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Goliath the Israel Slayer: Why Max Blumenthal’s New Book is a Painful Read

…Israeli youth who, after refusing army service, were subject to KGB-like abuse by the Shin Bet, Israel’s secret service. Most Israelis know all this. Most American Jews do not, even though a film like The Gatekeepers has been around for almost two years. But Blumenthal’s medium, a combination of myopic perspective, selective focus, and a limited understanding of context and history subverts a valuable opportunity to present another side of this ug…

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The Pope, the GOP, and the March for Life

…atives as out of the mainstream (at least for a state like New York) has caused a frenzy against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Charles Pierce: The other day, Cuomo gave a radio interview in which he made the unremarkable point that the kind of Republican who wins elections in, say, Alabama, likely would have something of a tough row to hoe in New York. “If they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York,” Cuomo said i…

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Of Martian Rovers and Terror in Holy Spaces

…ppeals to what governor Scott Walker called “evil”. Americans could indeed use a primer on most world traditions. But what I wonder is how a desire for empathy might square up against the dichotomized language of “evil.” As Amardeep Singh eloquently argues, the hatred directed towards Sikhs might connect to a visceral reaction to embodied religious otherness. How do we move from promoting basic facts to combatting that profane shudder of hatred? T…

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Auditor Calls ‘Gay Parenting’ Study ‘Bullshit’

…earch editor Wright, the University of Texas has launched its own investigation into the integrity of the study. But politically, the integrity of the study may be beside the point. The Witherspoon Foundation and Bradley Foundation apparently wanted a weapon they could use to fight marriage equality and they got it. It’s a safe bet that the Regnerus study will be cited by religious right groups for years to come, the way they have over the past de…

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A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron

…: “Amen! I didn’t used to think so but I do now.” We’ve seen Cameron speak out against homosexuality and embrace the far right agenda by speaking at CPAC, but and it remains to be seen if he’ll embrace the rest of the “biblical worldview” promoted by Vision Forum and Christian Reconstruction: biblical patriarchy, eliminating public education, and any public assistance for the poor, etc. In any case I’ll bet that Monumental will be a contender for…

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A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Unemployed from being a Burden to
the Rich

…The result, though, is it makes it easier to legally shoot people. Now, I bet you see where this is going. The column is so terrific it really needs to be read in its entirety. Seriously. Read it. But Argento does see a potential downside to the plan. Of course, some people may object because of all of that stuff in the Bible about caring for the poor and being your brother’s keeper and such. They may point to the Sermon on the Mount, in which Je…

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Romney Shovels Walks to No Avail

…as happened at most houses—the missionaries always offered to shovel the householder’s snow-packed walk. Just to do a good turn. Plant a seed. Leave a positive impression. Knock as he might, a lot of doors are closing in Mitt Romney’s face these days. Minnesota. Missouri. Colorado. He may very well lose Michigan, the state his father governed. Polls even suggest that Arizona, which has a large LDS population and has been described as a Romney “fir…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…   It seemed just possible that some of you made more money than I did because you deserved to. You made more money because you had more talent and did more work. Of course, there remained the question of how much more deserving you were, of whether either of us, a freelance scribbler or a Wall Street investor, deserved to occupy a whole other financial galaxy than the attendant who took care of our ailing parents, or the farmer who produced our m…

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Talking About Religion Will Not Help Romney

…about Mormonism is not easy for multigenerational Mormons like Romney, because faith is also family, ancestry, ethnicity, and culture. Romney hails from a storied family at the core of Mormon culture. He is a man who probably donated about 20 hours per week of his time to Church affairs during his service as a lay congregational and regional church leader. It has been one of the prime definers of his personal identity. But what happens when a risk…

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The Ghosts and Illusions of the Occupation

…uman rights organization B’Tselem has collected evidence of beatings and abuse in custody (via Emily Hauser). Violent reaction in East Jerusalem is “no surprise,” says Jo-Ann Mort, writing in Dissent: [T]he rabid building for Jewish extremists inside of Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and the lack of adequate building permits for Arab residents has angered the population. City services are scant. The atmosphere in the city fuels discontent. F…

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