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Invited by Allah

…o one can keep away. And my Zappos shoes person recounted almost missing a plane, landing without her bags, but how she and her husband still managed to get there, because “once Allah invites you, then no one and nothing will keep you away.” So I tried to be optimistic. It didn’t help that my daughter accused me of the contrary. Or rather, she asked: aren’t you ever optimistic? I told her about waiting for the visa and how NOT being optimistic was…

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Truth or Dare?

…e technical stumbling block that keeps me from jumping headlong out of the plane of expectation and adventure. I haven’t felt this much impatience and uncertainty since the last few days before delivery of my children. I never wanted to know the sex beforehand, and for the most part managed to avoid ultrasounds even for medical reasons until the fifth child at the ripe old age of 37. Having miscarried a child just before that pregnancy and being t…

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Beck Condemns “Bigotry for Sport” in New York

…was just one line in it—just a horrific post, I actually sat there on the plane and I thought to myself, that guy cannot be a fan of mine. That guy has to be a poser. He has to be trying to discredit me. I don’t know. And that was the point. I don’t know. It’s getting hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys sometimes. Time will tell if Beck’s renunciation of violence and bigotry is true or if he’ll soon be back to his old tricks, because whi…

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Art for Peace: An Interview with Artist Mary Button

…elections. Button found inspiration and challenge when she stepped off the plane in Kenya, and she came back to create a series on her experience there. JS: How did your faith or the faith of other people play a role in this series? MB: During The Peace Summit, interfaith dialog was a real priority and so the youth participants were not only from a number of different countries—Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kenya—…

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Noise in the Hood: Raising the Volume and Losing Our Bodies

…human being can and should occupy in his or her society and on his or her planet.” Elsewhere he notes that we can only treat noise issues as “precious” in the pejorative sense if we are also willing to sacrifice many things we can and should hold precious in the positive sense: “fragile ecosystems, manual skills, local cultures, neighborhoods, children.” In fact, the animating premise of the book is the way in which noise as a relatively “weak” i…

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PAC Behind Anti-Park51 Ad Produced “One of the Sleaziest False TV Ads” of ’08 Campaign

…e Atta entered the country legally and in any event could have boarded the plane he hijacked without a driver’s license. In all, FactCheck concluded, “hardly a word in the ad is true.” The Cato Institute’s Jim Harper called the ad “despicable and wrong” and “terror-pandering of the highest order.” In his “Strategy for America” accompanying his anti-“Ground Zero Mosque” campaign, the National Republican Trust PAC’s executive director Scott Wheeler,…

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Talking Religion at 30,000 Feet

…nd and the enthusiastic Theosophist sums up why I feel uncomfortable on airplanes. I don’t want to run into true believers. I don’t mind telling someone I study religion. But it’s very different then to tell someone I study their religion. It just seems impolite. Like saying I study their grandmother’s recipes. As I learned in college, religious studies is predicated on a notion of bracketing. “When we study religion academically,” professors tell…

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Still Left Behind: What the Endurance of the Left Behind Cinematic Universe Can Tell Us About Conservative Moral Psychology

…the former leaves off with Cage as protagonist Rayford Steele landing the plane from which many passengers have been raptured, while the latter picks up in the following months, with Rayford (now played by Sorbo) and others becoming born-again Christians and uniting as the Tribulation Force to fight the Antichrist. The 2023 adaptation updates its topical currency with references to “fake news” and “all souls matter,” collapsing the post-Rapture f…

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11 Top RD Stories of the Year: Because in 2020 Religion Went to 11

…nnedy Jr. is dead and has been dead for some time. In July 1999, the small plane he was traveling in crashed off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, killing him and two others. The bodies of Kennedy and his fellow passengers were found five days later in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the version of events most people know to be true. But, in the world of QAnon… READ MORE   Go to top   6. Satanic Temple’s ‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’ May Challenge States’ A…

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Vatican Sexual Abuse Meeting Is Destined to Fail—To Stop the Problem or the Decline

…lly abusing young boys in December of 2018. How long does it take to get a plane ticket to Rome? Why not convene a Zoom meeting to save time, money, and face? Any PR flack knows that step one is to put out the fire ASAP. Heads of national bishops’ conferences are the last people needed for a constructive conversation on sexual abuse. Their collective inattention, coverups, and tepid excuses are a major source of the problem. Why are there no lay p…

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