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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…inance professionals. And then we have the region from the Sinai to Iran’s western border, including Israel and the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and possibly even largely non-Arab Turkey; this region may well be the Arab world’s Balkans, and its recent conflicts suggest the dark side of democratization: When peoples want sovereignty, they don’t look kindly on other peoples who might physically be in their way. Tellingly, thi…

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80 Million Anglicans Can’t Be Wrong—Or Can They?

…Communion—though less and less so in England, the United States, and other Western churches. A Rainbow Emerges from the Cloud of Whiteness In the West, Sentamu’s strident objections to women in the episcopate and LGBT persons pretty much anywhere in the Church as other but piteous sinners would be as profoundly alienating as it might be welcomed by Anglicans in more reliably conservative African, Asian, and Latin American churches. In this light,…

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Jesus, Muslims, Mormons. And Missouri.

…o vice-presidential candidate Ryan’s insistence on “those Judeo-Christian, Western-civilization values that made us such a great and exceptional nation in the first place.” I assume by this reference to Judeo-Christian, Ryan is distancing himself, and the “real America” he purports to represent, from the vaguely Muslim, nebulously multicultural, secretly socialist and metaphysically European America Obama represents (see Shalom Goldman’s essay for…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…Gibbon set the tone for the Enlightenment embrace of Islam: alienated from Western religion, it was a movement that looked to a foreign faith and saw its own reflection. And this version of Islam took its place in the Enlightenment’s common shorthand, in which the wise and rational “Musulman” (Muslim) stood beside the “noble savage” as a rebuke to the dominant culture. So it’s not surprising that, along with the sanctification of reason and equali…

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What Does the ‘Traditional Family’ Have To Do with Pussy Riot?

…y the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council eviscerated Russia’s traditional values resolution. Not only did it not recognize universal traditional rights, it went further “Negative impacts of traditional values arise not only in non-Western countries. The Special Rapporteur on violence against women warned against ‘Orientalising’ cultures and traditions, and noted that traditional and cultural values in Western countries propagate har…

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…ld be a mistake. As the Anglican Communion continues its growth in the non-Western world, I believe its nominal leader must reflect that change: it is time for an African Archbishop of Canterbury. But who? Take Thabo Makgoba, archbishop of Cape Town, who sits in the chair once occupied by Desmond Tutu. Makgoba trained as a psychologist and is young (by the standards of bishops), educated, and eloquent. He has been outspoken on the continued deteri…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…Caldwell’s Other Crisis Though Caldwell might say that his concern is with Western Europe, it isn’t an island and it can not wash its hands of Eastern Europe and what so recently happened there. In a letter to the Financial Times (where Caldwell is a columnist), Robert Hunter, U.S. Ambassador to NATO during the war, found Britain had “a huge burden of responsibility for what happened at Srebrenica.”  Or, as Richard Holbrooke described it, the war…

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Chris Caldwell Sees Muslim Bogeymen. Again.

…s the catalyst of evil, Muslims as the monsters of religious zealotry, and Western Europe as the victim of unwelcome, and too numerous, non-Christian immigrants. Caldwell’s outlook had already been defined by his most recent book, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West (Doubleday, 2009). In a review here on RD I noted that: It is cultural values, the immigrant challenge to them, and above all, the Islamic offense…

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Neither Radical Nor Secular: The West Struggles with the New Islamism

…by an Egyptian scholar Hasan al-Banna (1906-1948), the Muslim Brotherhood promoted an anti-colonial ideology meant to safeguard Egyptian society against British and French influence in the Middle East. Guided by the mantra “Islam is the solution,” the Muslim Brotherhood has had a long and tense relationship with Egyptian leadership. Since the revolution, however, influential members of the movement created the Freedom and Justice Party, currently…

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The Good Liberal Fear of a Yoga Planet

…is fair, and 2) What it says about the mainstream media’s approach to non-Western spirituality. Let’s dispatch with the first as quickly as possible. Fourteen paragraphs are devoted to Glenn Black, a yoga teacher and physical therapist who explains How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body, while zero paragraphs (not one!) are devoted to an opposing voice; someone, anyone from the yoga or medical communities who has a different point of view. Shockingly for a…

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