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On the 40th Anniversary of Hyde, A Theological Defense of Reproductive Justice

…narratives have now become so pervasive that even in spaces where it’s mostly black folks or mostly poor folks, you’ll still hear that as a response. You’ve mentioned earlier that many politicians—even those that tout themselves as progressive—will support the legal right to an abortion, while denying poor women access to the procedure. How do you feel this hypocrisy represents the intersection of sexism, racism and classism? The Hyde Amendment an…

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To Be Christian, Intellectual and Black: A Response to Vincent Lloyd

…o much of the most valuable intellectual work happens in spaces that are only nominally public. Black academic communities have long engaged in robust, fruitful, sometimes personal, always interesting discussions that result in critical articles, conflicting data and passionate conference presentations. But most of the work of academics goes unnoticed. Then one or two or 10 of us manage to break out of the ivory tower just enough to gain public at…

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Pew Survey Shows We Should Look at Race, Not Just Religion in 2016 Electorate

…can party, overall, the increased minority representation is more than likely simply a matter of math. There are more minority voters in the US, therefore there are more minority GOP voters. Simple. But what you came for is the religion data, of course. And here we see the same patterns as in other areas measured by Pew. Both parties are changing, but Democrats appear to be doing so much more quickly. The most striking change is the explosion of t…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…d family values, faith, patriotism and the military, all topics traditionally more closely associated with Republicans.” But the party went beyond “name checking” faith. From the Mothers of the Movement who spoke openly about how their Christian faith gives them strength to soldier on; to the Rev. William Barber’s electrifying speech, that, as Ari Berman said in The Nation, “put racial, social, and economic justice at the center of the 2016 campai…

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Holey Holey Holey: The Problem with a New Study Valuing Religion at $1.2 Trillion Per Year

…implication that the rise of the Nones would hurt the economy depends, really, on how you understand religion. The Grims’ analysis, for example, doesn’t include much of the spiritual wellness industry, such as yoga classes. As I’ve argued before, even if people do disaffiliate from traditional religious organizations, they may simply migrate toward other profit-oriented meaning-making structures like SoulCycle or CrossFit. And it’s not clear wheth…

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Will a New Dawkins Foundation-Sponsored App Help Atheists Talk to Believers?

…ve friendly, thoughtful discussions with people of faith. The app can be a bit silly, and its tone toward believers can be condescending. But Atheos appears to be part of a good-faith effort to inject civility into conversations between believers and non-believers. The app may not convince many people to become atheists. But that’s not the point. Instead, at best, Atheos is an instructive tool for non-believers to reflect on their own positions mo…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…del bill, The “Preserving Religious Freedom in School Act,” which essentially seeks to fully enforce a guidance regarding school prayer issued in 2003 by the federal Department of Education. The manual explains that “Federal law requires certification of compliance with Department of Education guidance assuring the religious freedom of students and staff in the public schools. The act provides assurance that the federal funding conditioned upon th…

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Changes in Role of Mormon Women Can’t Be Discussed—But Let’s Discuss Them Anyway

…ecially since the temple is supposed to be one of the places where it’s easiest to hear the Holy Ghost. It’s gaslighting, moral cowardice, and yet another betrayal to deny women’s anger and pain, to tell them they have no right to ask the church to be less misogynist because the church can’t possibly be misogynist—only to go and make some of the changes women have sought while still explicitly denying that women ever had any sort of legitimate com…

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Heavenly Bodies Was the Most Popular Exhibit in the History of the Met—Here’s Why That’s a Problem

…particular context. Otherwise, we miss the point. Another subject the exhibit was strangely silent about was the Church’s sex abuse scandal. Rick Owens’s provocative monastic robe with a hole cut out at the genital area was tucked away at the Met’s Cloisters location, where less than 14% of the 1.6 million visitors went. I agree with Catholic Studies scholar Robert Orsi, who argued that this garment “ought to have been the centerpiece (the center…

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