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Gordon Gekko Gets God: The Heritage Foundation of Theology

…ch to follow Jesus Christ and how much to follow John Locke. But fealty to high finance has doubtless gained market share among the religious in recent decades. Recall how Alabama’s Republican governor, Bob Riley, a conservative Christian citing gospel principles, tried to bring some tax fairness to his state in 2003. Riley got smacked down hard by the Christian Coalition, which by that time had adopted “thou shalt not tax the rich” as its 11th Co…

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Ask the Dust: Unbelievers, Bunker-Dwellers, Anti-Natalists

…ed Pirate Roberts of Princess Bride summing up existence as “life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” As a philosophy it resets on the presumption that unbeing, or perhaps simply not yet being born, is a state of either non-consciousness or minimally non-suffering. And no amount of good one can experience in life could ever outweigh the exposure to the bad that inevitably will occur post-birth. What if instead, be…

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Distant Churches and the Isolated Poor: Lessons from Katrina, Ten Years Later

…borhoods, sometimes experiencing significant attrition in their membership numbers and finances, and sometimes choosing to relocate altogether. Even institutionally resourceful congregations that remain in high-poverty neighborhoods have increasingly faced great difficulties in their efforts to connect culturally, interpersonally, and programmatically to their immediate neighborhoods. In a 2003 study of interactions between churches and impoverish…

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The Suppression of Sin in Evangelical Abolitionism: The Wilberforce Problem

…on.” According to Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (whose book, Half the Sky, has become the definitive work detailing the horrors of modern slavery and other forms of oppression against women), several important developments in the last couple of decades have increased the spread of sexual slavery. These include the power vacuum and poverty resulting from the collapse of Communism, globalization, and the spread of AIDS. No longer out in the ope…

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I Was Nearly Seduced by David Brooks’ Reasonable Analysis

…inant models of analysis: number crunching and psychology. Greenspan was a number cruncher, says Brooks, and unfortunately, human psychology caught up with him. Greenspan saw real estate values continuing to soar with no end in sight and allowed himself to be persuaded that they would never stop rising, and certainly would never fall. So he never had to think about petty psychological realities, like a crisis of confidence, never mind an actual pa…

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Like Azusa Street Baptized into Bureaucracy: Mexico’s Flourishing LLDM Church Loses its Apostle

…on. The 2010 Mexican census reported only around 200,000 members, but that number may well be low (the Mormon church in Mexico has argued that the religious count was inaccurate). Independent scholarly estimates for LLDM’s worldwide population range as high as seven million. Still: LLDM is big. And it’s not easy to classify the church that has emerged. In terms of theology and ritual, its flavor is firmly pentecostal and charismatic: Church member…

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Catholic Bishops End Family Synod With Little To Say To Gays; World Congress of Families Has Plenty To Say, None of it Good; How Same-Sex Marriage Came to a Buddhist Temple in Japan; Global LGBT Recap

…recognises marriage as being between a man and a woman. Israel: LGBTs Ask High Court to Permit Civil Marriages for Same-Sex Couples The country’s LGBT associate as filed a petition asking the High Court to order the recognition of marriage by same-sex couples. The Times of Israel explains that despite overwhelming public support for marriage equality – 70 percent in a 2013 poll by Haaretz – legislation has not been able to survive the country’s “…

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“Paleo” is More Than a Fad Diet: Boyd Eaton’s Plan to Return to Eden

…Age, and compare it with the reproductive experience today—particularly of highly educated career-oriented women—there are terrific differences in the number of children, the age at menarche, the age at first full-term pregnancy, nursing patterns—those kinds of things are all very different from what they were before. And in each case, the way we live now is a risk factor for breast cancer and, to a lesser extent, for ovarian and uterine cancers….

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Why David Brooks Doesn’t Get the Outrage Over AIG

…ic theory, according to Brooks, there are two dominant models of analysis: number crunching and social psychology. In short, Economics is either a subset of high-order Mathematics, or else it is Therapy. This is an interesting idea, and Brooks is right to notice a peculiar feature of most modern economic analysis. Since the days of Adam Smith, most political economists have used vitalistic and bodily images to talk about the Market. We speak of it…

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Looking For Answers at the Oscars: A Guide to This Year’s Contenders

…his past. Families: Public and Private  Not all the identity stories were high-tech. Expanded views of family relations—who we are as sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brother and sisters—and how we struggle to get along in these roles, were highlighted in The Kids are All Right and The Fighter. The Kids… is about a lesbian couple and their children, a group of people getting on with their lives and the real challenges of living and loving…

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