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Why James H. Cone’s Liberation Theology Matters More Than Ever

…untenable.” But part of Cone’s brilliance was to avoid such an unhealthy disconnect between theology and ethics. If Cone is right (and I think he is), then we can’t keep using the master’s theological tools as they are to dismantle his church. If the theological well keeps yielding poison, we need to question that well and remember that God is the source of life. In December 2014, I drew up and carried a sign with the words “James Cone Was Right”…

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Fighting Fire with Ire: 3 Lessons from Noam Chomsky’s Takedown of Sam Harris

…ple are our friends, and we were all very unlucky. Chomsky’s response: The scenario you describe here is, I’m afraid, so ludicrous as to be embarrassing. It hasn’t even the remotest relation to Clinton’s decision to bomb al-Shifa – not because they had suddenly discovered anything remotely like what you fantasize here, or for that matter any credible evidence at all, and by sheer coincidence, immediately after the Embassy bombings for which it was…

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Pamela Geller in Brooklyn: Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Futility of Arguing with a Bigot

…port they have left. I wonder if the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences would be okay with one of their own inviting a speaker who claimed Baltimore and Ferguson reveal who all black people really are. Or, indeed, who (all) white people really are. 7:34 She’s whining that students don’t invite her to speak anymore. There’s an entire conspiracy at work, she assures us, an alliance between incendiary Islamists and leftie-liberals, to shu…

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On the “Shunning” of Marriage Equality Opponent Ryan T. Anderson: A Reply to Damon Linker

…Post, Anderson was briefly lauded on the website of the Friends School of Baltimore, his childhood alma mater. Barraged with criticism for its implied support of the controversial Anderson, the Friends School removed the link and issued an apology. Linker writes: The reaction of those who raised objections to the link as well as the decision of the head of school to remove the link and offer an abject apology for posting it — both of these are de…

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Methodist Church’s ‘Dismantling Racism Initiative’ Excludes Some Black Lives

…was the action of the council during the righteous protests in Ferguson or Baltimore? Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Botham Jean, and Atatiana Jefferson. Why no initiatives then? Perhaps most telling: Does the Council of Bishops not yet recognize that, included among the very Black lives they now declare matter, are members of the LGBTQ community? How serious can Black LGBTQ United Methodists take this new initiative that do…

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A Religion Scholar Gets It Wrong on Indiana’s RFRA

…ana – “rarely do these cases concern gay rights,” indeed! As Slate’s Micah Schwartzman, Nelson Tebbe, and Robert Tuttle put it, of course “Indiana’s new law allows discrimination. That was the point.” The conspicuous wrongness of the suggestion that there were or are no ulterior motives behind SB 101, and fallacious insistence that it “simply [offers] religious minorities their day in court,” do no favors for the cause of religious liberty. Prothe…

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A New Book For Those Who Cling to a “Post-Racial” Christianity

…ways God works through us and in the world. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? I would say one of the biggest misconceptions about race, especially among Christians who critique our work, is that those of us who do this work are determined by “culture” rather than by deeply held theological convictions. I have heard again and again a desire to “just get past this race stuff” or that this is just the latest grievance and…

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GOP “Stealthcare” Bill Reveals Catholic Bishops’ Priorities

…permanent. It was the Religious Liberty Committee, under the direction of Baltimore Archbishop William Lori, that was largely responsible for demonizing the contraceptive mandate, and by extension the ACA, as an assault on “religious liberty,” helping to pave the way for successful Republican attacks on the health reform law. A new Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows just how successful the effort to forge the church’s opposition…

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US Bishops Meeting: Pope Who?

The U.S. bishops’ semi-annual meeting, which concluded in Baltimore on Thursday, was one giant raspberry to Pope Francis’ agenda. The meeting was heavy on the bishops’ favorite culture war themes, but largely dissed issues near and dear to Francis like income inequality and immigration. The oversight on immigration was so glaring in light of the current debate in Washington that the bishops hastily arranged for Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, the head o…

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Worried About Inequality After the Pandemic? Start By Listening to the Women Ringing the Alarm for Decades

…been systematically undermined for decades, undergirded by a theological discourse about personal responsibility, work reconciliation, and the alleged depravity of poor people. From the start, the U.S. welfare system was constructed to devalue the work that happens in the home—work disproportionately placed on the shoulders of poor women. And now these direct payments reinforce the false distinction between the “deserving” and the “undeserving” po…

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