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Maybe Trump Should Pray About His Problems With Religious Voters?

…ll down 61% of the vote, but yikes. If you’re a Republican, that’s a scary number. You might reasonably intuit Trump’s miserable numbers with Catholic voters are the result of his poor showing with Hispanic voters, or stem from his “virulent” immigration policy. Certainly, getting scolded by Pope Francis or the likes of Cardinal Dolan (himself no left-winger) doesn’t help. But in fact, it’s white Catholics who have turned against Trump. He’s reall…

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Atheist Monument: Proof of Unintelligent Design

…NTS” is inscribed into the base. I suppose I should add that I believe the Florida courts made the right decision in allowing the American Atheists their monument. But it seems to me that the controversy is misplaced. According to the local Chamber of Commerce, “Bradford County provides many jobs through its many correctional facilities. Florida State Prison, or more commonly known as ‘Death Row,’ is located in Bradford County.” These facts, to my…

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Harry Jackson Fundraises for Anti-Obama Campaign

…t” to make that connection. Manaigo reported that events have been held in Florida, North Carolina, and New Mexico, where the group was addressed by Rodriguez, Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Lt. Governor John Sanchez, and others. Upcoming events will be held in Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, Maine, Maryland, and Washington, with a wind-up event in Virginia.  Manaigo says the campaign’s goal is “to pull together multi-ethnic, multi-denominational group…

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Is Romney Gaining Ground among White Evangelical Voters?

…ntorum, and 5% for Ron Paul. In 2008, Romney drew 31% of white evangelical Florida Republican primary voters, while 31% voted for Mike Huckabee and 28% for John McCain. Florida’s results add further complication and dimension to the already disorganized picture of evangelical voting behavior this primary season. In Iowa, evangelical voters favored Santorum; in New Hampshire, Romney; in South Carolina, Gingrich—even after a convention of evangelica…

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Beyond ‘Thoughts and Prayers’: How the Christian Right’s Politics of Providentialism Keeps America from Addressing Gun Violence

…advance Florida legislation requiring the display of “In God We Trust” in Florida public schools. And in response to the most recent massacres, Republican Ohio State Representative Candice Keller blamed “the breakdown of the traditional American family,” for which she in turn blamed same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ community, in a now-deleted Facebook post. Meanwhile, Keller’s colleague, GOP Ohio State Representative John Becker, shared to his pub…

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Pastor of Kentucky Church Severed From Baptists Over LGBT Inclusion: Not Activism, Just Honesty

…years. I came about the time that folks from Burma began arriving in large numbers and uniting in membership with Crescent Hill, and much of my time in those early years was spent trying to figure out how in the world we might be able to be a unified body that includes people who don’t speak English, who have a completely foreign background and cultural experience. It took a lot of hard work but we reached a place a number of years ago where, whil…

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Answers in Genesis Seeks Tax Breaks for New Theme Park

…evelopers of approved projects the sales tax paid by visitors on admission tickets, food, gift sales and lodging costs. Developers have 10 years to reach the 25 percent threshold. Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, says there are concerns over the project, but it’s too early to tell whether the proposed business incentives would be unconstitutional in that it would involve excessive entanglement with r…

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The Trouble With Francis: Three Things That Worry Me

…dinals. But on closer inspection, it is clear that women ought not to book tickets to Rome just yet. Juxtaposing “valued” and “clericalized” is odd at best, pernicious at worst. In a church in which ordained male clergy have jurisdiction— that is, authority to make decisions about things that matter—to claim that women who cannot be ordained are valued is a hard case to make. Valued for what and how? We have heard from Francis all about women’s su…

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Niqab and Short Shorts

…of protest is to wear the niqab and nothing else. Then, the women will get tickets, not for being nude, but for being clothed. In my opinion, that would show the absolute absurdity of the state trying to control women’s dress. I have written elsewhere that this sort of action, of controlling a woman’s body, is simply male penis worship run amok. These ladies, who call themselves Niqabitches, have done a great service in showing the inherent contra…

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Huckabee Channels Rushdoony

…osophy of history, leaves no other way to understand it—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Huckabee seems to be selling tickets on the Titanic….

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