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Are We Seeing the End of the ‘Good Arabs’ in Israel?

…ian Arab identity that was so central for many of them to create something new – the Israeli Arab…Through its loyalists, the state sought to indoctrinate Arab schoolchildren with the Zionist narrative…to promote obedience to the authorities, and to challenge non-Israeli national identities.” Cohen shows that while there were some real successes in that area, the project mostly failed, and the half century occupation of individuals, many of whom ar…

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Another Manufactured Outrage: Rep. Ilhan Omar Did Nothing Wrong in Listing Hamas, Israel, and U.S. Together

…ar greater. Think about the victims in Iraq. Think about crimes during the Vietnam War. Think about torture under the Bush administration. Think about complaints raised about American crimes in Afghanistan, including drone attacks, the specific subject of her question! It was none other than Martin Luther King Jr. who called America, “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” Of course, he was also called an anti-American domestic ene…

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Will the Taliban Actually Remain Somewhat Moderate This Time?

…evacuate the embassy via helicopters that landed on the roof as the North Vietnamese army tanks literally broke down the Embassy gates. The airport was out of commission since the North Vietnamese military had attacked it, and in fact the last American soldiers to lose their lives in the war were defending the airport. After that last helicopter flight not a single person was evacuated by the US military. The “boat people” who fled Vietnam did so…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…nding. Sixty years ago, having just authorized secret combat operations in Vietnam, President Kennedy prayed “in the name of those who have fought in this nation’s wars” that “there will be no veterans of any further war—not because all shall have perished but because all shall have learned to live together in peace.” That prayer has gone unanswered. Thirty years later, having months before led the nation into the Gulf Wars that set the stage for…

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Prominent Russian Orthodox Church Rejects Pro-Putin Patriarch Kirill, Raising Tensions Within Orthodox World

…oup of peace activists who burned selective service records to protest the Vietnam War. After his conversion, Forest would go on to help found the Orthodox Peace Fellowship, serving as its international secretary and the editor of its magazine In Communion. He was, in essence, the voice of the Orthodox Christian pacifist movement. Jim Forest died earlier this year, but it would appear his legacy, including his willingness to run afoul of the autho…

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For Black Buddhists Struggling with Intergenerational Trauma of Slavery, Segregation, and Incarceration, Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings are Vital

…ctices taught by Thay, which emerged from the context of being exiled from Vietnam during the war, are relevant—indeed vital—in a U.S. context. People of African descent still suffer the intergenerational trauma of slavery, Southern and Northern segregation, mass migration, persistent poverty, and mass incarceration in the present day. The particular suffering of Black people has fueled the desire for dharma teachers such as Berry to make Buddhism…

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The End of Roe May Have Something Important to Tell Us About the Decline of Mainline Protestant Churches

…ergy & Laity Concerned—the contemporary clergy-led movement to protest the Vietnam War, in which Mr. Moody was also very active—one usually hears the refrain, “But that was the Sixties!” Meaning, I guess, that there was something in the water that 1960s clergy were drinking. In this refrain one also usually hears how those outspoken radicals ruined the mainline Protestant churches, turning off the people in the pews and driving out the moderates a…

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‘He Gets Us’ and Sleazy ‘Swift Boat’ Ads Share a Central Figure — Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch

…ng PR veteran, such a big sad that he had to go whine about it in Religion News Service. And that’s where things get really funny, at least to me. But funny or not, things certainly get revealing. Bringing in other examples of recent conservative Christian infighting—over Chick-fil-A’s new cauliflower sandwiches (you can’t make this stuff up) and the Asbury revival specifically—Pinkston opined that just about anything Christians do “faces an immed…

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A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…on mean that we are all innocent. As Abraham Joshua Heschel said regarding Vietnam, “in a free society, some are guilty but all are responsible.” Responsibility isn’t guilt. But neither is it innocence. In the aftermath of the events of October 7, both Israeli and Palestinian societies were thrown into a new state of crisis. Israel was already in a state of internal crisis around questions of democracy, as the unprecedented protests have shown. An…

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Image of Mitt Romney at a podium looking down with blurred sign in background that reads "Conservatives"

Mitt Romney, the Public Face of Mormonism, Reckons with His Alienation From a Radicalized GOP and His Role in Enabling it

…ission for his church in France, where his victories came in the form of renewed faith rather than numerous converts. And he married his high school sweetheart, Ann Davies, whom he did succeed in converting to the faith. (When, as a senior in high school, he leaned in to kiss her one night, she asked, “what do Mormons believe?” They ended up staying up to talk religion.) Eventually Romney became a successful businessman and distinguished church le…

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