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The United Methodist Church to LGBTQ People: You’re ‘Sacred,’ But Not Welcome

…her welcome. “This morning UMC officials in charge of the opening worship service at General Conference informed me that my planned greetings for the service would not be permitted. I was asked to speak “from my context,” which includes many LGBTQ people who walk into a religious community and immediately need to know whether or not they are safe there. I had planned to say, ‘Whatever your gender identity or expression, whatever your sexual orien…

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No, the Democratic Party Is (Still) Not the Party of God

…t” is basically anything not Republican. “Liberal Christians often pay lip service to many politically radical Christian thinkers and activists while lining up behind the political and economic forces that they fought against. ” (Note: in this piece, I use progressive/liberal Christian to designate those who self-identify as such theologically, or who self-identify as not conservative theologically. Politically, self-identifying Christian liberals…

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Can The Religious Left Be Effective Again? Longer Answer: Quizás

…t previously available to researchers” to track churches’ participation in service ministries and political action. His conclusions are intriguing: more churches are focusing on ministry, fewer on politics. Specifically and against the grain of the received narrative, conservative evangelicals are leading this shift: Fulton found that the most substantial decrease in political participation has occurred among white evangelical churches. For exampl…

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Tutu’s Daughter Marries Woman & Loses Anglican Priest License; Romanian Anti-Marriage Activists Get 3 Million Signatures; Australian State Apologizes For Harmful Sodomy Laws; Global LGBT Recap

…ly implemented new procedures regarding men who are exempted from military service for being homosexual. According to Iranian law, all male citizens are required to report for military service at age 18 and must serve a consecutive 24 months period. Homosexuals and transsexuals are not required to serve in the military. Prior to the ratification of the new regulation, both categories were exempt from military draft under a section of the law which…

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Public Religion in a Post-Christian Age, Graduation Edition

…ite diverse public high school here in Atlanta. Both went to baccalaureate services and graduation exercises. At none of these four events was any kind of religious expression attempted, not even at the baccalaureate services held at local churches. I was also struck by the lack of any kind of patriotic or ethical exhortation. The graduation events were primarily memorable for their extraordinary speed. Lacking anything much to say, school leaders…

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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…that investigators flouted the army’s own regulations on how to treat gay service members by preying upon the soldiers’ fear of shame and abuse if they are outed in the military. Analysts and veterans said bullying, hazing and sexual violence were chronic problems. Zimbabwe: Human Rights Commissioner praises Mugabe opposition to ‘unbiblical’ practices Petunia Chiriseri, a preacher and a member of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, sparked prot…

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Sometimes Salvation Looks Like Rage: An Open Letter to “Non-denominational” Churches

…, does not in fact live out the scriptural call to social action and daily service to those in need. Instead, my church, like many non-denominational churches, is evangelical. The term “non-denominational” is supposed to connote a non-affiliation with traditional denominations. It is supposed to, as my fellow churchgoers put it, “avoid the stigma of Christianity.” Instead of calling themselves Christians, many evangelicals call themselves disciple…

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The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights

…ment, enter temples and are usually not allowed to hold church “callings” (service responsibilities). The reality is, the situation is very uneven. One can still find new accounts online of those disciplined for merely “coming out.” Conversely, I have a friend in Seattle who was called to the stake Sunday school presidency even though his stake president knows that he dates men. Negotiated cases like his are the result of a local service need for…

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First Congregational UCC, Ripon Wisconsin

Cheese State Reality Check: On The Wisconsin Idea and the Social Gospel

…y premised on the Social Gospel understanding of the good news as concrete service to society. Alas, the moment did not last. Things fell apart during World War I and just before. LaFollette split the Republican party in 1912, leading to Teddy Roosevelt’s Bull Moose Party, then opposed American entry into the war, causing his own movement to fall into mutual recrimination. Nevertheless, Raushenbush thinks there’s something to be said for the Wisco…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…ith its own critique of Martin’s LGBT-affirming writings. At Religion News Service, David Gibson writes that Martin’s book “does not advocate for any changes in doctrine nor does it touch third-rail topics like same-sex marriage.” The book, he says, “calls on the Catholic Church to be more respectful and compassionate toward gay people.” Among those with positive things to say about Martin’s book is Cardinal Kevin Farrell, picked by Francis to lea…

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