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Corporation as ‘Citizen’ is the Next Anti-Black, Anti-Democratic Model that Needs to be Torn Down

…ns, we name buildings in their honor, and we give them the lion’s share of seats on philanthropic boards. Financiers especially dominate the boards of elite colleges, with two-thirds of the officer spots (i.e., chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer) at the nation’s top thirty private colleges going to these sharks. Ever wonder why super-elite institutions enroll more students from the top 1% than the bottom 60%? Just look at their boards. It…

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Religious Resistance to Bolivian Gender Law; US Religious Right Celebrates Court OK For Romanian Marriage Initiative; Will LGBTs Be Banned from Indonesian TV?; Global LGBT Recap

…tatives to oppose equal marriage… [Chief Minister Allan] Bell was one of a number of politicians who faced insults in the House of Keys, the directly elected lower branch of Tynwald, the parliament of the Isle of Man, when arguing for decriminalisation of homosexuality. In one particularly fraught session a politician said that to legalise gay sex would “lead to a charter for wimps and perverts to further infect society”. And a bit of procedural a…

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To Let It Go and So To Find A Way: U2, (A)Live with Grief and Grace

…h authenticity. U2’s two-hour performances in venues no larger than 20,000 seats manage to feel at once intimate and expansive. The audience is invited into U2’s deeply personal, spiritual history—growing up amidst sectarian violence in 1970s Ireland where religion was as divisive as dynamite, the loss they suffered as a people and as children, the fear and longing, confusion and defiance that such a milieu fostered. The band literally climbs into…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…e legislation will remain prohibited as long as the D.U.P., which holds 38 seats in the Assembly, opposes it. Critics accused the party of abusing powers that were granted as part of the peace process in Northern Ireland. Petitions of concern were introduced to encourage power-sharing and cross-community support between Unionists and Nationalists, and allow a group of 30 MLAs to ‘veto’ legislation if it is deemed to harm one community. However, as…

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Clinton vs. Sanders isn’t About Policy, it’s About Power

…to the Greeks and to the canny authors of the Bible, who can be read in a number of ways. One is to look at the plain words on the page (an approach that emerged from Protestantism’s mandate that the text be read by each person for herself), while another is not to read it as a surface text—as a set of instructions to carry out—but as a “problem set” to work ethics through. Readers who take this latter line find quite a bit on the power-purity pr…

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‘Empty the Pews’ Chronicles the ‘Nurtured Insanity’ of a Fundamentalist Upbringing

…am. Throughout my early childhood, we Schaeffers were busy littering train seats, café tables, and assorted telephone booths all over Europe with luridly illustrated little pamphlets “in the local language, in case someone is led to read it,” as Dad said. They had titles such as “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” and “Is There a Heaven and Hell?” and “Where Will I Spend Eternity?” Sometimes, as our train roared through Italian or Swiss towns, Dad would…

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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

…n—they of the hulking auditoriums and jumbo screens—are noticing the empty seats, once the clouds from their smoke machines disperse. I’ve served my present congregation for 25 years. Just the other day, while soothing my tired muscles in the hot tub at the gym, I started talking to a woman who turned out to be a former parishioner. I didn’t recognize her, although I’d baptized her infant son, now in his twenties. She didn’t recognize my graybeard…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…and TV, a few Fordham students quietly enter the room. As they take their seats at the wooden tables Father Shea finally wins in his struggle with technology; dozens of thumbnailed videos pop up on the TV. The students spend most of the next hour watching video clips on topics like baptism and the Eucharist. Between clips Father Shea might say a few words, but nobody responds. This is a Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) meeting—part o…

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Compare the Midterms to Presidential Elections and an Interesting Story Emerges

…t for Republicans declined somewhat between 2014 and 2018, in terms of raw numbers, many more evangelicals voted this year. That might explain why Republicans were able to hold on to seats in the South and eke out narrow victories in Florida. Likewise, about 70 percent of Jews voted Democratic in 2016, but 79 percent did so this year. Once again, that’s on a par with previous midterm elections, which indicates that some Jews may have flirted with…

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Atheists Take Heart (and Office): New Poll Shows Major Support for Nonreligious Candidates

…nonreligious candidate given the same conditions. Among Republicans, that number barely dropped to 68 percent, while 69 percent of independents shared that view. Religiously unaffiliated Americans make up almost a quarter of the population. For electoral representation of the nonreligious community to match that proportion would require another 1,500 seats in state and federal legislative bodies. We have a lot of work ahead of us—but humanist can…

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