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Manufacturing Religious Freedom Martyrs

…itled “Worst Fears Confirmed” the calligraphy studio owners cite a wedding business that was accused of discrimination in 2015. As it turns out, the Equal Opportunity Department found insufficient evidence of discrimination against that business and nothing happened. No fine, no jail time. But more to the point, the women have not been threatened with any punishment and have not even, to the best of my knowledge, violated the ordinance. The proble…

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How Herbalife’s Gospel of Health and Wealth Fuels a Billion-Dollar Deception

…trike many outsiders as a straightforward, money-motivated swindle. In the business of hope, there’s already very little overlap between the legal and the ethical—and, it seems, little clarity on where the legal marketing ends and the illegal stuff begins. What’s clear is that dreams are good business. It’s fitting that Herbalife’s current Chairman and CEO, Michael Johnson, along with its president, Des Walsh, are both former executives at the sam…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…rica. David Brog, the executive director of Pastor John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel—one of the most prominent Christian Zionist organizations in the United States—taskes umbrage at Hubers’ comment: “To say we’re dehumanizing Israelis and Palestinians with our support for Israel dehumanizes us.” Christian and Jewish leaders in Southern California have formed an organization called Christians Concerned About Christian Zionism. They held a c…

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A Victory for Conservatives in Revised AP History Curriculum

…ite American story should certainly be taught. ​In my youth I taught an AP class in American literature in relation to 19th century American history. Were I teaching that same class today, I would have no difficulty inviting my students to think of the constitutional system as a remarkable achievement. Likewise ​for ​the recurrent reform impulse in American life. I would want ​my students to be aware of the repeated ways in which ​19th century Ame…

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Will Huntsman’s Mormon Mojo Work on the National Stage?

…hropist whose many named gifts to the people of Utah have included a world-class cancer research institute. In Utah, Jon Huntsman, Jr., benefitted tremendously from the family name. And as governor, he implemented a pragmatic, pro-business agenda in a Mormon culture that (despite its reputation as the reddest of the red—thank you, Cleon Skousen and Glenn Beck) tends to be pragmatic and pro-business on just about everything except gay marriage. But…

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Why the World Needs Religious Studies

…you. Lawyers often have to do something similar. It’s a basic part of how business works. For much of history, traders, rather than scholars, have led the way to discovering foreign cultures. Christians and Muslims were trading with each other during the Crusades, and Marco Polo made it to China centuries before Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit missionary. Traders have to know how to temporarily avoid inconvenient subjects long enough to get what they’re…

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Is Downward Dog the Path to Hell?

…s of the body and self in yoga advance the development of a post-Christian United States, something we should fear. I would argue, however, that what we learn is not about ancient or classical Christian or yoga conceptions of the body and self, but rather about conceptions of the body and self that already dominate our contemporary cultural context. In fact, what scholars of yoga today often refer to as “modern yoga,” a pop-culture movement that i…

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Bill Mill-ennialism: Arkansas’ End Times Politics May Be Coming to a State Near You

…Rapert’s first dance. He’s been involved in the Christian Right bill mill business since at least 2015 when he was a founding member of the Arkansas Legislative Prayer Caucus and for which he served as Chair or Co-Chair from 2017 – 2020. But even during his chairmanship, the ambitious state senator was quietly seeking to form a bill mill and national network of his own along with then-Georgia Republican State Rep. Delvis Dutton called the Legisla…

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This is Not a Religion Column: The Audacity of Compromise…

…mand political loyalty, it asks for earnest acclamation. To conservatism’s business elite and secular liberalism’s political elite, it responds with yet another ruling class: a “responsible” elite. There’s an element of the superhero sensibility in Obama’s Social Gospel politics, a perspective that sees the poor as damsels in distress or children in burning buildings, awaiting rescue by the best and the brightest: Jane Addams, the early 20th centu…

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Religion and Drag Coexist in ‘Drag Race’ Spinoff—but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Queer

…r respectable upper middle-class ends. Officiating a gay wedding, owning a business, focusing on his drag career, and reconciling with his biological family also fit squarely within the show’s homonormative, neoliberal message. When Justin goes on a date in search of his “prince charming,” Alyssa Edwards narrates the scene. Once it’s clear there is no chemistry, she informs viewers that “Christian Mingle has been rebooted. I ain’t one of those tha…

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