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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…occupy a blessed, privileged role in the divine scheme, though he has also promoted, in his sermons and literature, theological themes derived from classic Christian tropes identified by many writers, such as James Carroll in Constantine’s Sword, as forming the core of historical Christian anti-Semitism. Hagee adds some contemporary touches—such as his variation on a classical conspiracy theory alleging that “international financial power brokers…

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Arrest the Pope: New Atheist Effort to Seek Justice in Sexual Abuse Crisis Should Be Applauded

…despread sexual abuse throughout Europe—first in Ireland, then in Austria, Germany and other countries—is the third such round of endemic abuse and cover-up. The first was in the 1980s in the United States arising out of charges of abuse in Louisiana; clean-up was, of course, promised. Those charges were followed by the 2002 Boston Globe exposé; clean up was again promised, but the bishops and cardinals responsible are, in one way or another, stil…

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American Idol(atry): McCain-as-Jesus

…f those pesky little voices from unholy and sinful nations like France and Germany. We could find ourselves demanding that other nations follow our commandments and dictates because we know better than they about how they should live their lives. We could find ourselves believing—as George W. Bush blasphemously declared during his 2003 State of the Union Address—that the American people have replaced Jesus with their “power, wonder-working power.”…

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New Ex-Offender Program Puts Church Ahead Of State

…to reignite the culture wars in the name of religious liberty. In a video promoting the Declaration, Colson likened contemporary America to Nazi Germany, and “elites” and “intellectuals” to Hitler. For decades, PFM has placed its volunteers inside prison walls to minister directly to inmates. In addition to questions about the programs’ effectiveness, such partnerships with state institutions have drawn legal challenges. InnerChange, a PFM progra…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…Altis of Olympia in 1936, then carried overland by runners from Greece to Germany (the event in Leni Reifenstahl’s famous film, Olympia). Coubertin, for whom Berlin was to be the last Olympiad, loved the idea. It captured much of what he was after with his revival. But after the war that followed so tragically and so soon, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) needed to detach the flame from its historical origins if they wanted to maintain i…

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Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s

…ating the common good in society. Beck was moved by Greer’s rather moderate statement to respond, on his Premier Radio Networks show, thusly: This leads to death camps. A Jew, of all people, should know that. This is exactly the kind of talk that led to the death camps in Germany. Put humankind and the common good first. This is one of those statements—and Beck is one of those figures—that only comedy can confront. It doesn’t exist on the plane of…

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Red Riding Hood Arouses Man’s Inner (Were)Wolf

…nd Counter-Reformation. Or the fact that in 1589, Stubbe Peeter of Bedpur, Germany, confessed (under torture and threat of imminent execution) to being the serial rapist of his own sister and daughter, a child murderer, a cannibal, and a werewolf who had sold his soul in a sort of Satanic contract. This was widely reported in all the new-print European tabloids of the day. And then there’s the fact that the Brothers Grimm were not the original sou…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…campaign. The revival coincided with America’s declaration of war against Germany and Sunday, not one to miss an opportunity, turned up his anti-German rhetoric to extreme levels, even for him. It struck me as I was reading excerpts from Sunday’s sermons and articles in the New York Times that we know a great deal about Sunday’s thoughts and the thoughts of clergymen and editorial boards of denominational periodicals, but that little was written…

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‘Rome is Gay’

…Fifteen hundred years later still, when European travelers (from England, Germany and elsewhere) made Rome the main stop on their “Grand Tour,” a new problem emerged in this Christian imperial center, now dominated by the Vatican: what to do when many of them died, and died outside of the Catholic faith? There was quite literally nowhere to bury these unsettling, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox corpses. So a new, Acattolica (non-Catholic) cemeter…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…as a new thing under the sun. Eugenics programs in United States and later Germany were warm-up acts for the mass slaughters that were to come.   Hitler’s ideas, Dr. (David) Berlinski (another senior Discovery fellow) carefully notes, “came from many different sources but no honest account will omit Darwin.” A reading of Mein Kampf makes that clear. Certainly, Berlinski says, the men who formulated Nazi ideology “weren’t reading the Gospels.” Well…

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