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Facebook Doesn’t Kill Churches, Churches Kill Churches

…onversation won’t be live or interactive. The pope’s responses will be broadcast on Italian state television, wending their way from there to YouTube and, we may presume, individual and institutional Facebook pages. It’s a start. But until churches and other religious groups, their leaders, and members feel comfortable interacting with one another around real questions of meaning and value—questions having little to do with doctrine and much to do…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…Ryder Cup team is chock full of born-again Christian golfers. In football, Denver Broncos rookie quarterback Tim Tebow has been labled a “hyper-Christian” by Rolling Stone. A feature in this month’s issue, written by Matt Taibbi, nicknames Tebow “Kid Jesus.”  A pair of Muslims from New York spent every night of Ramadan in a different mosque in a different state on what they called a “Ramadan Roadtrip.”  A group of vengeful Oklahoma City atheists,…

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Catholics Coming Around On Senate Health Care Bill

…, is now, along with the CHA, under fire from Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver for “undermining the witness of the Catholic community; and ensuring the failure of genuine, ethical health-care reform.” Of course the key thing to watch — regardless of whether reform passes — is how all this rhetoric about the Hyde amendment affects future legislative maneuvers relating to abortion. Pro-choice members and activists have been miffed for months that…

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A New Mormon Religion Has Taken QAnon Conspiracies and Canonized Them as Doctrine

…s of the dominant faith. One such example emerged in 2013 with a man named Denver Snuffer, leader of the Remnant movement. Snuffer became well-known in Mormon circles for his widely read publications that outlined the path for individuals to encounter Jesus Christ and have assurance of their salvation without the need for a religious institution. Ultimately, Snuffer claimed that God had “terminated the priesthood authority” of the LDS Church, lead…

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Virginia Mollenkott: Warrior in the Battle for Evangelical Acceptance of Gays (1932-2020)

…s book met widespread opposition among evangelicals. “We’ll never know the number of LGBTQ Christian lives saved by this groundbreaking book,” comments Christian Feminism Today on its website. An earlier book, Women, Men, and the Bible, attracted widespread attention in 1977, giving hope to women raised in conservative denominations that required women’s submission to men. Mollenkott spoke at two of the first conferences of evangelical feminists:…

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How a Catholic-Majority SCOTUS Fulfilled an Evangelical Dream

…ch and his family most recently attended a Protestant church in his native Denver. Not a conservative evangelical megachurch, but an Episcopalian one. That’s right. If we are to see Gorsuch as the Supreme Court’s last remaining Protestant, it’s worth noting that he belongs to a mainline, largely liberal denomination. For all their loyalty, white evangelical Protestants don’t get one of their own on the most prestigious bench. Evangelicals have alw…

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Paul Ryan: I Reject Ayn Rand, She’s an Atheist!

…ic Policy Center’s George Weigel calls, in a column for the Archdiocese of Denver, “Catholicism’s anti-statist social justice principle, subsidiarity.”  As Dan Maguire explains, subsidiarity “means that nothing should be done by a higher authority that can be done by active participation at lower levels. Right-wingers like Paul Ryan grab that one word, ‘subsidiarity,’ and claim it supports their maniacal hatred of government. It doesn’t.” Ryan’s t…

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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…“Talking Points Memo”: All over the country, Christmas is taking flak. In Denver this past weekend, no religious floats were permitted in the holiday parade there. In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg unveiled the holiday tree and no Christian Christmas symbols were allowed in the public schools. Federated Department Stores, [that’s] Macy’s, have done away with the Christmas greeting, “Merry Christmas.” O’Reilly charged it was a secular plot to “des…

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Jennifer Knapp and Me: Coming Out While Evangelical

…ch for fully supporting LGBTQ people, but found a like-minded community in Denver. Derek Webb invited Knapp to go on tour together so she could acclimate to the scene once again. In 2011, Knapp founded Inside Out Faith, an advocacy organization that seeks to educate and equip religious leaders to advocate on behalf of LGBTQ people. Her faith taught her love, Knapp maintains, so how could loving another person ever be wrong? It was too late for me,…

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Pence’s Prayer Breakfast Appearance Underscores Fractured American Catholicism

…es, headlined the event from 2005 until 2008, including an appearance with Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput in 2004. The first post-Bush breakfast in 2009 featured the conservative Catholic dream team of Justice Antonin Scalia and Cardinal Raymond Burke. In 2012, when the Catholic bishops were enmeshed in a make-or-break effort to cripple the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act and link it to a larger “religious liberty” effort, Knigh…

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