of cours…

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…s of the media and the entertainment industry.” And she warned the city of San Francisco, “overwhelm[ed]” by “the weight of sin,” that it would be “brought to your knees.” With their headquarters now in Jerusalem, God TV liberally draws on the trend in both the Word of Faith and apostolic and prophetic movements of “getting back to your Jewish roots.” The increasing embrace of Hebraic Christianity is often described as a desire to grasp the theolo…

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Do Women Have a Future in the Catholic Church? Social Justice Orgs Petition Bishops This Week

…te A Church for Our Daughters today at the bishops’ semi-annual meeting in San Diego. The groups participating include advocates for women priests, such as the Association of Roman Catholic Womenpriests and the Women’s Ordination Conference, the Catholic LGBT equality groups DignityUSA and New Ways Ministry, the Catholic reproductive rights group Catholics for Choice, and Catholic reform organizations such as Call to Action and FutureChurch. The p…

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Judgment Day is Coming; Wear Clean Underwear

…the World won’t be for another six months, according to Harold Camping, a San Francisco-area radio host and the owner of Family Radio. His web site,, says that Oct. 21 will be the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” Camping’s followers around the country have been promoting the big day by putting up billboards and driving vehicles with placards. But this is not the first time Camping has predicted Judgment…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…nti-communist crusader whose Summit Ministries has been influential to thousands of evangelicals, teaches this cohesive ideology known as the “Christian worldview.” As I wrote last year: Noebel, or “Doc” as his devotees call him, is the doyen of Summit Ministries, the Manitou Springs, Colorado-based institution founded in 1962 to teach evangelical teens about anti-God, anti-Christian threats to the “Christian worldview” and the American way of lif…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…the vantage point of her retirement from Wesleyan as Professor Emerita. Susan Henking: As you know, I teach your 1986 book Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy and am amazed that the 25th anniversary of its publication is already upon us. In some ways, given that you were writing about the 17th century, 25 years is just a moment. Yet, much has changed in our views of sex and sexuality in the intervening decades. How does…

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How Evangelicals Pick Presidents

…sed on David Lane, the behind-the-scenes yet powerful player in helping to promote chosen political candidates to evangelical voters. The role of the less visible players is far more crucial, in my view, than the big name honchos who Sullivan also reported are throwing their weight behind a possible Perry candidacy. The three powerbrokers Sullivan mentioned—the religious right’s historian David Barton, Christians United for Israel founder John Hag…

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Isaac Asimov’s Niece Covers the Rapture

It’s fitting that Nanette Asimov, a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and Isaac Asimov’s niece, covered the failing of the Rapture for her newspaper. She details the story of a man who drove across the country with his family from Maryland to celebrate the event in the empty parking lot of the Family Radio station in Oakland, California, where this whole ridiculousness began. There is no gloating, or smugness in Asimov’s words, only a simple recou…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Oscar Romero, the murdered archbishop of San Salvador whom the Vatican has refused to consider for canonization. Romero has drawn the loving devotion of thousands of ordinary Catholics since he was assassinated in 1980 by agents of the US-supported government of El Salvador. Towards the end of his life, Romero spoke out with increasing vehemence against his government’s abuses of human rights and their murder of S…

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Gingrich and Hagee, End-Times Buddies

…nfolding in the Middle East, Newt Gingrich’s planned visit to John Hagee’s San Antonio church offers a window into how Republican candidates re-tool apocalyptic theology as foreign policy, for mass consumption. The pair have long been fellow travelers; despite Hagee’s history of anti-Catholic statements and Gingrich’s recent conversion to Catholicism, they have both orbited the same nexus of neoconservative foreign policy and apocalyptic biblical…

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