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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…pport for a ballot initiative banning same-sex marriage in California. The San Jose Mercury News reported that “SurveyUSA said the Proposition 8 campaign remains too close to call because of potential statistical error, the new poll is the first that shows the measure gaining strength since late September and potentially pulling ahead.” On October 3, Americans United for Separation of Church and State’s Sandhya Bathija reported on sitting in on co…

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Is Ken Starr ‘Pulling a Clinton’ on Jewish Studies Professor Marc Ellis?

…unworthy member of the Big 12, a conference that includes Oklahoma State, Texas A&M, and the University of Texas. But today, Baylor’s star is on the rise. In April, the Big 12 schools signed a television contract with Fox Sports worth over $1 billion. Over the summer, Starr met with architects and drew up plans for a new $250 million football stadium. At the moment Baylor is the only Big 12 school lacking its own on-campus facilities. In December…

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The Endurance Of Christian Reconstructionism

…y rather than a democracy. (Barton, who once served as the co-chair of the Texas Republican Party, advised the state’s Board of Education on the rewriting of its curriculum standards.) Right Wing Watch noted last week that Green’s candidacy is supported by Houston activist Steven Hotze, who believes Green would “vote against a liberal judiciary who will march lock step with Obama on the path to socialism.” Hotze is not an inconsequential player in…

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Pastor of Kentucky Church Severed From Baptists Over LGBT Inclusion: Not Activism, Just Honesty

…years. I came about the time that folks from Burma began arriving in large numbers and uniting in membership with Crescent Hill, and much of my time in those early years was spent trying to figure out how in the world we might be able to be a unified body that includes people who don’t speak English, who have a completely foreign background and cultural experience. It took a lot of hard work but we reached a place a number of years ago where, whil…

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Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong

…n euros for the card to be activated for three days and to get three paper tickets. Up to the manuscript room, where I handed the ID card and one ticket to the clerk. She gave me a key to a locker, where I had to leave all my belongings except one pencil (not a pen, with which I could deface a manuscript) and a notebook. Reentering the reading room, I had to display my pencil and notebook to the clerk to get back my ID card and the ultimate prize:…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…d they hope eventually more will show up, to the tune of thousands and thousands. Benita Pedersen, an organizer from Alberta, was interviewed by a sympathetic Christian YouTube channel about what they’re doing. Pedersen says she felt a “call on her heart” to do this. She’d been given a steer horn by a local farmer. She knew she had to bring it to Ottawa and that she had to do a Jericho March. She’s now using that steer horn as a shofar. She says t…

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The Trouble With Francis: Three Things That Worry Me

…stronger the papacy. The Roman Catholic Church has been around for two thousand years for a reason. They always win, or so it seems. My concern is that this spate of marvelous press renders it harder, not easier, to make a case for a horizontal model of church. If such a wonderful man is doing such a wonderful job in such a wonderful church, who am I to judge? Ask millions of former Catholics why they now constitute the second largest denomination…

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The Prophet Amos on Unemployment and Our Leadership

…can’t find any job; among younger males, especially African-Americans, the number is much higher—in many areas one in two workers is without work.   Yet Congress, with a Democratic majority, can’t get it together to extend unemployment benefits. Our solons just flew out of town for a weeklong holiday vacation. Republicans, joined by Democratic deficit hawks, insist that any extension be “deficit neutral” and come out of unspent stimulus money. But…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…alysis from Associated Press’s Jovana Gec: Serbia’s powerful President Aleksandar Vucic nominated the Western-educated Brnabic for the post two weeks ago amid opposition from hard-line nationalists. Gays have regularly faced harassment and attacks in Serbia. Vucic’s move was widely seen as an attempt to calm Western concerns that Serbia is getting too close to Russia, including having enhanced military cooperation and ties, despite its proclaimed…

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Huckabee Channels Rushdoony

…osophy of history, leaves no other way to understand it—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Huckabee seems to be selling tickets on the Titanic….

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