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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…do it in a hurry, however, before they lead the next Nazi takeover out of Germany.” What do we call that? Religion, or politics? Ends, or means? A metaphor for friendship, or a theology of power? Was the Colson/Hughes alliance—which resulted in the blueprint for faith-based initiatives and the partial privatization of welfare—an example of fundamentalism or of liberalism? Hughes, who retired from the Senate to work full time for The Family, is lo…

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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…as widened its presence, establishing bases in Turkey, Liberia, Indonesia, Germany, and Norway. Can you describe how Servant Group International operates? What is especially distinctive about SGI—and its partners—is its development of a military model of evangelism (‘spiritual warfare’), which includes covert action tactics (‘tentmaking’), intelligence gathering (‘spiritual mapping’). They have an ingrained animosity to Islam, and their Dominionis…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…e old Norse gods is not about theology or even ethics, but about style and promoting their subculture. In a similar sense, there are neo-Confederates and white nationalists who believe that “Christian-ness” is one aspect of their Western civilization—along with respect for tradition, authority, and whites-only citizenship rights. For this wing of the movement, best exemplified in my book by a now-deceased Washington Times columnist Sam Francis, op…

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Ten Commandments of the Antichrist: The Georgia Guidestones

…Fendley were accused of perpetuating a hoax, either out of amusement or to promote Fendley’s business. Both men took lie detector tests, which they passed. Sullivan suggests that the hoax rumor may have come from rival granite workers. According to Jim Miles (author of Weird Georgia), shortly after the Guidestones were unveiled, a local minister stated his suspicion that “Mr. Christian is not a Christian” and that the monument was designed for the…

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New Ex-Offender Program Puts Church Ahead Of State

…to reignite the culture wars in the name of religious liberty. In a video promoting the Declaration, Colson likened contemporary America to Nazi Germany, and “elites” and “intellectuals” to Hitler. For decades, PFM has placed its volunteers inside prison walls to minister directly to inmates. In addition to questions about the programs’ effectiveness, such partnerships with state institutions have drawn legal challenges. InnerChange, a PFM progra…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…visited a comparable level of death and destruction on Algeria as affected Germany in World War II. This fact could explain why so many Algerians were so eager to get out of Algeria, if Caldwell only bothered to share it. But in the service of communicating a deep cultural unease with rapid social change, Caldwell has attempted to provide a veneer of neutral correctness (he has, in effect, internalized the multiculturalism he professes to so detes…

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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…r immigration and naturalization reform (for example in the Netherlands or Germany) openly target Muslim migrants. It is a pity that Caldwell reinforces the misconceptions which so frequently confuse European discourse on this topic. While Muslims are part of an underclass of Europe, this is not caused by some factor unique to Islam but by specific conditions of labor migration and structural changes in the labor market over the last 25 years. The…

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Sacred Real Estate: What Makes Washington’s WWII Memorial So Dreadful?

…o World War II, and of the eventual victory of the Allies over the Axis of Germany and Japan. But for most Americans on December 7, 1941, none of those things were evident. I was thinking about my grandfather and his football game earlier this month, when I walked, for the first time, through the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington. Dedicated in 2004, the Memorial is a broad plaza of fountains, pillars, and sculpted wreaths. I…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…en times bigger in Kuala Lampur than it ever will be in the UK, France, or Germany. Or America. No, the reason for forming the Dead Bhuttos, and the rush to put a single online was to show, at least cosmetically, that Pakistan was as capable of putting out punk rock as Turkey, Malaysia, Japan, and Lebanon. The USA is good to sell obscure Malaysian and Japanese records in, but it’s not a good place to play this kind of music. We’d do much better in…

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Training God’s Rottweiler: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Must End

…hope in reviving the Church. Recent news of sexual abuse cases in Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands suggest that much like the scandal uncovered by the Globe reporters, the roots are deep, the crimes unimaginable, the secrecy and subversion of blame epidemic. The Pope’s brother even admitted to slapping children, though not molesting them. As Andrew Sullivan remarked in a recent blog post, “what’s staggering to me is the…

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