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Don’t Laugh at Rick Scott’s ‘Plan to Rescue America’ or Be Fooled by Reports of a ‘Backlash’ — His Only Mistake Was Revealing the Truth of Today’s GOP

…they “assimilate,” and they shouldn’t seek to “change” America, only to be Americans—or, rather, what Scott deems to be real Americans. This is along the same lines as the ethno-nationalist sense of “volk” that animates the latest ad for Peter Thiel-backed far-right candidate for US Senate in Arizona, Blake Masters. Both claim that there’s a narrow and fixed definition of who is and is not American—first and foremost, white, Christian people who l…

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Persecution, Betrayal, and the Zero Sum Fight for Global Domination — Day 1 of NatCon 2024

…o answer the question at the heart of Christian nationalism: “What kind of American are you?” According to Hazony, if you’re the right kind of American, the answer would be to show this new flag and say: “Ten Commandments, that’s us.” ‘Our fight is not merely existential, it’s also zero sum’ Now that NatCon is moving closer to the mainstream, its leaders recognize that on their march to power “we’re gonna win some and lose some.” Demuth counsels:…

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Neighborhood sign reads: Stop Teaching Critical Race Theory To Our Kids.

Uncovering the (White) Christian Roots of Slavery, Native American Genocide, and Ongoing Efforts to Erase History

…ississippi, Alabama, Georgia—all these Southeastern states that had Native American populations. In the early 1800s they began to be pushed off the land and then were forcibly pushed off the land [even more rapidly] under Andrew Jackson’s presidency. It was the largest forced migration in the continent’s history. Some 80,000 people were forced from their land, and maybe 20% of them died en route to what is now Oklahoma. So that cleansing happens r…

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Religion, Morality, and the Death of the American Soap Opera

…utside of the U.S., particularly in the Middle East and Latin America, the American soap just isn’t what it used to be. In 1970, when American women were more likely to be at home during the day, there were fifteen daytime soaps on the air, with new shows continuing to debut every year. Forty years later, only seven soaps remain, all of them aging. (The newest of these is more than twenty years old.) More alarmingly for fans, timeworn favorites ar…

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No Space for American Islam?

…s is a thorny task. But Khan recognized these complexities, insisting that American Islam should not be treated as a monolith. In her vision, the center will be less a final product, than a process—an ongoing effort to hold the “difficult conversations” that shape American faith. Thrust into the center of a heated debate, supporters of Park51 are coping by placing their efforts in historical context. Every major religion has moved through virulent…

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Islam is as American as…

…ents in North Carolina, I offered a few thoughts on Twitter about just how American Islam is. Islam is as American as basketball. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as dancing with dad at your wedding. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as pride and ambition. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) Februa…

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The Critiques of Evangelical Writers Opposing Christian Nationalism Fail to Recognize Evangelicalism’s Troubling History

…ening, the mainline denominations were most definitely still in control of American Christianity. Catholics were smaller in numbers and had a much weaker class position. The mainline churches had growing memberships, media connections, and they dominated all three branches of the federal government. In 1963, mainliners were proud to publish Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” in their house organ, The Christian Century, whil…

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High Jewish Voter Turnout—and They Don’t Like Trump

…e second being their distaste for President Trump. Seventy-five percent of American Jews disapprove of how Trump is doing his job, compared to 54 percent of Americans at large. (Incidentally, as a pollster on the conference call noted, Jared Kushner earned a 12 percent approval rate, which makes you wonder what 12 percent of American Jews are smoking.) The strong disapproval of Trump and his proxies is likely due to the president’s connections to…

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…s been the rule rather than the exception. By staying home in this crisis, American worshipers might well revive and reinvigorate the longstanding tradition of household religion. The clergy and laity alike have struggled with stay-at-home rules, which many argue violate religious liberty. New York’s Hasidic Jewish community continued to hold weddings, funerals, and even a Purim carnival after other Jews had suspended these activities, because ord…

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The Contested Religious Powers of Baseball on Display in Cuba

…also diffusing anti-U.S. sentiment. The manifestation of resentment toward Americans, this is merely on the surface, I believe, and will disappear if the American Government makes any attempt to win the good will of Dominicans . . . I deem it worthy of the Department’s notice that the American national game of baseball is being played and supported with great enthusiasm. The remarkable effect of this outlet for the animal spirits of the young men…

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